Veterans of various ages salute the flag at the special Veterans’ Day Ceremony celebrated at Pleasant Hill Elementary School last week.

Brian Conatser, 5th & 6th Grade Social Studies teacher at PHS, spoke to the students and veterans about what his service in the military meant to him.

Fourth Graders waved red, white, & blue streamers as they sang “You’re a Grand Old Flag” at the Veterans’ Day Ceremony.

Pleasant HillRamblings
Jean Clark
Thestudents and staff of Pleasant Hill Elementary School welcomed parents,grandparents, aunts, uncles, andother former military soldiers from thecommunity to their Annual Veterans’ Day Ceremony last week. About 45 – 50veterans enjoyed coffee, juice, and donuts at a continental breakfast beforethe Ceremony. Place mats decorated thetables with patriotic words and picturesprovided by the children to honor their guests. The conversation centered aroundmilitary experiences during World War II up through recent Middle Eastengagements - differences and similarities overthe past 77 years. Theveterans and their spouses were welcomed by Principal Missy Carter. Boy ScoutTroop 170provided a color guard as the PHS Veterans’ Day Band played the “StarSpangled Banner” while Pre-K and1stGradersmarched into the gymnasium waving flags in time to the music.
Carson Conaster led the Pledge ofAllegiance to the flag. Student speakers Zach Sapp, Addison Hicks, ZakParsons,Zeke Hayes, Brandi Geldersma, Kaitlyn Walker, Harley Ellenburg, and TristanJones gave meaningfultributes. Grades 2, 3, and 4 sang various patrioticsongs. It is heartening to know that the children are still learningthese songs thatwe all grew up with. Teacher Brian Conatser was well received as he describedhis militaryexperiences and what a difference they made in his life. Theclosing remarks by Jaime Atkinson, 7th& 8thGradeSocial Studies Teacher summed up thefeelings generated by everyoneparticipating.JuniorVarsity and Varsity Basketball are well underway at PHS at regularlyscheduled matches with otherschools. Report cards were issued last week.Several grades have been enjoying field trips and the 8thGraderstouredCCHS & TCAT. Thanksgiving Break will occur November 22, 23, and 24.
At theNovember meeting of the Pleasant Hill Town Council, resident Gail Ford proposedinvestigation of thepossibility of having a solar panel array on Town propertythat could provide electricity for all of Pleasant Hill. She willprovide moreinformation in the future. The Council approved Christmas bonuses for the TownStaff and an increase inStaff Healthcare coverage reimbursement due to therising cost of Health Insurance. The addition to the Town Garage iscompletedand the newly acquired back hoe safely housed. Jim Blalock reported that thePleasant Hill CemeteryCommittee would be providing mulch to protect the 100+year-old hemlock tree in the Old PH Cemetery.The TennesseeDepartment of Environment andConservation published statistics following the collection of hazardous wasteon October21, 2017 in which the Town participated. Cumberland County residentshave made a difference! Every battery, cleaningproduct, herbicide/pesticide,or dry paint can that was brought in will not be buried in trash this yearbecause of ourcollective participation. Event Total - 8,166 lbs. with 217households participating in the County collection.

This week in Pleasant Hill:

Tues,Nov 21, 10 am - 4 pm, The Grab Thrift Store: “two for one” sale, 9547 Hwy70 W. Call 287-3018. NOTE:The Grab does not have a publicbathroom. REMINDER: when schools are closed forinclement weather, theGrab will be closed also.

Wed, Nov 22, 1:30 pm inWharton Munson Home. Looney Tunes: Ann Looney plays piano or accordion. All arewelcome to enjoy.

Wed, Nov 22, 5:30 pm Documentary:“Planetary” cinematic journey exploring cosmic origins and the future ofourspecies in Room 4, PH Community Church, UCC Main Street & Church Drive inPleasant Hill.

Sat,Nov 25, 10 am – 3 pm The Grab thrift shop in Pleasant Hill will hold their $1.00/bagSale. Patrons are askedto bring some non-perishable food for local hungerneeds.

Sat,Nov 25, 2 pm,TourofWharton Homes and Memory Care. Meetat Braun Home door, 878 W Main St, Pleasant Hill.