2017Duck Jazz Festival Attendee SurveyTime: ______Date: ______
You may also complete this survey online at duckjazz.com and clicking on the “Duck Jazz Survey”

1) What is your overall satisfaction with the Duck Jazz Festival? (please select one)

 Very Satisfied  Satisfied  Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied  Dissatisfied  Very Dissatisfied

2) Which of the following 2017Duck Jazz events have you attended or plan to attend? (Check all that apply)

Movie on the Green (Friday)

The Mint Julep Jazz Band (Saturday)

11:00 am Robert Jospé Express Trio

12:00 pm 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band

1:00pm The Rad Trads

2:00 pm Robert Jospé Express Trio: “The Journey of Clave from Africa to the Americas”

3:00pm Marquis Hill Blacktet

4:30pm First Flight High School Jazz

5:15 pm Davina & The Vagabonds

Duck Business live music events

Jazz themed events at Duck Businesses

Other ______

3)How have you heard about Duck Jazz Festival this year? (check all that apply and specify exact media or location, if possible)

  • Radio______
  • TV______
  • Newspaper______
  • Magazine______
  • Facebook______
  • Twitter______
  • Website______
  • Email ______
  • Flyer/Poster______
  • Band Calendar ______
  • Town Marquee
  • Word of Mouth
  • Radio Station please list:


  • Other ______

4) How satisfied were you with the following attributes of the Duck Jazz Festival:

Very Very

N/A Unsatisfied Satisfied

Quality of Performers 012345

Food Vendors 012345

Parking 012345

Restroom Facilities012345

Events offered012345

Promotional Info012345
Merchandise Selection012345

Safety & Security012345

5) What sponsors of the Duck Jazz Festival can you identify?______


□ I do not know who any of the sponsors are.

6) I have a higher opinion of companies who sponsor the Duck Jazz the Festival.
□ Yes □ No

7) I am more likely to buy products/services from companies that sponsor the Duck Jazz Festival.

□ Yes □ No

9) Have you previously attended the Duck Jazz Festival? 10) Have you visited Duck businesses this week to...

□ Yes □ No

□ shop □ dine □ play □ all □ none

11) Do you think you will attend next year?

□ Yes □ No

12) Did you come specifically for the Jazz Fest?
□ Yes □ No A specific band?______

13) If visiting, what activities brought you to the Outer Banks? (check all that apply)

_____ Duck Jazz Festival _____ Home Owners Association Meeting

_____ Relaxation/Time at the Beach _____ Wedding
_____ Other special event ______Other

14) What is your age? ______years 15)I am: Male  Female

16) Do you own property in Duck?  Yes  No 17) Do you live in Dare County?  Yes  No

18) If no, what are your current accommodations? (check one) 19) In what community? (check one)

Beach House/Rental Cottage

2nd Home (non-resident property owner)


Sanderling Resort


Home of family or friends

Not staying here

Other ______



Southern Shores

Kitty Hawk

Kill Devil Hills

Nags Head


Other ______

20) How many nights? _____ 21) Is this your first visit to the Outer Banks? Yes No

22) What is the zip code of your primary residence? ______

23) Including yourself, how many people are in your group today? _____ people

24) Which of the following indicates your highest completed level of education (check one)?
_____ 11th Grade or Less_____ Some College
_____ High School Graduate_____ College Graduate
_____ Post High School Technical Training_____ Post Graduate Work

25) Which of these categories best indicates your race? Please check all that apply.

____American Indian or Alaska Native ____Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander


____Black or African American____ Hispanic or Latino

26) Which of the following best describes your household income before taxes in year 2015? (check one)

_____ Less than $30,000_____ $130,000 - $159,999

_____ $30,000 - $59,999_____ $160,000 - $199,999

_____ $60,000 - $99,999_____ $200,000 - $249,999

_____ $100,000 - $129,999_____ over $250,000
Is there anything else you would like to say about the event,or artist recommendations for Duck Jazz?




______Thank you! Your responses will help with planning of the Duck JazzFestival in years to come!