Veritas Classical School

4th Grade

Assignment Sheet #16

*Bible: The pages we refer to can be found on the Veritas website in the Bible section.

□  Sing the Gospels Memory Song through Event #19 EACH DAY.

□  Read Bible Card #112 – The Woman at the Well.

□  OPTIONAL: Choose ONE of the projects to complete for The Woman at the Well.

□  Complete The Woman at the Well Worksheet. Answers start on p. 269.

□  Read John 4:1-42 this week.

*History: The pages we refer to can be found on the Veritas website in the History section.

□  Sing the ENTIRE Explorers to 1815 Memory Song EACH DAY.

□  Read Card #16- The French and Indian Wars EACH DAY.

□  Complete The French and Indian Wars Worksheet. Answers start on p. 472.

□  Complete ONE Project from The French and Indian Wars.

□  Read the 16th timeline page, The French and Indian Wars. Tape medallion #16 on the map.

□  On the last day of the week, have your child take The French and Indian Wars Test. This is an open book test, so your child may use the card when taking the test. Please do not help your child complete the test. Please return the History test in your child’s assignment folder.


□  Begin reading, The Witch of Blackbird Pond. Read chapters 1-4 this week.

□  Have your child retell each chapter in his or her narration notebook. Encourage your child to summarize and to not try to give every detail. Do not worry about spelling or sentence structure.

□  Begin the Literature Activities for this book. I have attached all of the activities for the book. Make sure you print all of the activities this week with the assignment sheet.

□  Continue reading How God Stopped the Pirates each day for your quiet time with God if you didn’t finish it over break.


□  Using a dictionary or, define the following words from your Bible, History, and Literature: affirming, disembark, dour-looking, nonchalance, punctilious, intangible, constraint, incredulous, abstracted, conceded, irksome, tremulous, perceptibly, impulsively, shied, frippery, unseemly, writhe

□  Study your vocabulary words EACH DAY. I encourage you to have your child make flashcards to build strong study skills.

□  On the last day, parents read the definitions to your child, and have your child write the word that matches the definition you read. Spelling does not count. You may give a word bank. Do not give your child any clues. If your child cannot choose the word from the word bank, mark it as incorrect. Return the vocabulary test in your child’s assignment folder. Write the number of words missed in the top right corner of the test.


□  Days 1-4: Use Selections 45-49 [p. 139-140 – Harp & Laurel Wreath)

□  Read Opportunity at least 3 times this week (p. 114 – Harp & Laurel).



□ Complete page 44-47 in Handwriting Without Tears.


□ Complete pages 34-35 in your Maps, Globes, and Graphs Level D workbook.


□ EACH DAY, go over ALL of the Shurley Jingles in the Jingle section of your Shurley English student workbook. We listen to the jingles in class each week. Continue listening to the Question and Answer Flow on the Shurley CD.

□ Complete pgs. 275, 277, 279, 281, 283, 285, 287 in Easy Grammar Teacher’s Edition. Easy Grammar Workbook pages are 113-119.

□ Complete the Chapter 12 Shurley Practice Sentences. Be sure to use the Question and Answer Flow with each sentence.

*Critical Thinking:

□ Complete p. 29-30 of Red Herring Mysteries.

□ Complete p. 9-10 in Math Analogies.


□ Complete Lesson 16 in your Spelling Workout book.

□ Write your spelling word list 3-5 times each day, spelling each word out loud as you write it.

□  On the last day, parents read each word out loud to your child and have your child write the spelling word on a piece of notebook paper. Return the spelling test in your child’s assignment folder.


□ Complete Lessons 61-64 including Mental Math and Fact Sheets.

□ There will be no Math test next week.


□  Gather supplies for Lesson 8 on p. x.

□  Read p. 90-96 this week.

*Fine Arts:

□ Spend the next 3 weeks reading the book, Norman Rockwell. You can either divide it into sections or read the book several times over the next 3 weeks. We will do activities related to the book during weeks 19-22.

I have completed all assignments as outlined on this assignment sheet.


Parent Signature Student Signature

Total time spent independently reading this week: ______

1 ½ hour = C

2 ½ hours = B

3 ½ hours = A (average of 30 min./7days a week)


1)  Assignment folder – one side should be labeled, “Papers to turn in”, and the other side should be labeled, “Graded papers”

2)  5 sharpened pencils

3)  Hand-held pencil sharpener

4)  Loose-leaf Notebook paper (can be put in a separate folder labeled “Notebook paper”)

5)  Saxon Math Book

6)  Shurley English Workbook

7)  Easy Grammar Workbook

8)  Current Literature Book

9)  Small NIV Bible (if you have one)

10)  Red pen

11)  Highlighter (any color)

12)  Science book

13)  Healthy snack, lunch, and drink (only non-spilling bottles, please)

14)  Red Herring Mysteries

15)  Spelling Workout Book

16)  Shurley Practice Booklet

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Chapters 1-8

Literature Activities

Assigned: Weeks 16 AND 17

In the opening chapters of the book, Kit often thinks of her old home. She notices the many ways her new surroundings in Connecticut are different from Barbados. You, as the reader, may notice even more differences. As you read, list details and emotions which show the difference between Kit’s old life and her new life.


1)  warm climate 1)cold climate

2)  2)

3)  3)

4)  4)

5)  5)

6)  6)

7)  7)


1)  In your opinion, did Kit make the right choice in coming to Wethersfield?

2)  What might you have done in her place?

3)  What might you suggest she do to fit into her new community?

4)  Explain how and why Kit comes to be in Wethersfield, Connecticut. What is her reaction to Connecticut and the community she joins?

5)  What warnings do Nat Eaton and John Holbrook give Kit? What events suggest that Kit may not fit in at Wethersfield?

6)  How do Matthew Wood, Reverend Gershom, and William Ashby feel about King James? What do the men’s views suggest about the Wethersfield community?

7)  Do you think Kit makes appropriate choices? Do you think she should have retrieved Prudence’s doll or offered clothing to Judith? Why or why not?

8)  What do you think of the lessons that Matthew and Rachel Wood teach their children?

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Chapters 9-16

Literature Activities (2 pages)

Assigned: Weeks 18 AND 19

In these chapters, many of the characters in the book begin to reveal their feelings or attitudes toward each other. The reader also begins to understand past and present relationships among the characters. As you read these chapters, make notes about these relationships and attitudes by completing the chart below. Draw arrows to link characters. Then describe the relationship. Some characters will have arrows to more than one other character. Some examples are given for you.

Care a great deal for

each another

despite many


says she loves him and wants to marry him

Is attached to

Hannah despite

warnings about



QUESTIONS – Chapter 9-16

1)  Why don’t the people of Wethersfield like Hannah Tupper?

2)  How does Hannah help Kit find a place in Wethersfield?

3)  What happens when Governor Andros arrives to take the charter?

4)  Why is Nat punished in the stocks?

5)  In her attempt to help both Prudence and Hannah, Kit sometimes disobeys community and family rules. Do you think she is a good friend? What would the Bible say about her actions? Use a verse to support your answer.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Chapters 17-21

Literature Activities

Assigned: Week 20

1)  After John Holbrook leaves to fight a group of Native Americans, what happens to Judith, Kit, and Mercy?

2)  What happens to Kit after she helps Hannah to reach Nat’s ship?

3)  Do you think Kit deserves her uncle’s confidence when he defends her to the witch hunter? Why or why not?

4)  The novel reaches its climax in its final section. The climax is the point of greatest dramatic tension or excitement in a story. After the climax, the resolution tells you what happens to all the characters and how the central problems of the story have been solved. Explain what was the climax and what was the resolution in this book.

5)  How did you feel about the story’s ending?

6)  Would you change what happens to the characters? Explain why or why not.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Literature Project

Assigned: Week 21


1)  At the end of the book, Matthew shows himself to be law-abiding, even though he is prejudiced against those with different ideas. Do you think it’s possible to obey God’s greatest commandments found in Mark 12:30-31 and still have any prejudices? Why or why not? Why do you think people are prejudice? How can we as Christians prevent becoming prejudice in our own lives and help others to stop being prejudice? Write a 3 paragraph essay explaining your answer with Scripture references to support your answers.

2)  This novel raises several questions about right and wrong, about loyalty, and about friendship. Find 3 examples in the book that can be supported in Scripture as being Christ-like behavior and 3 examples in the book that are NOT Christ-like behavior. Give Scripture to support your answers. Write a 3 paragraph essay explaining your findings.

3)  Write a 3 paragraph essay about the Historical background for this book. Key words to help you in your research include the following: Wethersfield, Connecticut; Puritans; Massachusetts; King Charles I; King Charles II; King James II; 1620-1687; English Civil War

4)  Write a 3 paragraph essay about 1)why you liked OR 2) didn’t like the book OR 3)what your favorite parts of the book were.