Village of Makanda
P. O. BOX 99
Makanda, Illinois 62958
January 8, 2013
Board Minutes
December 11, 2012


CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7pm by President, T. Shingleton.

ROLLCALL:Present:Allen, Baker, Grammer, Hilliard. Absent:Ross,and Wolff.

Guest: K. Fiorino, C. Paprocki, Cody Delaney.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Grammer, seconded by Hilliard,that the minutes of the regular meeting be approved as received. Voice vote: Allmembers present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

CITIZENS’ HEARING: SAFE representatives,K. Fiorino and C. Paprocki spoke to the Board

about the hazards of fracking especially horizontal fracking. They are requesting that the Board support a moratorium and/or banning the activity by writing or calling the governor, Speaker of the House, M. Madigan and other state representatives.Some members would like to do more research on the subject before making any commitment. Others want to support it individually. Mr. Paprocki recommended that the board support it as a body. In this way there will be more weight to the decision.


President: J. Bilderback offered his services for road work (mainly snow removal and backhoe work) if and when needed. Recommended that the Board consider Jim Bilderback as part of the Street and Road Team on as need basis. Mr. Bilderback has experience in handling large mowing and snow removal machines. Motion by Allen, seconded by Baker, that the Board approve the President’s recommendation to hire Mr. Bilderback to help with road work on a part time/as need basis mainly for snow removal and backhoe operation. Roll call vote: Allen-yes, Baker-yes, Grammer-yes, Hilliard-yes, Shingleton, T.-yes. Motion carried. She asked the Board to start thinking about filling the Street Supervisor position. Received correspondence/questionnaire from Jackson County inquiring whether the Village has a site for clean woody debris (temporary debris storage) location. The Village doesn’t have one now.Another mailing received from JC Health RE: spraying pesticide. Received form from Census Bureau to update Village population mapand boundaries and special census material. Will complete form and return to Bureau.L. Hawk recently cleaned both Village buildings. Still working on getting Paul Simon landmark sign erected. Will contact State on procedures for putting up signs on State right-of-way. Met with Nick Hill Re: getting municipalities togetherto go under an umbrella to save money on electricity called select energy bill. If interested, the Board need to pass a resolution by end of January in order to put referendum on ballot. At present several municipalities have joined the opt-out aggregation plan. If Board is interested, Mr. Hill can attend and answer questions. Still checking on filing cabinet. Need someone with a truck to transport them.

Clerk: Ask the Board to accept the presented omnibus vote/consent agenda on the two ordinances to be presented under Ordinances and Resolution Ordinance #2012-04, “An Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Corporate Purposed for the Village of Makanda for the Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 2014 and Ending April 30, 2015” and Ordinance #2012-05, “ An Ordinance Amending Ordinance #2012-02. An Ordinance Regulating Festivals… Motion by Baker, seconded by Allen, that the Board accept the Omnibus/Consent agenda presented. Roll call Vote: Allen-yes.-yes, Grammer-yes, Hilliard-yes. Absent: Ross and Wolff. Motion carried.Passed out election materials for those offices that will be up for election. January meeting date need to be set up for meeting calendar. After Board discussion, the January board meeting was changed from January 1, 2013 and rescheduled for January 8, 2013.

Trustees:Allen-drove backhoe and mentioned that machine is touchy and lots of controls and needs an experience operator for safety of operator and machine. Schedule set up for snow removal and cindering as to workers and time for each pair of workers. Current volunteer and paid workers: Allen, Baker, Tom and Zach Rosenthal, Bilderback, J. Rowan.He decided not to run again for Trustee. He has served with several mayors and several positions and would like to give someone else a chance to run. Cinder building is pushed out & boards bowed out. Board need to plan on getting a retaining wall built, possibly bid the job and appropriate for the job at the next finance meeting.

Baker-got map set up and marked with roads that the Village maintains as well as those under private maintenance. This map will be put in snow equipment, shop, and some workers. Zack will watch weather and make the decisions on when to plow and cinder. Also mentioned that Bruce will be missed and his service to the Village all through the years he was Road Supervisor was appreciated. Mentioned that Z. Rosenthal will flush radiator on truck. A resident (Mr. Hand) on E. McGuire Rd. asked him if he can put a gate or sign up on the road for safety of his small children. He can put private property/ drive sign on his property but not on Village road. Another option is for the residents on that road to agree to take over the road maintenance. Procedure for residents taking over maintenance of a road requires the signed consent of all residents using the road. Putting up signs on Village ROW need Village permission and if on State ROW, one needs State permission. Baker will relay this information to Mr. Hand.The area by the bridge used to have reflective signs. The signs need to be put up again.

Hilliard-wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Reported that he had keys made for Maintenance building and Village Hall. Street lights that need fixing have been tagged and he will check on Heern St. light. Finance committee meeting will be held on February 9th. Grammer- need some cold patch and #6 gravel north of mailboxes on Poplar Camp Rd. Strip 2 to 3 inches deep on the east side need repaired. A scoop of gravel and backhoe will take care of it.

FISCAL MATTERS:Treasurer, T. Rosenthal presented treasurer’s report. Motion by Allen, seconded by Hilliard, that the Treasurer’s report be approved. Voice vote: All members present voted yes. Motion carried. MF audit completed and was favorable.

Bills Payable: Motion by Hilliard, seconded by Grammer, that the bills be paid with corrections. Roll call vote: Allen-yes, Baker-yes, Grammer-yes, Hilliard-yesRoss-absent, Wolff-absent. Motion carried.


Finance Committee

Ordinance Committee:

Street & Roads: Hilliard mentioned that roads need to be inspected more frequently. Jesse has been driving the roads often and need to be continued.


Emergency disaster Committee (EMA):Mayor still working on letter.

Special Events: Amended Special Events Ordinance will be provided to sponsors.

ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION:Motion by Hilliard, seconded by Baker, that Ordinance# 2012-04, “An Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Corporate Purposes for the Village of Makanda For the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2014 and Ending April 30, 2015” and an “Ordinance amending Ordinance # 2012-02: Ordinance #2012-05,“An Ordinance Regulating Festivals…”be adopted.

Vote : Omnibus vote.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Osthoff , resident on Church St. complained via letter of a conflict between him and our street worker. He was informed that he need to attend a Board meeting and present the situation. Otherwise, if it is a feud between neighbors, the Village cannot resolve and will not try to interfere with the conflict.

GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2013Consolidated election, April 9, 2013; Petitions can be circulated until January 18, 2013; Filing period-January 18-24 2013; January 22, 2013, is the last day for local governing boards to adopt a resolution or ordinance to allow a binding public question to appear on the ballot for the consolidated election and for municipalities to authorize the placement of advisory referenda on the ballot by resolution for the consolidated election.


ADJOURNMENT:Motion by Baker, seconded by Allen, that the meeting be adjourned. All members present voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 9pm.
C. Cottingham, Village Clerk Tina Shingleton, President