Patient Participation Group 2017/2018

Venue: Coventry Road Medical Centre

Date: Wednesday 30th August 2017

Time: 12.30pm – 1.30 pm


Surgery: Dr Nishat Ahmad (NA) GP Lead

Dr Tahmanna Choudhury (TCH) GP

Nasreen Akhtar Business Manager & Minute Taker

Patients: Adnan Araf (AA) Jaswinder Chagger (JC)

Tarlochan Chagger (TC) Khaled Choudhury (KC)

Mahmood Hussain (MH) Shahid Iqbal (SI)

Mohammed Jahangir (MJ) Ray McCrellis (RM)

Brenda Phipps (BP)

Apologies: Rashna Tashfeen Sharafadin Manah

Jeevan Chagger Nazar Hussain

Shereena Jan

1 / NA welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the PPG. He explained the purpose of the group and went through the ground rules.
All members of the PPG introduced themselves.
2 / NA outlined the achievements of the surgery that have been implemented over the last 6-8 months and improvements which are in the pipeline.
·  New logo / ·  New website / ·  New shutters
·  New lighting / ·  Disabled easy access ramps
NA explained the practice had patient self-check-in screens approximately 15 years ago, but patient’s did not use them. The practice is considering re-installing them. KC and RM found check-ins currently in use in hospitals are very easy to use and would improve the congestion at the front reception desk. BP agrees but prefers contact with a real person. NA explained check-in service is merely for reducing the queues, allowing receptionists more time to respond to patients who need assistance.
RM suggested an announcement screen to notify patients if there is a delay as patients can get quite frustrated if they are not called on time and keep going to the reception desk to ask when they will be seen. NA said this was a good idea and is something the practice is considering.
NA also informed the group after all the installation and lighting is done the surgery will undergo re-decoration which will make the waiting area much brighter.
3 / New website
NA started off with informing the group of the new Practice website which is and Patient On-line services. Patients can order repeat prescriptions online. There will also be limited appointments to book online too. There is a lot of information regarding the services the practice offers and the group was encouraged to log onto the site to have a look. There is also a Friends & Family test tool which patients can use to give feedback to the surgery.
4 / Seasonal Flu vaccinations
The flu vaccine will be available in September to eligible patients which are in the ‘at risk’ group. This includes carers, pregnant women and patients who are on the disease register.
NA also mentioned the national shortage of Hepatitis A and Typhoid vaccines. However, patients who are travelling abroad can still obtain prescriptions for Typhim capsules which can be dispensed at local pharmacies.
The Practice Nurse is currently on sick leave due to a fractured ankle. Hopefully she will be back sometime September. In the meantime NA will be administering all the vaccinations and baby immunisation.
5 / ACE Foundation and ACE Excellence
The practice has signed up to ACE Foundation which investigates antibiotic use and medicine waste. ACE Excellence is a scheme which is bringing in secondary services into Primary Care such as Phlebotomy, ECG (heart tracing), Spirometry (lung function tests) and 24 hour BP monitoring. Patients will be seen a lot quicker in surgery, some within days of referrals.
AA enquired if Phlebotomy services will be available in-house to under 16’s. NA explained children must continue to have bloods done at the hospital by nurses who specialise in taking bloods from children. The in-house service is for over 16 year olds and will be available 5 days a week. It is preferable bloods are booked during morning clinic as the specimens are collected by the hospital daily before 12pm and taken to the pathology laboratory for processing instead of being kept overnight in the fridge.
6 / Latent TB Infection Screening
NA explained the practice has recently signed up to the Latent TB Infection Screening Programme and in the process of identifying patients who meet the eligibility criteria.
7 / Any other business
Practice car park
All members of the team reported difficulties with parking. MH suggested a buzzer intercom at the entrance of the gate where patients can identify themselves and be let in. AA pointed out this could in affect become an obstruction to other traffic and the car park does not have the capacity to let everyone in. NA agreed with AA. Unfortunately, the car park can only accommodate staff cars and is currently only opened for disabled patients. SI enquired about the land behind the surgery. NA explained this land belonged to Salafi mosque on Wright Street.
NA went on to explain parking is a big problem in the area. The main problem is inconsiderate drivers parking on the pavement and blocking surgery exits and car park gate. The practice has contacted the council and local MP’s and are considering installing bollards.
Phone System
SI brought up issues of difficulties getting through to the surgery on the phone. The phone call gets cut off having to re-dial again and again. NA informed that a new telephone would be installed week starting 17th September. The system will be cloud based and have many features which will benefit the patients, the main being that there will be a queuing system and patients will be advised what number they are in the queue.
Pharmacy Prescription Ordering Service
AA informed some practices will not allow pharmacies to order and are asking patients to contact the surgery themselves. He was concerned this could lead to patients being without medication especially if patients cannot get to the surgery in time or over the weekend. NA explained some pharmacies order repeat medication for patients without prior consent which can result in stockpiling of medication. TCH informed the group that the Medicine Management Prescribing Advisor from the CCG have advised our practice to stop pharmacies ordering on patient’s behalf to tackle medicine waste. NA explained our practice will not be changing the prescription ordering service as the practice has systems in place to tackle this problem. Patients can sign up and nominate a pharmacy. The only medication which is unable to be requested electronically is controlled drugs.
Extended Hours
MH asked whether the practice had any plans in opening the surgery over the weekend. NA informed the group there is a lot of pressure on General Practice to open longer hours. The practice currently offers extended hours offering slots before 8am. From 1st October, the surgery will also be opening Thursday afternoons offering extra slots for specialist clinics with health care assistants. The practice may consider opening a late evening for patients who work but this will all be down to available funding. NA and TCH explained there are increasing demands on GP’s time and lack of NHS funding. 50% of the time is spent seeing patients and 50% spent on paperwork which includes actioning hospital letters, pathology results as well as meeting the demands of the CCG and attendance of regular meetings to discuss and implement initiatives such as ACE Excellence and ACE Foundation.
There were no further issues raised and the meeting ended at 1.30 pm.
NA thanked everyone for giving their time which was very much appreciated.
Next meeting will be held Wednesday 25th October at 12.30 pm.