VETO IV: SFU Junta Pack One

Toss ups by Hanson Ho

1.Morris Louis called her work “a bridge between Pollack and what was possible,” and her influence is apparent in Louis’ Veils series. Once married to fellow artist Robert Motherwell, she was a pioneer in the technique of pouring paint onto an unprimed canvas lying on ground and allowing the colours to be soaked directly into the fabric, a process known as staining. FTP, name her, the Abstract Expressionist who, in 1952, painted the seminal work, Mountains and Sea.

answer:Helen Frankenthaler

2. In 1999, he was ordained a Zen Buddhist monk. His first poetry collection was published when he was still an undergraduate at McGill, and when his 1966 novel, Beautiful Loser, was published, the Boston Globe wrote that “James Joyce is not dead… he is living in Montreal.” In 1968, he released his first album, and has gone on to influence a generation of singer-songwriters. FTP, name him, the poet/novelist/singer/songwriter who declined the Governor-General’s award in 1968.

answer:Leonard Cohen

3. Necessary in the biosynthesis of serotonin and niacin, it is vital to the normal growth and development of infants. Working in conjunction with lysine, it helps reduce cholesterol levels in humans. Because it is a natural relaxant, its occurrence in milk is the reason why milk helps induce sleep. FTP, name this amino acid with chemical formula C11H12N2O2, the only essential amino acid whose name doesn’t end in “ine.”


4.Its titular character is named Maleekwa, and he is a descendent from the black tribe that established the first society on the planet while Europeans were still hiding in caves all terrified of the sun. He is a strong role model that a young black reader can look up to because he keeps it real by no longer playing the minstrel in the realm of sci-fi fantasy. FTP, name this fictional comic book, the creation of Hooper X in the Kevin Smith movie, Chasing Amy.

answer:White Hating Coon

5.First described by Joseph Schumpeter in 1942 in his book, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, it was cited as being an essential part of capitalism. An example of it would be mechanical farming equipment replacing manual labour in the planting and harvesting of crops. FTP, name this two-word phrase that names a process through which new technologies eliminates older jobs and industries and replaces them with newer, more productive ones.

answer:creative destruction

6.Much of his life resembled that of Jean-Paul Sartre, as during WWII, he too was a member of the French Resistance, co-editing the underground paper Combat. The recipient of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1957, he not only wrote novels, but philosophical essays as well that dealt with existentialist themes. FTP, name this man, a white French dude born in Algeria, the author of such works as The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus.

answer:Albert Camus

7.At the age of twelve, he won the piano trophy at the first and only competition he would enter. Influenced by Leopold Stokowski, he would write and produce “Stokowski: A Portrait” for the CBC. In 1957, he became the first North American to perform in the Soviet Union. He stopped performing altogether in 1964, as he thought it distracted from his composing and broadcasting. FTP, name this Canadian musician and pianist who twice recorded Bach’s Goldberg Variations.

answer:Glenn Gould

8.The symptoms of this genetic condition may include jaundice, shortness of breath, and severe pains around the body. It occurs when abnormal form of hemoglobin is produced, causing some red blood cells to take on the namesake shape. When these malformed red blood cells get clogged up in capillaries, it causes damage to surrounding tissues. FTP, name this genetic disease that makes the sufferers more resistant to malaria, an ailment that affects 1 out of 400 black people.

answer:sickle-cell anemia (do not prompt on anemia)

9.With campuses in Hyde Park, New York, and Napa Valley, California, it doesn’t require SAT scores for admittance. Boasting over 35,000 graduates, it’s bachelor’s program includes a paid externship and a food and wine seminar in California. FTP, name this institution NOT headed by George Tenet that offers degree programs in culinary arts and baking and pastry arts, the only residential college in the world dedicated to culinary education.

answer: Culinary Institute of America (prompt on CIA)

10.Much of this book takes place in the colony of Lusitania in which the humans lived in isolation from an alien species called the piggies. As told in an earlier book, the titular character, Andrew Wiggins, unbeknownst to himself, almost single-handedly destroyed the buggers, the only other race of aliens the humans have encountered. FTP, name this winner of Nebula and Hugo awards for Best Novel, Orson Scott Card’s sequel to Ender’s Game.

answer:Speaker For the Dead

11.She was the first woman in Roman history to be given the title of “Empress.” The fourth wife of Claudius, she dictated much of the emperor’s imperial policy after their marriage. An ambitious woman, she even had Claudius adopt her son from a previous marriage, putting him in line for the throne. That son, though, eventually had her mother murdered. FTP, name her, the daughter of Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder, the mother of Nero.

answer:Agrippina the Younger (accept Agrippina II)

12.Its title refers to two things: first an alternative to the Hegelian dialectics popular at the time, which the author rejects as jeopardizing the belief in proportional truths. Second, it refers to a choice between living an aesthetic life base on human desires, or one based on religious morals, which the author refers to as “ethical.” FTP, name this two volume, 800 page work, composed of several essays and narratives published under several pseudonyms, whose real author was Soren Kierkegaard.


13.In March of 2002, he was found dead in a Florida prison with a plastic bag over his head. Originally released in 1996, he was soon locked up again after violating his parole by testing positive for marijuana. A suspect in several unsolved murders in Virginia, he was convicted in Florida in 1986 for abducting and sexually assaulting a female hitchhiker, draining and drinking nearly 45% of his victim’s blood. FTP, identify this notorious criminal dubbed the “vampire rapist.”

answer:John Crutchley(accept the vampire rapist if before ‘drinking’ and prompt if after)

14.Techniques to reduce the appearance of this effect include unweighted area sampling, and weighted area sampling, supersampling, which serve to blur the onscreen image. Its effects are lessened as you increase the resolution of the computer screen; that is to say the lower the resolution, the more apparent this is. FTP, name this problem of computer graphics that appears when a curve is being rendered using pixels, causing the curve to appear jagged.

answer:spatial aliasing (do not accept anti-aliasing)

15.Music of this post-hardcore style include progressive guitar work, unorthodox song structure, and artsy noise; or it could simply be intricate punk-pop. Though considerably less macho than hardcore punk, it too stresses authenticity and anti-commercialism. A key feature of this style is sincere, personal lyrics that exude heartfelt emotions. FTP, name this musical movement, exemplified by bands like Sunny Day Real Estate, Fugazi, and Weezer, the mainstream press’ latest buzzword.

answer:emo (accept emocore)

16.Seduced at a young age by her employer, the book’s titular character had an illegitimate son with him. Years later, while working at a diary farm, she falls in love and marries her co-worker, Angel Clare. However, she is dumped after Angel finds out about her past. As luck would have it, she meets her seducer again, and accidentally kills him during an argument. FTP, name this novel that ends with the arrest and hanging of the title character, a work by Thomas Hardy.

answer:Tess of the D’Urbervilles

17.First elected to parliament by the constituents of Ottawa South in 1988, he practiced business and income tax law before entering politics. In early 2000, his was chastised for being the face for the federal government’s reversal of the plan to give tax breaks to struggling NHL franchises. FTP, name him, Paul Martin’s successor in Jean Chretien’s cabinet, the current finance minister of Canada.

answer:John Manley

18.People that wrote about this historical event include Billy Bragg and Michael Drayton. Muddy is one word to describe it, as the Duke of York was said to have drowned in the mud on the battlefield. It can also be described as bloody, as the French lost more than 6000 men, many to the English longbow, despite having superior numbers. FTP, name this battle that took place in 1411 during Henry V’s invasion of Normandy, thought to be a turning point in the Hundred Years’ War.

answer:Battle of Agincourt

19.In May of 1998, Canadian Daniel Raworth from Whistler, BC fell to his death while trying to climb this mountain. Originally called Densmores Peak, it was later renamed to what it is known today. Its north peak was first scaled in 1910, but it wasn’t until 3 years later that Hudson Stuck and Harry Karstens climbed the south peak, its true summit. FTP, name this mountain, located in Denali National Park, the highest peak in North America.

answer: Mount McKinley

20.Warning: two answers required. One was mortal and the other was immortal. One was known for taming horses, and the other was an accomplished boxer. They were both Argonauts, and they both participated in the Calydonian Boar Hunt. Contrary to popular belief, they were only half-brothers, as Tyndareus fathered one while Zeus fathered the other. FTP, name this pair in Greek mythology whose mother was Leda, collectively known as the Dioscuri, immortalized in the constellation Gemini.

answer:Castor and Polydeuces (accept Castor and Pollux, prompt on Dioscuri before it is mentioned)

21.In 1992, researchers at Caltech made an alloy using elements with differently sized atoms. Due to the way the alloy cooled, it was given its unique properties. Its weakness comes from the fact that it has a much lower heat tolerance than steel, but because it won’t rust and doesn’t crystallize or shrink when it solidifies, its commercial applications seem endless. FTP, name this patented alloy that is twice as strong as titanium, currently used for golf clubs and cell phone covers.


22.Warning: boring biography question coming up. The recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Albert Einstein Peace Price, and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Freedom from Want Medal, he was the first person outside the Ford family to serve as the President of the Ford Motor Company. However, he would leave that post after less than five weeks after accepting a presidential appointment. FTP, name him, who from 1961 to 1968, served as the Secretary of Defence under JFK and LBJ.

answer:Robert McNamara

23.Harry was an American psychiatrist. Louis was an architect responsible for the Wainwright Building in St. Louis. Arthur was a composer who collaborated with a famous partner. Scott is a pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds, and another Scott is a former CFO of WorldCom. FTP, identify their common last name, also shared by Ed, the host of an old TV show.


24.The Welsh colony Y Wladfa was established in this plateau in 1865, and the Welsh Assembly First Minister Rhodri Morgan visited the region in 2001. Approximately 673,00 square km in area, it is bounded by the Rio Colorado in the north, the Rio Coig in the south, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, and the Andes to the west. FTP, name this semi-arid plateau, the largest desert region in the Americas.


VETO IV: SFU Junta Pack One

Bonuses by Hanson Ho

1.Answer the following about the play set in the “picturesque town of Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire,” Our Town, FTPE.

(10)Our Town was written by this Pulitzer Prize-winning American playwright.

answer:Thornton Niven Wilder

(10)This character serves as the play’s omniscient narrator.

answer:The Stage Manager

(5,5)The play follows the lives of these two families. FFPE, name them.

answer:The Gibbses and Webbs

2. Is it just me or are question writers obsessed with the Impressionists? If your answer is a disdainful yes, then you’re in luck. FTPE, identify the 20th century art movement from description.

(10)This early 20th century movement in painting is characterized by the use of bold and vivid colours, and favourite themes of this style include portraits, landscapes, and female nudes. Henri Matisse is one of this movement’s most notable artists.


(10)Another early 20th century movement, this style popular in Germany stressed the importance of portraying the artist’s subjective reality, particularly the emotions aroused by the scene depicted, usually achieved through the use of distortions and exaggerations.


(10)NOT an early 20th century style, this school of abstract art tries to engage the audience on an intellectual level and disregards the importance of the art object itself.

answer:conceptualism (accept concept art)

3.Have you ever done the Pepsi Taste Challenge? Well, you’ll now get the chance to identify the type of Pepsi or Coke FTPE based on a taste test. For example, if I give you Crystal Pepsi to taste, you’ll answer “Crystal Pepsi,” not just Pepsi.

(10)(Cola A)

answer:Pepsi Twist

(10)(Cola B)

answer: Diet Coke

(10)(Cola C)

answer: Vanilla Coke

4.What else do you know about the Northwest Rebellion of 1885 besides Louis Riel? Well, we’re about to find out! Answer the following questions about it FTPE.

(10)The first act of the rebellion was the seizing of this building at Batoche. Afterwards, Riel declared that “Rome has fallen.”

answer:St. Antoine de Padoue (accept the church)

(10)Although Riel was the spiritual and political leader of the rebellion, it was this man who controlled the fighting forces of the provisional government.

answer:Gabriel Dumont[ga-bree-elle du-mon]

(10)The first skirmish of the rebellion took place on March 26, 1885 at this site when members of the Northwest Mountain Police encountered a group of Métis led by Dumont.

answer:Duck Lake

5.Quick access to information isn’t only good for quiz bowl. Answer the following questions about fast computer memory, FTPE.

(10)Varieties of this type of computer memory include L1 and L2, and in PCs, they serve as a fast level of memory between the CPU and the system’s main memory.


(10)This is the simplest methodology of constructing cache memory. It involves assigning each block of main memory to a block in the cache based on the address of the block in main memory.

answer:direct-mapped or direct mapping(accept reasonable equivalent that includes direct and map)

(10)Old data in the cache must be overwritten to make room for new data. Name the replacement strategy that involves overwriting the block of memory that has been left unused for the longest time, i.e. the “most stale” block of memory.

answer:Least-Recently-Used (prompt on LRU)

6.Answer these questions about a German author who is NOT Günter Grass FTPE.

(10)He won the Nobel Prize for Literature primarily on the merit of his first important novel, Buddenbrooks.

answer:Thomas Mann

(10)Identify the year in which Mann received his Nobel Prize, ten points for the exact year, and five if within two years.

answer:1929 (five points for 1927, 1928, 1930, 1931)

(10)Perhaps Mann’s most well known work, this novel explores the struggle between the rational, enlightened world and irrational beliefs. Its protagonist, Hans Castorp, spends seven years in a tuberculosis sanatorium in Davos, Switzerland even though he wasn’t sick.

answer:The Magic Mountain (Der Zauberberg)

7.Are news anchors themselves newsworthy? For the purposes of this questions, yes! Identify the following personalities from cable news FTPE.

(10)Born in Fresno, CA and raised in Iran during the Islamic revolution, she was live on CNN Headline News when the terrorist attacks began on Sept. 11th. She can now be seen on Headline News on weekdays from 10pm to 6am ET.

answer:Rudi Bakhtiar

(10)He recently joined CNN as an anchor on American Morning with Paula Zahn. He was previously seen on ABC as the host of the reality show, The Mole and its sequel, Mole 2: The Next Betrayal.

answer:Anderson Cooper

(10)She joined CNN in February of 2002 from Fox News, and she was one of the personalities that helped launch the entertainment news program, Extra. She is now the host of CNN’s TalkBack Live.

answer:Arthel Neville

8.Answer the following about an American philosopher that thought of stuff and wrote some stuff FTPE.