Vermilion County Regional Office of Education #54
School Safety Drills Report
(as required by Public Act 94-0600 & PA 98-0048)
This form must be completed, kept with the records of each district to be reviewed at the annual safety plan meeting, and provided to the ROEeach year.
District ______Building ______
Three Fire Drills required (one drill requires fire dept participation)
- Date of fire drill with required fire department participation ______
Yes ___ No___ Fire department participation waived (by mutual agreement)
Yes ___ No___ Fire department certified drill (required if fire department participated)
Fire official's signature ______
- Date of fire drill with optional fire department participation ______
Yes ___ No ___ Fire department participated in drill
Yes ___ No ___ Fire department certified drill (required if fire department participated)
Fire official's signature (if used) ______
- Date of fire drill with optional fire department participation ______
Yes ___ No ___ Fire department participated in drill
Yes ___ No ___ Fire department certified drill (required if fire department participates)
Fire official's signature (if used) ______
One Bus Evacuation Drill (required)
Date of bus evacuation drill ______
One Severe Weather and Shelter-In-Place Drill (required)
Date of severe weather and shelter-in-place drill ______
One Supervised Law Enforcement Drill/School Shooting Incident Drill (required)
Date of law enforcement and school shooting drill ______
Law enforcement official's signature ______
Signature of Building PrincipalDate
PA 94-0600 During each academic year, schools must conduct a minimum of 3 school evacuation drills to address and prepare students and personnel for fire incidents. One of the 3 school fire evacuation drills shall require the participation of the appropriate local fire department or district.
During each academic year, schools must conduct a minimum of one bus evacuation drill.
During each academic year, schools must conduct a minimum of one severe weather or shelter-in-place drill to address and prepare students and personnel for possible tornado incidents and may conduct additional severe weather or shelter-in-place drills to account for other incidents, including but without limitation, earthquakes or hazardous material spills.
Beginning in FY10 school must conduct a minimum of one law enforcement drill with participation of appropriate local law enforcement agencyand beginning in FY14 the drill must incorporate school shooting incident preparedness (PA 98-0048).
School Safety Drills Report Form (07/2013)