April 16, 1948
Minutes of a special meeting of the Orem City Council held April 16, 1948 in the Orem City Hall at 7:40 P. M. Members present were Mayor J. W. Gillman, Councilmen, Woodruff Jensen, L. H. Johnson, Vic Durham, A. A. Richards, and Clerk Orland E. Pyne. Councilman Philo T. Edwards was absent because of another appointment.Mayor J. W. Gillman was in charge of the meeting.
Victor C. Anderson was present to give a report of the proposed recreational program for 1948 with a copy of the anticipated budget included. It wasestimated that $1,300.00 would be expected from the School District, $1,000.00 from the City and $1,100.00 from Scera. It was moved by Councilman Victor Durham, seconded by Councilman A. A. Richards and passed that the 1948 Recreational Program, proposed budget included as prepared by Scera, be approved and accepted.
A delegation of property owners, namely Fenton Prince, Jess Beagley, Jack Rohbock, Bill Loveless were present to request the City to open up 5thEast Street from 8thSouth to 1010 South. They were willing to give the land for the street if the City would assume the responsibility of opening the street. They were told that they would be required to conform to Ordinance No. 75 in regard to Water and Sewer lines and Curb and Gutter, and also graveling of the street. They were told however, that the curb and gutter would be required as the area was developed or as homes were constructed and not as soon as the street was opened. They understood that the City would open and grade the street without cost to them.
James H. Clark and Virgil Cordner were present to ask the City to install a water line from highway 91 to 8thEast on 12thSouth. Due to the need of increasing the size of lines and new lines to be installed already included in the program for this year it was evident that the City wouldn't be able to finance any additional extensions. Mr. Clark stated that the pipe would be obtained in California in sufficient quantities. The Council informed them that if they would finance the purchase on the pipe, preferably 4 inch that the City would try and dig the trench and lay the pipe and that they would be reimbursed over a period of four years. They indicated that they might be interested under that setup.
Scott Thompson, Fire Chief, was present by request of the Council to discuss changing his hours of duty in view of taking Victor Christensen away from the Fire Department and starting him on the Parks for the season. Mr. Thompson indicated that he would be willing to work 24 hours per day for $250.00 per month plus 2 meals per day with one day off each week (24 hours). It was understood that Vic Christensen would not be available at any time to relieve the Chief, so it was apparent that the Council would have to find someone else. It was suggested that Sterling Harding be asked to relieve him. Mayor Gillman recommended offering him $250.00 per month and let him board himself. Mr. Thompson was called back and the proposition was put up to him. He indicated that he would be willing to try it that way for a while until the City could see its way clear to make other plans. Chief Thompson stated that the Department needed two gas masks that an individual from Provo had offered to purchase one if the City would buy one to match it at the current price.
The Mountain States Fuel Supply presented 4 gas line extension plats for approval of the City Council. The City Engineer indicated where each was located. It was moved by Councilman E. H. Johnson, seconded by Councilman Woodruff Jensen and passed that the plats as presented by Mountain Fuel Supply Co. be approved and accepted.
The Orem Jaycee Volunteer Fire Department asked for permission to allow Max Pederson to use a red light on his truck on Fire duty. The State Road Commission is forbidding the boys to use the lights. The matter was taken under advisement,with Councilman E. H. Johnson offering to talk to Max Pederson about possible insurance being necessary, etc.
Mayor Gillman reported that he had attempted to locate some money in order to pick up the balance the City owes on equipment purchased on open account. The City is also in need of a welding machine on wheels which can be used on the job anywhere in the City.
The 4th East Street opening and the 6thEast opening were discussed. The 4thEast Street is opened to Dave Cordner's property and is being held up pending court action.
It was moved by Councilman A. A. Richards, seconded by Councilman E. H. Johnson and passed that the water department be authorized to order as many fire hydrants as property owners will pay for, also that they be authorized to proceed with the ordering of sewer and water pipe for Highway crossings and lines along the highway. It was decided to use 6 inch cast iron pipe to make the connection on the Scera Well and use the 8 inch pipe on hand to make the crossings under the highway.
Mayor Gillman read a letter from Ada Skinner, City Treasurer, asking opinion of the Council as to whether or not she should be given an increase in salary. It was moved by Councilman A. A. Richards, seconded by Councilman Woodruff Jensen and passed that Ada Skinner's salary be increased to $175.00 per month effective April 1, 1948. It is understood that 60% is to be taken from the Water Department Account.
The request for a sheep trail through the City was presented. After a discussion on the matter it was agreed that the sheep be run on the State Highway and kept off the City streets.
Councilman Woodruff Jensen reported on Lake Pollution meeting in Provo. He stated that the County proffered to pay for 50% of the cost of planning survey or study. The Cities of the County will be expected to pay for the other half.
It was moved by Councilman A. A. Richards, seconded by Councilman E. H. Johnson and passed that the Provo Foundry and Machine Co. be paid $65.40 for theGas Tank.
It was moved by Councilman E. H. Johnson, seconded by Councilman A. A. Richards and passed that Councilman Vic Durham be authorized a case of # 20 oil at wholesale to be stored at the Fire Station for the Police Cars.
The Clean-up Week commencing April 26this to be advertised in the next issue of the Orem-Geneva Times. It has come to the attention of the Council that Citizens are dumping rubbish on the streets etc.
Meeting was moved adjourned by Councilman E. H. Johnson, seconded by Councilman A. A. Richards and passed.