PTO Minutes

January 16, 2018, 1:30 p.m.


Present:Mr. Smith, Mrs. Voelz, Shelly Osbourne, Laura Eftimovski, David Dornfeld, Kelli Adams, Mrs. Scholtes, Megan Eaton, Renee Degner, Lindsay Vanzant

President’s Report:Fifth grade will be featured on the February bulletin board. Next year, we may have the student council pick up the holiday trees.

Vice President:Nothing to report.

Secretary:Nothing to report.

Treasurer:Kindergarten and third grade have used their $3/student for field trips.

Logo Clothing:The winter logoware flyer was sent out in the gold folder. Orders are due this Friday.

Social Committee:We discussed having an ice cream/float bar at the spring social. We also discussed having an obstacle course/bounce house.

Green Team – Parkside Court:Nothing to report.

In-House Green Team:Nothing to report.

Bonus Programs: Fliers for the bonus programs will be sent out again in the gold folders. We got a check for box tops. There will be an incentive contest to get people to sign up for Kroger Rewards.We discussed having people bring in the bottom of their receipt which lists Parkside if you have signed up for your rewards to go to Parkside. There will be a box tops contest, which will utilize student council to help count box tops. The contest will run from Feb 19 – March 2. We will also send out a form to the staff for signing up for Kroger Rewards.

Book Fair:Book fair and spring social is April 20th.


Landscaping:Nothing to report.

Parker Bear:Parker bear is starting the first week of February and run for 5 weeks (ending before spring break). There will be three prizes in each of the four grades (gift certificates to the book fair.) Mrs. Voelz will bring up ideas for getting more participation.

Newsletter:Nothing to report.

Staff Appreciation:Staff appreciation week is May 7-11.

Grade Levels:

  • Kindergarten –Nothing to report.
  • 1st– Nothing to report.
  • 2nd– Nothing to report.
  • 3rd – Nothing to report.
  • 4th– Nothing to report.
  • 5th – Nothing to report.
  • 6th - Nothing to report.

Walk-a-thon:Everything should be paid out for walk-a-thon

Other:Thank you to Mrs. Scholtes for presenting about the Kindness Club. The Great Kindness challenge is January 22-26, 2018. Activities will take place Thursday, January 25 during recess. She is looking for adult volunteers to help at the stations. She would like to have a hot chocolate bar set up for the teachers and staff. Set up would be at 7:30 a.m. and the bar would run until the drinks are gone.

There are many students who turned in partial applications for student council. Of the students who filled in completed forms and met all the requirements, eleven students were chosen for student council. The students are as follows:

4th Grade – Nino Akhalaya, Ishan Jasuja, Logan Vanzant, Lauren Degner

5th Grade – Daniella McNiell, Skyelar Ross, Andy Qin, Hitashi Patel

6th Grade – Jasmine Yang, Luke Dornfeld, Henry Ulrich

Meeting adjourned.