HED Advisory

/ Next Meeting: / Nov. 3, 2-3pm, 5053/54 MCE, North Tower
Date / Time / Location / Oct 20, 5053/54 MCE, North Tower (First Conference Rooms on the North Tower Corridor on the right)
Chair: / Karen Hughart
Vickie Thompson / Recorder / Maribeth Hagan
Attending: / Amanda Mitchell, PICU
Lydia Colley, PICU
Melissa Powell, 8N/8S
Karen Wilson, Informatics
Arlene Boudreaux, Neuro / Julie Foss, MICU
Cherese Brooks, Burn
Martha White, 9N/9S
Aaron Hirsch, 9N/9S
Debbie Rhoden, ASD / Autumne Mayfield, VCH
Amber Brock, 5S/6S/COBS
Christina Loaiza, VCH 8
Connie Sue Pollard, Trauma
Ron Reed, SSS / Lillian McGehee, SSS
Kristen Berutti, Informatics
Nancy Rudge, Informatics
Meeting Objectives: / 1)Information sharing on new features & training and implementation plans if applicable
2)Decision making on new enhancements
3)Begin to identify significant enhancements needed (for future prioritization).


Who/Time / Topic / Summary / Decision / Next Steps
  1. Tina French,EBM Order Set Team on behalf of Tanya Parrish, MSN, RN & Drs. Maune & Biller, Request # 955
/ Revised GYN Voiding Trial documentation fields needed:
Amount of normal saline instilled:______ml
Spontaneous void amount:______ml
PVR (post voiding residual) amount:_____ml / Approved: GYN not present however discussion from many on need to document for different populations. This will be placed under Adult Med/Surg tab under Renal, under “Scanned Bladder Volume.” / Karen to check where this would be documented for Postpartum.
  1. Arlene Boudreaux, 6T3, Request # 1265
/ Convert EVD and Lumbar drain results to template build & have trended results with both to prompt for dressing changes (similar to central line dressing changes). / Approved with revisions:Suggestions are to NOT include in template build but as separate line items for site appearance, surrounding skin, site dressing, and dressing drainage. Also need to add checkbox under the “site Dressing” options for when dressing is changed. This will be available for all to see and nonICUs nurses can checkmark and annotate if provider changed dressing. Also, under Lumbar Drain System, need to add “mastoid” as option
  1. Vicki Jones, 8th fl., VCH, Request # 1246
/ Add NV checks as shared result below PIV section. NV checks required by new extravasation policy. / Approved: There is potential for nurses to see information charted for NV checks if they are documenting these for other reasons beyond an extravasation. All felt, however, correlating the times when the PIV was ended for extravasation and time of NV checks documentation would serve as a way of reviewing compliance. There is still work being done for adult hospital extravasation policy. / 8th VCH leadership will send Karen table that includes information on what vesicants, irritants are with information on antidote. This and what pharmacy has sent for adult hospital may be helpful for nurses in VUH who will need a resource under HED links.
  1. Peds ED, Request 1125
/ Under Transport Info., “Per” needs to have additional options “Carried” and “Ambulatory”. / Approved
  1. PCCU, Request # 1173
/ Need way to document nasal trumpet as airway device. / Approved with revisions: remove “Jacksontrach.” Change pharyngeal tube to “oral airway.” Add “nasal trumpet”. Add LMA
  1. Lydia Colley, PCCu, VCH, Request # 1700
/ Add dropdowns for combo Chest Tubes going to a single drainage device / This would benefit multiple populations (lung transplant, trauma, cardiac, surgical). Would need a list of all possibilities to evaluate. / Kathy Burns will send list to Karen on options including
  1. PCCU, VCH, Request 1161
/ Add place to chart BiVent settings “pHigh” & “Intrinsic Peep”
Feedback from Cheryl Burney-Jones, Dir. , Resp. Care, VCH: BiVent is used infrequently and therefore few nurses would have expertise to accurately document. Resp. Therapist documents this value and they do not recommend that nurses document too due to high risk that numbers would not match. / VCH and VUH recommended not have this available to nursing staff, however, after discussions Nurses are annotating BiVent settings. Adult hospital currently has BiVent documentation in their build. / Karen will discuss further with PCCU.
  1. HED Analysts/Builders (5 min.)
/ Upcoming Enhancements
  • Addition of CHG rinse to VAP bundle on Quick Assess Tab and in ADL Section of Assessment/Intervention Tab (Adults only)
/ This will allow care partners and nurse to document CHG rinse under these sections.
New Agenda Items? Contact Maribeth Hagan to add items to list or submit via Bright Ideas link available in HED to get items on the list

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