Instructor: Mr. Carda
Course Description: The course is a one semester course designed for students to learn the functions and use of video and sound equipment and computer editing software associated with videotaping, producing, and broadcasting. Students will work on-site, in-the-field, and with the studio to produce video programs.
Course Length: One semester
Grade Level: 10-12
Time Commitment: Some projects will be shot in the field during the students’ study halls or before and after school.
Behavioral Expectations: Excellent attendance, motivated to learn, responsible, and cooperative. Students will be responsible for expensive equipment and will pay for all repairs incurred as a result of misuse or negligence.
after 4th absence the teacher will contact the parent/guardian by phone or email
after 5th absence the teacher will request a conference with the student, a parent/guardian and an administrator—a contract, which is an appeal mechanism to avoid being dropped from the course, will indicate that there will be a one letter grade deduction from the quarter grade—to avoid the deduction a student must make up the time with the teacher within one week
after 8th absence loss of credit unless due to be medically necessity or due family emergency
one free tardy per quarter, then 2% per additional tardy will be deducted from the next major test, quiz or project.
Course Description:
Outcome I:
Students will demonstrate mastery of video production techniques (equipment operation skills) through various exercises and live and videotaped programs.
A. Upon successful completion of the Scavenger Hunt units, the students will be able to competently operate digital and analog video cameras, VCRs, and tripods.
Assessment: Average of Parts 1, 2 and 3.
B. Upon completion of the Video Producer unit with 100% accuracy, the students will be competent in the areas of camera operation, elementary lighting and directing techniques, audio, and editing.
Assessment: 100% on all quizzes on the day due. Grade drops by one letter every day late.
C. Upon completion of demonstration and practice students will be able to recognize various cables by name and use. They will be able to connect equipment and cables while verbally demonstrating their skill with 100% accuracy.
Assessment: Demonstration and verbal description to the teacher.
Outcome II:
Students will demonstrate the basic language arts skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking while preparing and producing live and videotaped programs.
A. Students will read and summarize magazine articles from a selection of professional literature to supplement and support classroom lecture and demonstration (reading, writing).
Assessment: Students will be instructed in the correct procedure for summarizing a magazine article and will be given a percentage grade. One half of the grade will be for content and the other half for format.
B. Students will learn selected vocabulary words from the magazine articles or/and teacher directed
Assessment: Vocabulary quiz. No retakes. Ample study time will be given as well as study guides will be provided. Quizzes will be given on Thursdays or Fridays.
C. Students will submit written self-evaluations of individual or group video production projects (writing).
Assessment: One half of the grade will be for content and the other half for format.
D. Students will complete written project and course evaluations. The contents of the evaluation will be discussed in an open forum with the students (writing, listening, speaking). The written self-evaluations of individual projects and the course will be averaged and count as one grade.
Assessment: One half of the grade will be for content and the other half for format.
E. Students will prepare storyboards and scripts (writing).
Assessment: This exercise is part of the video grade.
F. Students will assist other students with their video projects (reading, writing, listening, speaking).
Assessment: Students will be gain or lose points on their videos for their participation, cooperation, positive attitude, efficient use of time, professionalism, and staying on task.
Outcome III:
Students will use various strategies and techniques to demonstrate their ability to recognize different levels of quality of commercially and student produced video products.
A. Students will be exposed to varying quality levels of video products and will learn to recognize what makes a good video.
Assessment: Understanding will be determined by class discussion.
B. Students will critique commercially produced products and student produced videos.
Assessment: Understanding will be determined by class discussion.
Outcome VI:
Students will be able to draft an acceptable script and storyboard format that will enable a production crew to produce the program.
A. Upon completion of the exercises, students will be able to identify script formats and choose the format best suited for their program.
Assessment: An acceptable script will be part of the video grade.
B. Students will experiment with storyboard formats and design complete formats for their programs.
Assessment: An acceptable storyboard will part of the video grade.
Students will complete 3-4 videos to demonstrate their learnings.
Class Format:
Hands-on experiences, interactive CD, viewing and analyzing, lecture
Field trips are a possibility
Activities – Students will produce video programs and tape events that are “air” quality and will include proper elements of taping, editing, lighting, storyboarding, and scripting.
Other assignments may include school video products that materialize as the semester progresses
Evaluation and Grading:
Grading is based on the total number of points accumulated. The combination of total number of points and teacher observation will determine if the student has attained the standards for the course.
90-100% = A
88-80% = B
79-70% = C
69-60% = D
59-0% = F I keep accurate accounts on student portal, so parents can be kept up to date.
Grades will drop one letter grade each day the assignments are late.
Behavior Procedure:
If a student acts inappropriately he/she will first be asked to stop the behavior.
If the student continues, the student will be asked to step in the hall for a short conference.
If this action does not work, I will immediately contact the parents and ask for their support.
If the inappropriate behavior continues, I will ask the assistant principal for an intervention.
Classroom Rules:
Swearing is not allowed.
Students may not bring food and drink in the room without permission.
Students will show respect for each other, the teacher, and guests.
Students are financially responsible for lost and/or damaged equipment.
Only appropriate music, language, and video clips will be allowed in any project for this class, any other class, or personal use.
Any deliberate or undeliberate sabotage of another person’s video or work will result in a zero for that person.
MP3 format music is allowed.
Revised January, 2007
By signing below I am saying that I have read this material and Mr. Carda has explained it to me. I clearly understand it.
Student’s Name Date