Vermont Emergency Medical Services District 5

Meeting Minutes

April 2, 2012

Attendees: Deb Bach – NVRH; Mark Podgwaite – Lyndon Rescue; Natalie Fuller – Concord Rescue; Jayme Emery – Danville Rescue; Kirsten Nutter – Barnet Rescue; Bill Vinton – Waterford EMS; Dan Martin – Newbury EMS; Jerry Senturia – Peacham Fire; Michael Wright – Calex Ambulance; Jon Algeri – Walden EMS; Dr Stan Baker – NVRH

Meeting opened at 6:30 pm by Mark Podgwaite.

Secretary’s Report:There are two amendments – First – Michael did not mention an EMT I Refresher last month. It was done several months ago. Second – Kathryn Aucoin attended the meeting as well – her name did not appear in the correct place on the minutes. Jayme made a motion that we accept the report, Deb seconded it.

Treasurer’s Report:Michael made a motion to that we accept the report, Jerry seconded it.


Communications Progress:Mark from fire alarm said that the request for a repeater on Burke Mountain has been denied. Canada is delaying the progress.

District Training:The quarterly review went well. There was great feedback from all who attended. Training will be May 17, 2012 at 1900 at NVRH. Dr. Baker also spoke to Chris Bell about getting a waiver to change the oxygen protocol in known COPD patients. He is still working on this because the State is still reorganizing their staff. The next training will be onTraining will be May 17, 2012 at 1900 at NVRH. Please note that this is a Thursday evening this month. The topic will be transferring pediatric patients.

Natalie also mentioned that Concord is working on a DART landing training. She will have more information about this soon.

By-Laws / Protocols / Policies Committee:Tim Angel has resigned from this committee. Deb will look at the current policies and work on updating them. Anyone interested in helping on this committee please see Mark.

District 5 EMT Class:Class is going well. They will be testing on April 21, 2012 in Norwich. Evaluators are needed. Please contact Michael or Mark if you can help.

LRI North EMT Class:The class is still on hold. Mark has been unofficially told that everyone who applied for the grant will get it.

EMS Week:We are planning a family BBQ on Saturday, June 9th. Michael is going to check on the availability of St. Johnsbury Academy. We are also going to design a page for the local newspapers with information about EMS with patches from all of the services. Please get Mark a scanned copy of your patch.

TRANSITIONS:The committees are finishing their recommendations and everything will be submitted to Emergency Management by April 13, 2012.

DISTRICT 5 AWARD & AAA STAR OF LIFE:This will be an annual award. We are gathering information from other districts about what they do. Motion made by Deb and seconded by Jayme to table this for now.

EMR CLASS:Will be starting in Barnet on April 5, 2012. It will be every Monday and Thursday Evening from 6-9. There are currently 5 students.


Monthly Leadership Conference Call:The topic was transitions. The next meeting will be April 6, 2012.

STATE EMS UPDATE:No information is available yet.

I/C COURSE:There is a federal grant available for this training. The State will hold 3 courses throughout the state. It will be a free course to attend. Please see Mark if you are interested.


President: Mark Podgwaite

Vice President: Deb Bach

Treasurer: Kirsten Nutter

Motion was made by Michael and seconded by Jerry to accept the nominations. Jayme Emery has also agreed to be secretary as Tony Skelton has resigned that position.

Next meeting will be held on May 7that 6:30pm.

Meeting adjourned at 7:23pm on a motion by Deb.