January 15, 2003

6:00 PM at Midwest Resorts

Board of Directors Present: Dick Beyer, Betsy Neff, Erv Lentz, Tom Kraus, Ron Zappa, Mike Waddick, and Kristie Lacey-Hause. Ad Hoc Committee Members Present: Mike Peplinski, Diane Peplinski, and John Eggers.Resort General Manager, Tom Baltz was in attendance.

Call to Order
Minutes of December 7, 2002
Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes of December 7, 2002
Annual Owner’s Meeting / President Dick Beyer called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.
The minutes were reviewed.
The minutes were reviewed. / M/S/P Minutes were approved.
Minutes will be read and pre-approved at next Board meeting for final approval at the next Annual Meeting.
Election of Officers for 2003
Committee Assignments
Selection of Meeting Dates for 2003 / President Dick Beyer assigned all Committee Chairs
Volunteers for Committee positions were assigned.
President Dick Beyer will be a member of all committees and will attend all committee meetings.
There was a discussion regarding communicating the Board Election earlier to encourage nominations and to use the same method of solicitation as used in the 2002 selection process. Assigned Nominating Committee.
Recommended that the Policy Committee review the requirements for the Annual Meeting and to bring suggestions to the Board to allow more latitude in scheduling the Annual Meeting. / M/S/P The following Officers were elected immediately following the December 7,2002 Annual Meeting: President – Dick Beyer
Vice President – Erv Lentz
Secretary – Betsy Neff
Treasurer – Tom Kraus
Committee Chairs were assigned as follows:
Communications: Betsy Neff
House & Grounds: Mike Peplinski
Finance: Tom Kraus
Policy: Erv Lentz
Committee Members:
Communications: Betsy Neff, Diane Peplinski, Ron Zappa
House & Grounds: Mike Peplinski, Diane Peplinski, John Eggers, Ron Zappa
Finance: Tom Kraus, Debra Lind, Kristie Lacey-Hause
Policy: Erv Lentz, DeAnn Grimmius, Ron Zappa
President’s Oversight Committee:
Dick Beyer, John Eggers, Mike Waddick
Nominating Committee – 2003:
Tom Kraus (Chairperson), Dick Beyer, Erv Lentz, Betsy Neff
2003 Board Meeting Dates are as follows:
  • April 23, 6:00 p.m. at Midwest Resorts Offices
  • July 26, 10:00 a.m. at Izatys(with Owner’s Cookout following meeting)
  • October 22, 6:00 p.m. at Midwest Resorts Corp. Offices(Budget Approval Meeting)
  • December 7, 10:00 a.m. Board Meeting, 1:00 p.m. Owners Meeting at Izatys Golf and Yacht Club

Resort Manager Report
Tom Baltz / Tom discussed maintenance weeks scheduling, new carpet cleaning techniques, Resort Managers weekly spot inspections. Tom also discussed the Resorts of Excellence program and how it pertained to the schedule of renovations for 2003.
Mike Peplinski requested a copy of what is expected of the House/Grounds Committee.
Tom provided an update on the closing of the indoor pool at Izatys Golf and Yacht, as well as, the liquidation of damaged merchandise caused by the flooding of the Clubhouse. We have been told that the pool will reopen 2/1/03. / Ron Zappa will provide Mike with a copy of the Policies and Procedures which details all Association Committee’s functions.
John Eggers suggested that owners who were inconvenienced by the pool closure be recognized by the resort with some type of compensation. Tom Baltz will research.
Developers Update
Mike Waddick
Old Business / C-15 and C-16 are nearing completion and are expected to be done by 3/15. C-17 and C-18 have already been started and should be ready for occupancy by Memorial Day.
Mike indicated that after the completion of Cottage Colony West, Village Development intends to move to development of Cottage Colony East.
Ron Zappa informed everyone that the web site for the Village at Izatys was completed and up and running. Tom Baltz gave the Board a demonstration of the web site and issued passwords to the Board Members.
Betsy Neff complimented the management company on the web site and stated that we now need to make use of it through communications between the Board, the owners and the management company.
New Business / None.
Adjournment / Meeting adjourned at 7:50 / M/S/P

Next meeting is 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at the corporate offices of Midwest Resorts.

Submitted by Ron Zappa