Draft Revision 6/16/2017
- All comments shall be limited to 3 minutes, whether as comments on subjects not listed on the agenda, or comments on a particular agenda item.
- Persons should be aware this time is an opportunity to bring issues and suggestions to the Board regarding the operation of OVI for future consideration.
- Audience members will be urged to support previous audience comments with which they agree by indicating such agreement, and not repeat the same comment.
- Audience members may not give time to someone else.
- Audience members shall address comments to the chair and not to individual Board members, or audience members.
- Audience members may not engage in debate with, or questioning of, other audience members
- Audience members will be respectful of othersand civil to,audience members and Board members and shall not personalize comments, or provide derogatory statements about other audience members, or Board members; an audience member doing so shall be ruled out of order and be required to yield the floor.
- Audience members are requested to sign-in and indicate whether they wish to speak on a specific agenda item, or make a comment on a subject not listed on the agenda. A sign-in sheet will be provided for audience members wishing to speak on a specific agenda item. Another sign-in sheet will be provided for audience members wishing to speak on items not listed on the agenda – audience members will be asked to identify the subject of the non-agenda item.
- Board members shall be attentive to the audience and each other and refrain from conversing with other Board members during audience comments or Board comments.
- The chair shall acknowledge all audience comments and requests of the recording clerk that the audience member’s comment/question be recorded.
- Board members shall direct questions through the chair and not to individual audience members.
- Board members will be respectful of, and civil to, audience members and Board members and shall not personalize comments, or provide derogatory statements about other audience members, or Board members; a Board member doing so shall be ruled out of order and be required to yield the floor.
- A Board member, other than the President, shall be requested to be the time keeper for audience member comments.
- The chair shall request of the recording clerk that the recording clerk repeat any motion before the Board takes action on a motion.