VET Trainer and Assessor Profile Template

VET trainer and assessor profile
Enter school name
Name: [Enter trainer/assessor name]
Profile date: Click here to enter a date.
School RTO compliance management statement
School RTO name / QCAA number
Qualification code / National provider number
The RTO has established and verified the trainer/assessor qualifications recorded on this profile document, including equivalent vocational competence, relevant industry experience and professional development activities.
Based on the evidence provided, this trainer and/or assessor is approved by the RTO to deliver qualifications including the units of competency under the conditions specified in the Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) documents.
RTO manager / Chief executive (principal)
Name / Name
Signature or emailaddress / Signature or emailaddress
Date / Date
QCAA template as at May 2016


About this template 3

Who should use it 3

How to use it 3

Section 1: VET qualifications being delivered 4

Section 2: Relevant trainer/assessor qualifications 4

Section 3: Trainer/assessor status 5

Section 4: Supervision and assessment arrangements 5

Section 5: Professional development relating to VET 6

Section 6: Vocational competency and currency in the industry area 7

Section 7: Confirmation 8

Section 8: Profile checklist 9

About this template

The Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 have specific requirements for trainers and assessors.

This trainer and assessor profile may be used by Queensland school RTOs to assist with gathering the required evidence. The information in the trainer and assessor profile must be of an auditable standard, meaning that it contains verifiable information that meets the requirements of the Standards.

Relevant standards: 1.3, 1.6, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, Schedule 1.

Who should use it

This document has been provided by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) for use in Queensland school RTOs.

Other people or organisations who want to use QCAA materials must obtain permission, as stated in the copyright notice available from:

Queensland school RTOs may use this document to assist with their quality assurance processes and systematic monitoring of RTO operations as outlined within the regulatory Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015. These standards form part of the VET Quality Framework.

The RTO Manager (RTOM) is responsible for monitoring the training and assessment practices. Both the RTOM and the Principal (CEO) are responsible for ensuring their trainers and assessors meet the requirements of the Standards.

How to use it

Read through and customise the information to represent the RTO’s current policies and practices. The format is recommended, but not mandatory. All sections except Section4 must be completed for all trainers/assessors. The Standards also require confirmation from industry that trainers have current industry skills and this has been incorporated into Section6.

Section 1: VET qualifications being delivered

Trainer/assessor, school and qualifications delivered
Trainer/assessor’s name / School RTO name / Date
[Enter trainer/assessor name] / [Enter school RTO name] / [Enter date]
Qualifications delivered by trainer/assessor / [Enter code] / [Enter title]
[Enter code] / [Enter title]
[Enter code] / [Enter title]
[Enter code] / [Enter title]

Section 2: Relevant trainer/assessor qualifications

Name of qualification / Awarding institution / Date awarded
Trainer/assessor qualification
[Enter code and title] / [Enter name or RTO] / [Enter date]
University qualifications (only include if relevant to Section 1)
[Enter qualification title and major] / [Enter organisation] / [Enter date]
[Enter qualification title and major] / [Enter organisation] / [Enter date]
Vocational qualifications, e.g. trade certificates, other certificates or statements of attainment
[Enter code and title] / [Enter organisation] / [Enter date]
[Enter code and title] / [Enter organisation] / [Enter date]
[Enter code and title] / [Enter organisation] / [Enter date]
[Enter code and title] / [Enter organisation] / [Enter date]

Note: Information provided here is insufficient for establishing vocational competence. Vocational competence (as well as industry currency) must also be established unit by unit in Section 6.

Section 3: Trainer/assessor status

Trainer/assessor status
Section 4 must also be completed.
Assessor only / Trains under supervision and holds relevant skill set / Holds TAE40110 / Holds Non-vocational trainer/assessor currency / Holds industry currency / Holds equivalent vocational competencies for each unit
☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐

Section 4: Supervision and assessment arrangements

Arrangements for individuals working under the supervision of a trainer/assessor
Provide details of supervision arrangements:
·  Who is the accountable trainer/assessor?
·  What are the arrangements for monitoring and support?
·  What are the arrangements for conducting assessment?
·  If there are any conditions or restrictions, explain them here. / [Enter details]
Has evidence of holding one of the Trainer Skill Sets been provided to the RTO Manager? See Schedule 1, Item 4 of the Standards. / ☐ Yes / ☐ No
Has an up-to-date trainer and assessor profile for the accountable trainer/assessor been provided to the RTO Manager? / ☐ Yes / ☐ No

Section 5: Professional development relating to VET

Note: QCAA assesses trainers’ competency and industry currency according to the requirements set out in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 — see Standards 1.13 through to 1.16.

Trainer/assessor non-vocational professional development
When, where and for how long? / Who provided the activity? / What type of activity?
Only enter current* professional development activities. Include:
·  when you undertook the activity (month/s and year/s)
·  where (at school, at a workshop or online)
·  how much time you spent on the activity (multiple occasions each month or total of hours/days). / Enter information that identifies the providers of the activity, including:
·  name of presenter/s
·  name and contact details ofbusiness
·  location of the activities. / Describe the activity and its relevance to your professional development in the knowledge and practice of vocational training, learning and assessment.
[Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence]
[Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence]
[Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence]
[Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence]
[Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence]
[Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence]
[Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence]
[Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence]

* The period of two years is a guide. Evidence more than two years old may not meet currency requirements.

Section 6: Vocational competency and currency in the industry area

Unit of competency you are qualified to deliver / Evidence of equivalent industry (vocational) competence to the unit of competency / Recent industry currency and professional development / Confirmation of current industry skills /
Enter the national code and name for unit of competency delivered.
Evidence must be shown unit byunit. / Enter verifiable evidence of vocational competence for the unit, such as:
·  same unit
·  previous unit, but deemed equivalent by training package
·  equivalent industry skills and knowledge. If so, how gained? When? Where? Withwhom?
·  tertiary qualification units or subjects. If so, what unit/subject? What content? How is it relevant? Which organisation? When? / Enter verifiable evidence of recent industry currency and professional development (i.e.dates, duration, company/business, activity and relevance). Include statements on how these activities have given currency.
In almost all instances, this information will be different to the evidence provided for competence. / Confirm you have verifiable evidence (via industry engagement strategies) thatindustry has endorsed your current industry skills as relevant to the units of competency delivered.
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐
[Enter unit of competency code] [Enter unit of competency name] / [Enter evidence] / ☐

Section 7: Confirmation

Trainer and/or assessor statement
Name of RTO manager / [Enter name of current RTO manager]
Have you given the RTO Manager a copy of this profile? / ☐ Yes / ☐ No
Compliance procedures / Have you given the RTO Manager verified copies of your qualifications (and/or equivalent evidence where permitted)? / ☐ Yes / ☐ No
Has the CEO/principal approved you to deliver the qualifications covered by this profile? / ☐ Yes / ☐ No
Name of trainer and/or assessor / [Enter name of trainer/assessor]
Signature/email of trainer and/or assessor / [Enter signature/email] / Date / [Enter date]

Section 8: Profile checklist

Checklist for RTO Managers
Item requiring verification / Verified / Not verified / n/a / RTO staff member who verified information
Qualifications and units being delivered by trainer/assessor are on the scope of registration (Section 1) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
All relevant qualifications held by trainer/assessor have been verified
(Section 2) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Trainer/assessor status has been verified (Section 3) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Details of any supervisory arrangements, if not holding TAE40110, and evidence of holding the relevant Trainer Skill Set have been verified (Sections 3–4) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Individuals under supervision meet the requirements of Standards 1 and Schedule1 (Sections 3–6) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Current trainer/assessor non-vocational professional development activities (Section 5) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Trainer/assessor has mapped all units being delivered to evidence of vocational competency and industry currency (Section6) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Trainer/assessor has verifiable evidence, including dates, supporting vocational (industry) currency relevant to all units being delivered (Section 6) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Industry engagement has been undertaken to ensure vocational (industry) currency of trainer/assessor as being relevant to all units delivered and assessed (Section 6) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Trainer/assessor is qualified to deliver/assess all units (TAS document) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
Trainer/assessor has provided sufficient verifiable evidence and is authorised to deliver/assess (Sections 7–8) / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
TAS has been updated / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
VET trainer and assessor profile
Enter school name / RTO ID 0000 School name QCAA No. 000
March 2016
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