South Ossett Infants’ Academy

Vicar Lane, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0BE

Telephone / Fax 01924 274380


Headteacher: Mrs Tina Shute

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Tina Shute

Registered in England. Company No: 7851205

14th September 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

Here are some upcoming events and dates for your diaries, as promised in last week’s newsletter;

Wednesday 27th September
2.00pm / Scarecrow Making; for parents/carers and children. We are making a Scarecrow for the Ossett Scarecrow Competition; please email if you would like one of the 15 places available. We will be using glue, needles and thread, paint, sticky tape and other materials to make a miner – as this year’s theme is “occupations”.
Wednesday 4th October Lower and Upper Foundation Stage,
Year One and Year Two
Wednesday 11th October
Year Two / Lower Foundation Stage Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 4th October 3.00-4.00pm and 4.30-6.30pm at Main School
Upper Foundation Stage Parents’ Evenings
Wednesday 4th October 3.00-4.00pm and 4.30-6.30pm in the Foundation Stage Unit
Year One Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 4th October 3.00-4.00pm and 4.30-6.30pm at Main School
Year Two Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 4th October 3.00-4.00pm and 4.30-6.30pm at Main School
Wednesday 11th October 2.30-5.00 pm at Main School
For all our parents’ evenings we will use the online booking system trialled last year. Appointments will be available to book from Monday 25thSeptember from 2.00pm; further details on how to use this will follow next week.
Monday 2nd October 2.15pm
Thursday 5th October 9.00am
Upper Foundation Stage, Year One and Year Two / Come and Learn about School - A Phonics LessonOn these dates there will be 10 (max 12) places available for a parent or carer to come and sit with your child to experience a phonics lesson. You would sign in at the office at 8.55 or 2.10 then go to your child’s class (only one adult per child due to limited space) for 9.00 or 2.15. You would then join your child in class for a Phonics lesson. Please email school to sign up for a place.(We will try to arrange another if demand is high.)
Thursday 28th September
Upper Foundation Stage, Year One and Year Two / Phonics – an information session (with refreshments!)
If you wish to learn more of Phonics but are unable to attend during the day, this will be a session for Parents/Carers (not for children) to learn more about phonics. We will talk through a model lesson then explain some of the terminology. Please email school to sign up for a place.
Monday 16thOctober / Individual School Photographs taken by Tempest
Tuesday 17th October / Harvest Assembly; this will be held at Christ Church starting at 1.30 pm
Thursday 19th October / School closes at 3pm for half term
Friday 20th October / Staff Training Day
The next few dates may seem a long way away, but as I have now booked them in my diary I thought you might like these too! More details for these events will follow nearer the time.
Monday 30thOctober / School opens after half term
Monday 20th November
9.00-11.15 / Christmas Workshop Preparation
This is a session, for any willing adult volunteers, to come and help prepare the vast quantity of resources needed for the workshop below. Refreshments provided!
Tuesday 28th November / Christmas Workshop
This is a traditional and well-loved part of the school calendar. The full time children all work together to make the themed Christmas decorations for Main School. Parents/Carers/grandparents can sign up to come into school for the morning or afternoon session and work with groups of children- a list will go up nearer the time.
Thursday30th November / Decorate the school day. This is the day we put up the creations. Adult helpers welcome. (NO MULTISKILLS CLUB ON THIS DAY)
Friday 15th December / Year One and Two (also called Key Stage One) Nativity Play
Monday 18th December / Foundation Stage Nativity Play
Due to the limited capacity of the school hall, as usual, our Nativity Plays will take place at Christ Church, starting at 1.30pm. We are, as ever, very appreciative of Christ Church for letting us use the Church.
Tuesday 19th December / “Walkabout” An opportunity to come in to school from 2pm and walkabout with your child. They can show you their classrooms, talk about where and how they work, and the displays. There is tea/coffee/water and squash available and we usually have a cake stall too.

ClubsOn Thursdays we will be running Multisports after school. Where the weather permits this will take place outside. For safety reasons the gates will need to be locked straight after the children not attending the club have been collected. Can I ask for your help in this, with leaving the playground promptly on this day.

Dance club is now not taking place as numbers dropped over the year.I am looking to see what other clubs, from suitable providers, may be available. If you know of any other clubs that may be suitable, please let me know their details.

Abbreviations Sometimes in newsletters and texts we abbreviate so I thought a list might be useful; FS;Foundation Stage, LFS/UFS; Lower or Upper Foundation Stage, Y1/Y2; Year One or Two, KS1; Key Stage One - made of Y1 and Y2, SOIA; South Ossett Infants’ Academy.


Can I take this opportunity to remind allparents/carers about ensuring that all privacy and parental controls settings on any internet enabled devices are set to ensure so that only those whom you wish to share these things with are able to access your information and photos.

Safer online use (repeat of information from July 2017)

I have been given a link to an online resource that some of you may find useful. If you are interested you can sign up and they will send you emails on; How to ‘Become an expert in your child’s online world in 6 weeks’. Please see the link for further details.

There is a further website; , also recommended, that can help you stay informed on the apps that children may use. As the children attending SOIA are only aged 3-7 years old, you may not feel this is relevant as their use is supervised. However it is very informative for anyone, like me, who may be less familiar with the many apps available. It outlines what age or what risks might be associated with the apps.

As ever, if you have any questions or comments, please speak to me or your child’s teacher. If you cannot get into school in person please call or email. We will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible if whoever you wish to speak to isn’t available to take your call. (Please remember we have a new phone number - 01924274380.)

Kind Regards,

Mrs Shute

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