


Pottawatomie County, Kansas



Mike Handley, Board President, called the June 9th regular meeting to order at 7:00PM in the district office.


Board Members Present:

Nueva Bean-Smith Mark Kopp

Mike Handley Randy Kufahl

Dennis Hermreck Darlene Niehues

Paul Zidek

Others Present: Superintendent Dr. Fred Marten, Clerk Janell Schmidt, Principal Linda Roggenkamp, Adam McDaniel, Darrin Reith, Anne Suther, Jeff Hutfles, Mike Wilhelm, Judy Glessner


Kufahl motioned to add NB1a Recognition of OHS Diploma, NB4a Supplemental Resignation and NB4b Summer Technology Assistance and to approve the agenda as amended. Hermreck seconded. Motion carried 7-0.


1.  Superintendent/Onaga High Principal Report; Dr. Fred Marten

§  Dr. Marten welcomed incoming Superintendent Adam McDaniel. This is Dr. Marten’s official last board meeting.

§  North Gym Floor – Dr. Marten has contacted two companies to get quotes on floor refinishing. Neither is available this summer. One company would be available when we are done with VB. Proposed cost is $15,000 without the center graphic. Dennis noted that the center graphic being provided by the memorial will depend on the cost. Paul indicated that the gym floor repair appears to be more cosmetic and that he prefers to see the track repaired. It was the consensus of the board to proceed with refinishing the north gym floor.

§  SY15 Senior Citizen Christmas Dinner – It was the consensus of the board to host the Senior Citizen Christmas Dinner again.

§  Budget Workshop – Clerk Schmidt and Superintendent McDaniel are registered to attend the KSDE budget workshop on 6/26/14.

2.  Onaga Elementary School Principal’s Report; Linda Roggenkamp

§  Written Report

3.  Technology Report; Darrin Reith

§  Written Report

§  Seven SmartBoards have been received and will be installed at the elementary school.

4.  Board Reports

§  Mike Handley asked for copies of the 13-14 board adopted goals for review. No discussion was held.

§  Mike Handley asked Dr. Marten about the brake for the new driver education van. Dr. Marten said he is researching where to buy an aftermarket brake kit. Before he leaves he will purchase a brake kit and see if Ag & Auto can install it. The summer driver education program has been using the Taurus car.

§  Randy Kufahl reports that the commons area has ceiling tiles that need replaced.

5.  Insurance Policy Renewal

§  Jeff Hutfles of SBS Insurance reviewed the 14-15 insurance policies and premiums with the Board. The Workers Compensation policy is recommended to be changed from EMC ($11,000 increase) to Accident Fund ($3,000 increase).

6.  Reading Recovery 2013-2014 School Year; Written Report by Lisa Trostle

7.  Site Council Minutes 3/27/14


Niehues moved to approve the bills and May 2014 Treasurer’s Report as presented. Kopp seconded. Motion carried 7-0.


§  None


§  None


1.  Negotiations; Executive Session

Kufahl moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss negotiations and to protect the district’s right to the confidentiality of its negotiation position and the public interest. Hermreck seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session with Dr. Marten from 7:35-7:45PM.

Handley moved to return to executive session for an additional 10 minutes to continue discussing negotiations. Kufahl seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session with Dr. Marten from 7:45-7:55PM.

Handley moved to return to executive session for an additional 5 minutes to continue discussing negotiations. Kufahl seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session with Dr. Marten from 7:55-8PM.

Handley moved to return to executive session for an additional 5 minutes to continue discussing negotiations. Kufahl seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session with Dr. Marten from 8-8:05PM.

Handley moved to return to executive session for an additional 5 minutes to continue discussing negotiations. Kufahl seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session with Dr. Marten from 8:05-8:10PM. No action taken.

2.  2014-2015 School Calendar Revision

Niehues moved to change May 8, 2015 to a non-school day and to make May 1, 2015 a school day. This change coincides with the Onaga invitational track meet on May 8th. Kopp seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

3.  Bus Bid/Purchase

Zidek moved to approve the purchase of a 53 psg. bus through the Kansas Bus Purchasing Program for $76,162. Kufahl seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

4.  Roof Repair Bids

Zidek moved to approve Midwest Coating Inc. bid of $60,772.57 for repair to four sections of roof. Kopp seconded. Motion carried 7-0.


1.  Approve Minutes

Niehues moved to approve the minutes of the May 12th regular meeting as presented. Bean-Smith seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

1a. Recognition of OHS Diploma

Kufahl moved to formally recognize Nathan Christopher Bell for his educational accomplishment in earning an Onaga High School Diploma. Hermreck seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

2.  Fiscal Year 2013-2014 (FY14) Close Out Authorization

Bean-Smith moved to authorize Superintendent Fred Marten and/or Clerk Janell Schmidt to make transfers and pay bills as needed to close FY14. Hermreck seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

3.  Personnel Executive Session

Kufahl moved to enter executive session for 10 minutes to discuss nonelected personnel matters to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed. Kopp seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session with Dr. Marten and Linda Roggenkamp from 8:25-8:35PM.

Handley moved to return to executive session for an additional 10 minutes to continue discussing nonelected personnel matters. Kufahl seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session with Dr. Marten and Linda Roggenkamp from 8:35-8:45PM.

Handley moved to return to executive session for an additional 10 minutes to continue discussing nonelected personnel matters. Kufahl seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session with Dr. Marten from 8:45-8:55PM. No action was taken.

4.  Personnel; Classified Resignation

Zidek moved to accept Mary Kay Marten’s resignation as part-time cook and to thank her for her service. Hermreck seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

4a. Personnel; Supplemental Resignation

Zidek moved to accept Angela Wilhelm’s resignation as OGS assistant volleyball coach. Hermreck seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

4b. Personnel; Summer Technology Assistance

It was the consensus of the Board for Dr. Marten to hire any extra technology help that may be needed during the summer.

5.  Personnel; Part-Time Cook Position


6.  Personnel; Elementary Teacher Position

Zidek moved to hire an additional first grade teacher with review of the position after one year. Bean-Smith seconded. Motion carried 6-1 (Kufahl).

7.  Personnel; High School Science

No Action

8.  Personnel; Supplemental Assignments 2014-2015

Zidek moved to approve the 2014-2015 supplemental contracts as presented by administration. Niehues seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

OHS Head FB Coach Michael Wilhelm

OHS Asst. FB Coach Tim Kite

OHS Asst. FB Coach Skyler Suther

OHS Head VB Coach Anna Suther

OHS Asst. VB Coach Shari Marten

OHS Head Cross Country Coaches Jeff & Sally Miller

OHS Head Boys BB Coach Luke Baxter

OHS Asst. Boys BB Coach Skyler Suther

OHS Head Girls BB Coach Michael Wilhelm

OHS Asst. Girls BB Coach Rick Glessner

OHS Head WR Coach Tim Kite

OHS Asst. WR Coach Cody Merriman

OHS Head TR Coach David Schmidt

OHS Asst. TR Coach Judy Glessner

OHS Head Golf Coach Blake Behrens

OHS FB Cheerleading Angela Wilhelm

OHS BB Cheerleading Abbie Nider

OHS Chess Sponsor Timothy McVey

OHS Student Council Sponsor Mary Haug

OHS Forensics Coach Cathy Marten

OHS Scholars’ Bowl Coach Blake Behrens

OHS KAYS Sponsor Marcia Labbe

OGS Head FB Coach Luke Baxter

OGS Asst. FB Coach Blake Behrens

OGS Head VB Coach Anne Suther

OGS Head Girls BB Coach Anne Suther

OGS Asst. Girls BB Coach Ann Kocher

OGS Head TR Coach Anne Suther

OGS Asst. TR Coach Angela Wilhelm

OGS Athletic Director Anne Suther

9.  Personnel; Classified Employment-At-Will 2014-2015

Kufahl moved to approve the 2014-2015 classified staff as presented by administration. Zidek seconded. Motion carried 6-0-1(Hermreck Abstained).

Marsha Bergman USD Paraeducator, Library

Donna Chamley USD Custodian

Janie Cottrell USD Paraeducator

Roy Duer USD Bus Driver

Gayla Figge OHS 10.5 Office Manager

Dianna Helget USD Cook / Custodian

Ann Hermreck USD Payroll Secretary / Board Treasurer

Harold Jeanneret USD .5 Bus Driver (PM Route)

H. D. Jeanneret USD .5 Bus Driver (AM Route)

Tonya Kelly USD Custodian / KIDS Paraeducator

Dale Kolterman USD Bus Driver

Glenda Lasswell OGS Paraeducator

Max Loughmiller USD Bus Driver

Shari Marten USD Cook

Haley McVey OGS Paraeducator

Jeff Miller USD Bus Driver

Sally Miller USD Head Cook (8.0 hours)

Carol Minihan OGS 10.5 Office Manager

Don Most USD Bus Driver

Becky Nider OGS Paraeducator

Donald Pinick USD Custodian

Darrin Reith USD Technology Coordinator

Greg Schmelzle USD Maintenance Worker

Janell Schmidt USD Board Clerk / Business Manager

Leanna Walters OGS Paraeducator, Title I Program

Danny Wrosch USD Bus Driver

10.  Student Handbook Adoptions 2014-2015

Linda Roggenkamp reviewed the OGS student handbook changes. The OHS handbook will have a change in cell phone usage only. Kufahl moved to approve the 2014-2015 OGS and OHS Student Handbooks as presented by administration. Hermreck seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

11.  Capital Outlay Levy

The 2014 Legislature passed legislation authorizing changes to the Capital Outlay fund allowing a continuous and permanent annual levy not to exceed eight mills and expanding the list of allowed expenditures. Niehues moved to adopt a resolution to levy tax for the capital outlay fund per K.S.A. 72-8801. Hermreck seconded. Motion carried 6-1(Zidek).

12.  Gift Donation; Memorials

Kufahl moved to accept the donation of J Flowers’ memorials for OHS Athletics to be deposited into the Gifts and Grants Fund and to thank the family for their donation. Bean-Smith seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

13.  Gift Donation; HS Football Equipment

Item Tabled (per request of Craig Boswell & the Onaga Football Alumni Organization).


There being no further business, President Handley adjourned the meeting at 9:35PM.

Board President

Date Approved Clerk of the Board

June 9, 2014 Page 3 Board of Education Minutes