June 14, 2016

After the Pledge of Allegiance, Dave Jaeckelscalled the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Present were Dave, Jim Larson,Jason Harrison,Steve Green,Carrie Krahn, Tom Horner andKayla Simanovski. Also present was Rodney Schroeter of the Plymouth Review. Jerry Hendrickson has been excused.

Kaylaread the minutes of May 10thmeeting;Jimmotioned to approveminutes with corrections, Steve seconded, passedunanimously. Jason motions to approve committee minutes (Board of Review 5/26, Streets 5/24, Relief & Health 5/24, License 6/8) with corrections Tom seconded, passed unanimously.

Dave reviewed the May bills, Jim motioned to approve all bills, Carrieseconded, passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Kayla reports that May balanced at $106,781.85. More information available upon request. Carrie motioned to approve treasurers report, Jasonseconded, passed unanimously.

Citizen Comments–

Josh Harrison/Trail in New Park- Troop 880, would like to make a nature trail in Cascade Memorial park, and host a haunted trail walk during poultry raffle this fall. The trail would be near second parking lot and loop around in the woods. Would need wood chips to chip trail. Dave commends Josh for his idea and effort.

Dave Jaeckelsattended Heads of local government meeting discussed county sales tax ½ percent raise. This money will be going towards roads. He strongly supports this increase since some roads may not look like it needs attention but may have deeper issues. Cascade will receive a small portion of this increase tax to be put towards village roads.

License – Carrie motioned to approve Marshalls Gas N Goods for a Class A Retail License,Tom seconded, passed unanimously.

Carrie motioned to approve Arbuckle Floral for a Class A Retail License, Tom seconded, passed unanimously.

Carrie motioned to approve Sipp’s Bar-n-Grill for a Class B Retail License, Tom seconded, passed unanimously.

Carrie motioned to approve The Lanes in Cascade for a Class B Retail License, Tom seconded, passed unanimously.

Carrie motioned to approve Cascade Lions Club for a Class B Retail License, Tom seconded, passed unanimously.

Carrie motioned to approve all operators’ licenses for Class A, Class B and non-profit organizations pending background checks and current responsible beverage certification, Tom seconded and carried unanimously.

Carrie motions to approve the Cascade Fire Department Temporary Class B for the Fireman’s Picnic August 5-7, 2016, Tom seconded passed unanimously.

Building Permits – Jim had 6permit to review.

Police- Jim reviewed Police Chief Cory’s report.

Old Business–

Water Rate Increase:The process has been completed. Residents will be billed using new rates for the next meter readings.

New Business-

Discussion/Decision eCMAR Resolution #1: This report shows the rating of the Wastewater treatment plant using grading on different aspects. We graded an “A”. Dave motions to approve Resolution #1 of 2016, Jim seconded, passed unanimously.

Relief & Health Meeting Update: Cory will be receiving two addresses that need attention. Committee noticed that many homes do not have house numbers visible or are not easy to find. This is an important thing to have in case of emergency situation. This will be placed on the next newsletter.

Complaint that property has horses. The committee has been researching ordinances on horses. The board will all research this matter and come back next month.

Streets Committee Meeting Update: 5 Year Plan was updated. Maintenance items were also addressed.

Wind Generator Committee Meeting Update: Will be held once information from WE Energies is available.

Items for next month’s agenda

Guard Rail Lake St. (streets meeting will be held)


Tommotioned to adjourn at 8:14pm, Jasonseconded, motion carried unanimously.

Submitted by Kayla Simanovski