Veterans Memorial Park Foundation of Pensacola, Inc. Meeting

Tuesday, February11, 2014

9:00 A.M.

Vince Whibbs Conference Room

1st Floor, City Hall


Members Present: President Jack Brown, Mike Swinehart, Butch Hansen, Charlie Switzer,John Ochs,Dave Glassman, JohnClark, Roger Rowe, Roberto Rivera, Joe Glover, Paul Entrekin.

City Representative: Bill Weeks

Legal Representative: Ed Holt

Members Absent:Joe Denmon,Jill Hubbs

President Brown called the meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Foundation Board of Directors to order at 9:00A.M. He led those present in prayer/ moment of silence,followed bythe Pledge of Allegiance. He acknowledged and welcomed the visitors.

The GCVACrepresentative

The Wall South Representative

Lenny Collins

Dottie Dubuisson

Statement by Charlie Switzer: Charlie announced that his family foundation was making a donation of $5,000 toward the annual maintenance expenses of the Park.

Technology Status Report:The digipromedia representative provided an update on the status of the web site and a recent meeting with the Wall South organization board members. The Wall South Board agreed to a rebuild of their web site to enable on line searches associated with the Veterans Memorial Park to preferentially go to the VMPF web site. The Wall South organization will have a link through the VMPF web site. These changes can be incorporated in 2 weeks.

There was discussion about establishing a “web master” to coordinate regular updates to the web site

Mike Swinehart made a motion to have David Glassman lead the effort to establish a web master and procedures to keep the site up to date. Joe Glover seconded the motion which was approved 10-0 with David Glassman abstaining as he has an interest in the company that is developing the web site.

Minutes:The minutes of the January 21, 2014 meeting were approved as written.

Financial Report: Mike Swinehart reported the balance of the VMPF accounts was $9,070, including the recent donation from Charlie switzer and provided the attached statement. The report was accepted unanimously.

The Krewe of Quasimodo Maintenance of the Bell Tower: The Krewe representative was not present to report; however, it was reported that warranty repairs to the Bell Tower were in progress.

There was discussion about the need to establish a proforma partnering agreement prior to entering formal relationships with organizations maintaining or developing specific monuments. Ed Holt volunteered to draft an agreement for approval.

The agenda item to enter an agreement with the Krewe was tabled until the partnering agreement was developed.

Bob Rivera stated he continues to seek information on prior sponsors to existing memorials and monuments in the Park to identify partner organizations for their continued maintenance. Pete McKenna is a volunteer assistant in this project.

Maintenance and Planning Report: Roger Rowe reported the fact sheet on the status of projects under the BP grant provided at the last meeting was still accurate.

That leaves approximately $50,000 of the grant unencumbered.

Bids for annual Park landscaping maintenance were received and Wallace Landscaping provided the lowest bid.

Roger made a motion to accept the Wallace bid of $6,960 for 1 year of Park maintenance. Joe Glover seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

- The Purple Heart Memorial was reported picked up for repair.

- The Wall lighting project is awaiting additional parts that are expected in the next 2-3 weeks. LED fixtures for other memorials are in progress.

-A formal lighting ceremony will be planned when work is completed.

- Flag Pole lighting and Maintenance- the Wall South representative has volunteered to assume maintenance responsibility for the flag pole. This will be addressed after the City completes ongoing work to repair the lights with LED fixtures.

- Revolutionary War Memorial – The contractor for the kiosk is preparing an estimate for a pedestal and pad for the statue. The letter sent t the Mayor announcing the VMPF recommendation to put the memorial in the Park was discussed. Support for the recommendation by the Mayor’s office is anticipated but the process to address it with the City Council has not been established. The letter was separately provided to councilman Bare per his earlier request. President Brown will follow up with the City and the SAR/DAR for updated status.

Recess: 10:02 – 10:09

Park Theme and Mission: Butch Hansen provided a modified theme and mission statement for consideration and discussion. (attached)

Roger Rowe moved to eliminate the red text modification from the proposed statement and approve it as the VMPF Mission Statement. The statement would read:

“The mission of the Pensacola Veterans Memorial Park is first and foremost to honor and memorialize those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in military service to our Nation. All who sacrificed were one thing, together—Americans. Veterans memorial Park exists as a place of repose and veneration for the spirits of the slain, to be kept forever free of discord and contention.

Adherence to the letter and spirit of this inclusive mission statement should serve as a guide in the selection and placement of further memorials.”

Mike Swinehart seconded the motion.

President Brown suggested the wording from his initial proposal.

The motion was modified to also eliminate the last sentence on adherence.

The motion passed 10-1. President Brown voted no.

The VMPF Mission Statement is established as:

“The mission of the Pensacola Veterans Memorial Park is first and foremost to honor and memorialize those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in military service to our Nation. All who sacrificed were one thing, together—Americans. Veterans memorial Park exists as a place of repose and veneration for the spirits of the slain, to be kept forever free of discord and contention.”

Logo Discussion: The Board was in general agreement after much discussion that the logo should contain a “human element” in the form of a bugler, with the Flag perhaps at half staff, and a depiction of the Wall.

Memorial Day Event Planning: President Brown stated he wanted to approach a potential speaker of high stature for Memorial Day and suggested Senator James Webb, a USNA Classmate, or General Nyland, USMC retired, a resident of Pensacola. It was agreed to extend an invitation to General Nyland.

New Business: The VMPF was approached by the Gulf Coast Veterans in Need Committee about placing a plaque in the Park to memorialize SSGT Jesse Thomas, who was killed in Afghanistan in June 2013.

Butch Hansen made a motion to place the plaque in the Park, and coordinate the unveiling ceremony with the GCVin N Committee and the family of SSGT Thomas.

Roger Rowe seconded the motion. There was discussion about the need for an actual memorial for the Global War on Terror and how it should include these local servicemen who have lost their lives.

The motion passed 10-1. Charlie Switzer voted no.

Next Meeting/Adjournment: The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 25,2014at 9:00in the same meeting room.The meeting adjourned at 1056.