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– Phone: +56 9 7659 2643


Executive Director. Expert in Shipping and Maritime Industry. Transport Engineer and Bachelor of Engineering Sciences. Extensive experience in services related with Maritime Transport, Ports and Logistics thanks to a vast path developed in key positions in Chile, Japan and Hong Kong. Skilled in establish successful business networks and able to lead multidisciplinary teams. Persuasive, convincing and analytical, with proven skills to evaluate markets and lead business strategies. Innovative, results oriented, with a strong focus on improving the performance of individuals and encourage team working.


AGENCIAS MARITIMAS AGENTAL Ltda. – Santiago 2008 – 2015

General Manager

Responsible to manage a diversifiedbusiness portfolioin 8companiesin South America: AGENTAL, AGEMAR, JOTABE, PPSA y NAUTILUS in Chile; EMS in Perú; SOCIEPORT & EBONIRI in Ecuador.

Strong positionin South Americaby expanding thebusiness and ships operations by71.4%.

Sustained growthinmarket shareof shipping agency business forbulk cargoshipsand tanker ships inChile, increasing from 4.1% in year 2008 up to9.5% in year 2014, becoming a benchmark leader for major clientssuch as: GRANELES DE CHILE, ENDESA, AES GENER, COPEC, ENAP, etc.

Service growth and extensiontoPeruandEcuador, increasing participation inthese markets by5% y 2%.

Systems innovation, business models and team work productivity reached working together with DICTUC-PUC Santiago University and CORFO, redefining and optimizing operational and administrative processes, which enabled to reduce invoicing turnover times, from 3 weeks to 3 days.

Improvedprocesses forOperations at PatacheMaritimeTerminal (PPSA),whichmanages to certify under ISO 9001:2008 and OHSASstandards, reaching a significant increase in profitability by 180% in 4 years(from net result of US$ 270,000 in year 2011 toUS$ 760,000 in year 2014).

Fleet expansion of pilot and work boats deployed in ports and maritime terminals in Chile, bybuilding 4 brand new units which were added to an existing fleet of 28 boats, allowing an improvement of AGENTAL’s EBITDA by US$ 560.000 per year.

Fleet growth of passenger’s boats for transport of personnel of farmed salmon & trout producers at XI Region in Chile, buying 3Norwegianboats withbetterefficiency, which allowed an improvement inNAUTILUS profits of US$ 200.000 per year.

Successful negotiations withWorkers Unions inPPSAandNAUTILUS, Federationof Port WorkersandGovernment Authorities, achieving stable collective contracts with Unions of both companies andreversingadministrative fines placed by Chilean Customs by US$ 1.3 Million underlabor cooperation agreements.


CorporateVice President for Ship’s Operations, Ports, Maritime Terminals and Dangerous Goods.

Responsible for managingthree container ship’soperations centers inNewDelhi(India) for Europe andAsia; inItajai(Brazil), forthe East Coastof South America; and in Valparaisofor the Westof South America,the Caribbean and NorthAmerica.

Implementation of key performance indicators and pay equity system forvessel operators based on: oilconsumption controls; reductions on cargo expenses, shifting and ancillarycosts;increases inproductivityandoverall complianceof ship’s schedules; allowingsynergiesof$ 2.1million per year.

ControlandDefinition ofGlobal service’s schedules pro-formats forall CSAV’s worldwide services, getting a betterproduct controland timelydefinitions ofservices and schedules changes to clients.

Application of Trident Efficiency Program: (1) Ship’s ballasts reduction, (2) Recovery stevedore’s damagesto vesselsand (3) Compliance withoceanic routes; measures that allowedsavingsof$ 4.8million annually.

System integrationand ORACLE’s records update through a global perfect information plan processes for ports and terminals used by CSAV worldwide, whichallowedsavings of US$ 3.7million annually.

Containerships Operations, Ports and Marine Terminals Manager – Valparaíso 2004 – 2007

Responsible for managingall contracts withglobal and localoperatorsofports andmarine terminals, such as:APM TERMINALS, SSA, DUBAI PORTS WORLD, HUTCHISON PORTS HOLDINGS, ICTSI, TPS in Valparaíso and STI in San Antonio, Chile,among several others.

Inauguration ofGuayaquilPort Terminal(TPG) which was opened with the service between WCSA and Northern Europe, allowing an 8% increasein the cargo throughput with origin and / or destination Guayaquil.

Concession obtained forFLORIDA INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL – FITin Port Everglades, USA which was awarded in the year 2005 and is still valid to date withTheBroward Countyof said city.

ManagementofPorts and Terminals strategy, reaching pricecontentions, services improvement andgeneration of low-cost and service-effective alternatives, with annualsynergies and savingsof US$ 8 million.

CommercialRepresentative in ASIA and SOUTH EST ASIA – Hong Kong 1999 – 2004

BasedinHongKong, it is responsible for the overallcommercialrepresentation ofCSAVservices totheEast and West coastof South America(Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Brazil, UruguayandArgentinarespectively), with additional coverageinDurban and PortElizabeth(SouthAfrica), Los Angeles (USA), Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas(Mexico) andBalboa (Panama).

President of theEast Coast ofSouth America Freight Conference integrated by: NYK, MOL, COSCO, EMC, HAMBURG SUD, HAPAG LLOYD y OOCL (among other containership’s lines), achievingstability inuniform freight surchargestransfercosts as imposed byChinese authorities.

Direct management of large and global accounts like: NISSAN–RENAULT, VOLKSWAGEN, CARREFOUR, FALABELLA, ECCSA-RIPLEY(among other clients), reaching a biggest share in their cargoes.

Growth achievement ofCSAVweeklyservicesin Asia,controllingand interactingwith a vast agencynetwork distributed among 10 countries and35ports,generating gross sales of$ 5.2million a week.

Collaborationin obtainingNORGISTICS working operating licensewithChinese Government, the first South American company ofintegrated logisticsservicesthat opened and rendered inland services in China.

Traffic Manager, ASIA USWC, México, Central America and South America – Valparaíso 1997 – 1999

Head of overall services performance, with profit tasks and bottom line responsibility.

Rationalization and integration of ships by reducing over fleet cost deployment in US$ 21 million a year, achieved by streamlining service offerings and implementing a single ships circuit to cover key traffic routes.

Maintenance of base service contractswithCODELCOand implementationof a newmode of transportofmetallic copper cathodes in containers instead of break bulk condition. Efficient transshipment solution to South East Asia via BusanandHongKong, generating operational savingsof$ 2million a year.

Traffic Manager, Europe Mediterranean  Central and South America – Valparaíso 1996 – 1997

Fortnightly servicemanagementwithoverall responsibility for theresult of theshared service(poolof incomeand costs)and direct deals with main contractssigned withCODELCOandSOUTHERNPERU.

Sales Representative of Frozen Cargo and Ship’s Planner of Reefer Ships – Valparaíso 1991 – 1996

In charge of direct attendance of 50 clients plus operations and control of 35reefer ships,exercising full controlof the vesselsdeployed in thetrafficfor palletized freshfruits shipments in bulk condition fromChileto the USEast and West Coasts, Northern Europe and Mediterranean.

SAAM, Sud Americana Agencias Aéreas y Marítimas – FRUSAAM – Valparaíso 1989 – 1990

Dock supervisor of tally issuance of fruit palletsand Bill of Ladings emission for CSAV’s reefer ships.


Bachelor of Engineering Sciences, PUCV, Valparaíso.1995 – 1996.

Transport Engineer, PUCV, Valparaíso.1987 – 1991.

High School License, SSCC Padres Franceses, Viña del Mar.1979 – 1986.


Fluent English, spoken and written.

ERP systems management. SAP, Oracle and Sonda Fin700 (advanced user lever).

Specialized reading in Shipping and Maritime Transport and Economy (Lloyd’s List, Containerization, Tradewinds News, The Economist, Harvard Business Review, among other several publications).

E-mail: / Phone: +56 9 7659 2643.