Viewing a PlanogramSpace Planning TrainingPage 1 of 5
Module 7
The Zooming toolbar, shown above, is made up of 7 buttons that allow you to zoom the views in and out of a planogram. The functions of these buttons are described below:
/ ZOOM ALL - Zooms out to display the entire planogram
/ ZOOM IN - Zooms in from the current level
/ ZOOM OUT - Zooms out from the current level
/ ZOOM IN 10% - Zooms in 10% from the current level
/ ZOOM OUT 10% - Zooms out 10% from the current level
/ ZOOM TO SELECTION - Zooms in on the selected object
/ ZOOM TO AREA - Allows you to drag a selection area on which to zoom
The Windows Toolbar
A portion of the Windows toolbar, shown above, allows you to view a planogram from several different angles. The functions of these buttons are described below:
/ New Front View - Opens a new front view of the current planogram if a front view is not already open.
/ New Side View - Opens a new side view of the current planogram if a side view is not already open.
/ New Top View - Opens a new top view of the current planogram if a top view is not already open.
/ New 3D View - Opens a new 3d view of the current planogram if a 3D view is not already open.
/ New Split View -Opens a new split view of the current planogram if a split view is not already open.
The Display Toolbar
The Display toolbar, shown above, is made up of 6 buttons that allow you to view the positions and products on the planogram in a variety of ways (note that all of these button are toggle buttons). The functions of these buttons are described below:
/ Display Individual Facings - Displays individual facings for the position rather than displaying individual facings as a block.
/ Display Highlighting - Displays the most recent highlighting options to the positions on the planogram.
/ Display Labels - Displays position and fixture labels to the planogram.
/ Display Images - Displays images for the products on the planogram, if any exist.
/ Display Shapes - Displays shapes for the products on the planogram, if any exist.
/ Display Shading Patterns - Displays shading patterns for the positions on the planogram, if any exist.
Labeling is the term used to refer to the application of text to the positions and/or fixtures (both on the screen and at print time). Positions and fixtures may be labeled with UPCs, Ids, Names, and other data field specific information.
More than one label format may be created and saved for later use. Once a labeling format is created and chosen, the Label button uses that format until another is chosen.
The FormulaBuilding Dialog Box
The FormulaBuilding dialog box allows you to choose fields to be used for labeling. By choosing the item to be labeled in the Objects list, you are presented with valid fields to be used in the Fields list.
Once a field is found in the scrolling list, it can be selected, then placed as a label by clicking on the Copy button or double clicking on the actual field. Additional fields may be added by repeating the process.
The Functions area allows you to create formulas to be used throughout Space Planning. Formulas are useful to display information in Space Planning tables, the Status bar, and of course, labels.
Live Images
/ Live Images is the term used to describe the ability to view the products on the planogram using the actual pictures of the products. // This feature must be configured and you must have the live images either loaded on the hard drive of your computer or available on a CD (preferred). The next pages will walk you through the steps to not only display the Live Images, but also to configure Space Planning to use them.
The following list shows the paths you would enter if you were using the D: drive (your CD ROM drive) and the directories to be used for various products you will be displaying.
D:\BATSCALE Batteries
D:\PERSCALE Beauty Care (not Skin Care)
D:\SKISCALE Beauty Care (Skin Care)
D:\FOOSCALE Food/Beverage Products
D:\BEVSCALE Food/Beverage Products (Beverages)
D:\BAKSCALE Food/Beverage Products (Baking)
D:\HHCSCALE L&CP (Household Cleaners)
D:\DETSCALE L&CP (Detergents)
If the images are stored in a different location, you must adjust the paths listed above accordingly. You may also use the Browse button located in the Image Settings dialog box to help in locating the files.
If images are located on a CD, there is a significantly slower access time when displaying the images. Turning the images off when not using them will eliminate this problem.
Shapes display the products on a planogram using outlines representing the actual shapes of the products.Click on the Shapes button to toggle the shapes feature on/off. /
View Properties
/ The View Properties dialog box allows you to set several other useful viewing features such as fixture measurements and rulers. These options, once activated, may be viewed not only on the screen, but also used when printing. // The View Properties options are only applicable for the view window in which they are set. In other words, if you turn on the rulers in a planogram front view, it will in no way effect a planogram side view or top view. Each view must have these features activated individually.