Verb Builder List- Nivel Tres
1. abrazar (F*)-to embrace, to hug, to clasp
2. abrochar-to button, to fasten, to lace, to tie
3. aborrecer (1*)-to hate, to abhor
4. Aburrirse (7*)-to become bored
5. acabar- to finish, to complete
6. acercarse (7-F*)-to approach, to draw near
7. acertar (3*)-to guess correctly, to find, to hit upon
8. actuar (´)-to act, to perform
9. advertir (3-D*)-to notice, to warn
10. afligir-(1*)to cause pain, to trouble, to distress
11. agradecer (1*)-to thank, to be grateful for
12. alcanzar (F*)-to reach (up to), to catch, to attain
13. alejarse (7*)-to move away, to withdraw
14. alojarse (7*)-to lodge, to stay
15. alzar (F*)-to raise, to lift up
16. anochecer (1*)-to get dark, to arrive at nightfall
17. anotar-to annotate, to make note of
18. aplastar-to crush
19. apostar (4*)-to wager, to post
20. apretar (3*)-to tighten, to squeeze, to compress
21. arder- to burn, to glow, to blaze
22. arrodillarse (7*)-to kneel
23. asistir- to attend, to accompany
24. atender (3*)-to pay attention to, to keep in mind
25. atraer (1-A*)- to attract
26. atreverse (7*)-to dare
27. ayudar- to help, to aid
28. bromar- to gnaw
29. broncearse (7*)-to get a tan, to suntan
30. bucear- to scuba dive, to swim underwater
31. burlarse (7*)-to make fun of, to ridicule
32. caber (1-A*)- to fit
33. caerse (1-7-E*)- to fall down, to drop
34. cambiar- to change
35. cazar (F*)- to hunt, to catch, to land
36. cepillarse (7*)- to brush
37. cobrar un cheque- to cash a check
38. cocer (1-4*)-to cook, to boil, to bake
39. coger (1*)-to grab, to grasp, to capture
40. colgar (F*)-to hang up
41. colocar (F*)-to place, to position, to invest
42. comenzar (3-F*)- to begin, to start
43. componer (1-A*)-to compose, to fix
44. concluir (6-E*)- to conclude, to finish
45. confiar en-to trust, to feel confident, to count on
46. conquistar-to conquer, to win
47. conseguir (5-D*)-to obtain
48. contener (1-A*)-to contain, to hold back
49. cortarse las uñas (7*)- to trim ones nails
50. corregir (1-5-D*)- to correct
51. costar (4*)- to cost, to find it difficult
52. crecer (1*)-to grow, to increase
53. charlar- to chat, to chatter
54. chillar-to shriek, to squeak
55. chismear-to gossip
56. chupar-to suck, to lick (a sucker)
57. dañar-to wound, to cause pain
58. darse cuenta de (1-7-C*)- to realize
59. deber- to owe, to ought to
60. dedicar (F*)-to dedicate
61. dejar atrás- to leave behind
62. derramar-to spill, to pour out, to shed
63. desconocer (1*)- not to know, to deny, not to recognize, not to remember
64. desdecir (1-5-A*)-not to live up to, to fall short
65. desembocar (F*)-to flow, to run
66. desenterrar (3*)-to unearth, to dig up
67. deshacer (1-A*)-to undo, to destroy, to ruin
68. desinflar- to deflate, to let air out
69. despertarse (3-7*)- to wake up, to awaken
70. destruir (6-E*)-to destroy, to ruin
71. dibujar- to draw, to sketch
72. dirigirse (1*)-to go, to make ones way, to direct o.s. towards
73. disfrutar-to enjoy , to make the most of
74. distinguir (1*)- to distinguish, to favor, to show preference for
75. dormirse (4-7-D*)- to go to sleep
76. ducharse (7*)- to take a shower
77. echar de menos- to miss
78. embragar (F)-to connect, to engage
79. empujar-to push, to oust
80. encajar-to fit, to insert
81. encantar-to enchabt, to charm, to love something
82. enganchar-to hook, to wheedle, to persuade
83. engañar- to trick, to fool, to deceive
84. entender (3*)- to understand, to comprehend
85. entrar-to enter, to come in, to be admitted
86. entregar (F*)-to deliver, to hand over
87. entretener (1-3-A*)-to entertain, to amuse, to occupy
88. equivocarse (7-F*)-to be mistaken
89. esperar- to hope, to wait for
90. exigir (1*)-to demand, to exact, to require
91. experimentar- to experiment, to try out, to test
92. fabricar (F*)- to manufacture, to make, to build, to construct, to invent
93. faltar-to lack, to need
94. fingir (1*)-to pretend, to feign
95. florecer (1*)- to bloom, to flower
96. freír (5 +´ +D*)-to fry
97. frustrar- to frustrate, to thwart
98. gastar- to spend money, to consume, to exhaust
99. girar- to turn, to rotate, to revolve
100. grabar- to record, to engrave, to tape
101. gruñir-to grunt, to growl to grumble
102. guardar silencio-to keep quiet
103. hacer cola (1-A*)- to form a line
104. helar (3*)- to freeze
105. hervir (3-D*)- to boil
106. hinchar-to swell, to inflate, to blow up, to exaggerate
107. hipar-to have the hiccups, dogs-pant
108. hostigar (F*)-to whip, to harass, to urge, to push forward
109. huir (6-E*)-to escape, to run away, to avoid, to flee
110. hundir-to sink, to drown
111. imaginar-to imagine, to invent, to suppose, to presume
112. imponer (1-A*)-to impose, to instill, to inspire
113. importar-to be important, to matter
114. inflar-to inflate
115. ingresar-to enter, to become a member of
116. inventar- to invent, to fabricate, to make up
117. juntar-to join, to assemble
118. jurar- to swear, to take an oath
119. juzgar (F*)- to judge
120. ladrar- to bark, to growl, to snarl
121. lamerse (7*)- to lick o.s. (animal)
122. lanzar (F*)-to throw, to hurl, to shoot
123. lastimarse (7*)- to hurt, to injure o.s.
124. lisonjear -to flatter
125. lograr-to get, to obtain, to achieve
126. luchar- to fight, to strugle
127. llevarse (7*)-to take away, to carry off
128. llorar- to cry, to weep
129. llover (4*)- to rain
130. manejar- to drive, to handle, to manage
131. mantener (1-A*)- to maintain, to support, to feed
132. marcharse (7*)-to go away, to leave
133. masticar (F*)- to chew
134. matricularse (7*)-to registar, to study at a school
135. medir (5-D*)- to measure, to compare
136. mejorarse (7*)-to improve, to get better, to clear up
137. mentir (3-D*)- to lie, to tell lies
138. merecer (1*)-to deserve, to be worthy of
139. moler (4*)-to grind, to mill, to press
140. montar- To mount, to get on, to ride
141. morder (4*)-to bite, to nibble
142. morir (4-D*)-to die
143. nacer (1*)-to be born, to be hatched, to sprout
144. negarse (3-7-F*)-to refuse, to deny o.s.
145. negociar-to negotiate, to deal, to deal, to do business
146. nevar (3*)- to snow, to whiten
147. nivelar-to make level, to survey, to grade
148. obedecer (1*)-to obey, to respond to
149. obligarse (7-F*)- to obligate o.s.
150. obrar-to work
151. ocultar- to hide, to conceal
152. oler (4*+H)- to smell
153. ofatear-to sniff, to get wind of
154. omitir- to omit
155. orar-to make a speach, to pray
156. parecer (1*)-to seem like, to appear
157. patinar- to skate, to skid, to slide
158. pecar (F*)-to sin
159. pegar (F*)-to glue
160. pelear-to fight, to quarrel, to battle
161. pensar en (3*)- to think about
162. perderse (3-7*)-to lose yourself
163. perseguir (1-5-D*)-to persue, to chase
164. pertenecer (1*)-to belong
165. picar (F*)-to prick, to perforate, to punch
166. ponerse (1-7-A*)- to put oneself, to put on
167. portarse (7*)-to behave
168. postergar (F*)-to postpone, to pass over
169. preocuparse (7*)-to worry
170. presentar-to present, to show, to display
171. probar (4*)- to try, to taste, to test
172. proporcionar-to apportion, to distribute
173. proteger (1*)-to protect
174. quebrar- To break, to break off, to break up
175. quedarse (7*)-to stay, to remain, to be, to become
176. quejarse (7*)- to moan, to whine, to complain
177. quietar-to quiet, to calm
178. quitarse (7*)-to take off
179. realizar (F*)-to realize, to accomplish
180. rebajar-to reduce, to lower
181. recoger (1*)-to pick up, to gather
182. reconocer (1*)- to recognize, to identify, to appreciate
183. recordar (4*)-to remember, to remind
184. recorrer- to travel, to look over
185. rechasar-to reject, to refuse, to repel
186. redactar-to draft
187. regalar- to give a present
188. regatear- to bargain
189. regresar-to return
190. rehacer (1-A*)-to redo, to remake
191. reír (5 + ´-D*)- to laugh
192. rellenar-to refill, to fill up, to stuff
193. remar-to row
194. remendar (3*)-to mend
195. resfriarse (7*)-to catch a cold
196. reventar-to burst, to blow, to break
197. rezar (F*)- to pray, to say
198. rodear-to go around, to go by a roundabout way, to beat around the bush
199. rogar (4-F*)-to beg
200. saltar- to jump, to hop
201. saludar- to greet
202. sanarse (7*)-to heal, to recover from an illness
203. seguir (1-5-D*)-to follow, to come after
204. sentarse (3-7*)-to sit down
205. silbar-to whistle
206. soler (4*)-to be in the habit of
207. sollozar (F*)-to sob
208. someterse (7*)-to surrender, to undergo
209. soñar con (4*)-to dream of, to dream about
210. soplar-to blow
211. sorprender-to surprise, to take by surprise
212. subir- to go up, to climb, to raise, to enter transportation
213. sostener (1-3-A*)- to sustain, to support
214. tachar-to cross out
215. tejer-to weave, to knit
216. tirar-to throw
217. tocar (F*)-to touch, to play an instrument, to feel, to handle
218. torcer (1-4*)-to twist, to bend, to sprain
219. tragar (F*)- To swallow, to devour
220. tronar-to thunder, to be in a rage
221. tropezar (3-F*)-to stumble, to trip
222. tutear-to address as tú
223. utilizarse (7-F*)- to utilize
224. vacilar-to sway, to flicker, to hesitate
225. vagar (F*)-to wander, to be idle
226. vencer (1*)- to conquer, to defeat, to overcome, to surpass
227. vengar (F*)-to avenge
228. vestirse (5-D*)-to get dressed
229. viajar- to travel
230. zumbar- to buzz