Welcome to our theming tutorial. On the following pages we will show you how you can simply create your own theme for the rom with Virtuous Ten Studio and share it with all other users that use our rom.
With the release of ViperOne 1.0.0 we introduced our own theme support which lets you apply installable themes on the fly for statusbar icons and Sense iconsets.
In the following steps we will show you how to create your own Sense iconsets and statusbar icon themes.
· Virtuous Ten Studio (Download from the VTS website)
· VenomActivityFinder (attached in the thread)
· Java JRE (required to use apktool)
· Your desired Image Editor
Sense Icon packs
Step 1:
Download Virtuous Ten Studio (VTS)* from the website http://www.virtuous-ten-studio.com/ and install it.
Set up VTS, as explained on the website.
*Virtuous Ten Studio is a free to use product but please consider a donation because a lot of work (hundreds of hours) and even commercial (paid) components has been put into this application. And the license disables a little popup window which appears at several occasions within the app and also removes the watermarks from the HTC Sense M10 images.
Step 2:
For the Sense icon set, you can choose any apk from the hub. Browse to the folder where the apk is located and right click this apk. When you have selected integration with Windows Explorer in VTS clicking the apk with the right mouse button it will give you the option to open it with VTS. Fill in any Solution Name.
Step 3:
Open the AndroidManifest.xml and change the package name on line 2 and.
Android:name on line 4.
Attention: keep " venom.theme.rosie." for the package name and just replace venom with your chosen theme name.
Do the same in strings.xml located in res/values. Replace “theme title” with your icon pack name.
Step 4:
Go into the /res/drawable-xhdpi folder and right click on an icon and choose open in explorer.
Theme the icons to your liking.
Attention: Keep the names of the icons as they are.
Below an example of a different coloured theme.
Step 6:
(Only required when you add more themed icons than the stock ones that comes with the rom)
Firstly, theme all your icons. You can call your icons anything you wish, but give them a logical name.
Please note that this base icon pack has underlay, overlay and mask icons which do as the name implies. These icons are called iconback.png, iconmask.png and iconupon.png
Install the VenomActivityFinder onto your HTC One and start it. Click "Choose app you wanna theme". A Dialog should appear (2nd screen) with all installed apps on your device. Choose the desired app you wanted to theme. After you clicked the chosen app the package name+Main activity name is shown in the textbox (3rd screen), just with "_" seperated instead of "."
After you have this activity name, go to http://activities.droidicon.com/ and enter the activity name. Once you find this activity, you will be given a list of different names you can use. You want the bottom one.
As an alternative, you may just wish to create an icon pack that only applies an underlay, mask and overlay to existing app drawer icons. To do this, simply use Sense 5 Circle new icon set from the Venom Hub as a base, and edit the 3 icons to your liking. Don’t forget to change android manifest and strings to your new name!
Step 7:
(Also only required when you add more themed icons than the stock ones that comes with the rom)
You now need to update the icon pack in several places for each icon:
1. Assets/appfilter.xml
Enter your activity name into this xml with the same format as the rest. Example:
Where venomtweaks.png is the name of the icon I have used.
2. res/values/arrays.xml
3. res/values/public.xml
Where the public ID is one number higher than the last drawable public ID value.
4. res/xml/drawable.xml
Step 8:
Recompile the theme by right clicking on the VTS project and select “Build all”.
Step 9:
Go into the folder of your VTS project which in this tutorial is located in C:\User\..\ Documents\Virtuous Ten Studio\Projects\iconset\rosie_theme\Binary
You will find your final apk in the "binary" folder already signed. Rename it to the same name as the package name in AndroidManifest.xml. Copy the apk to the sd card on your phone.
Your theme is now ready to be installed on your HTC One running ViperOne Rom. Go into Tweaks-->Sense-->Icon pack and choose your installed theme. Once you’re happy with it, post it up on the theme thread for others to share:
It may also make it into the Venom Hub.
Statusbar icon themes:
Essentially this is just the same as the above step for Sense iconsets. The only real difference is that you start off with the statusbar_theme.apk instead, and you can only edit the icons already there, not add new ones!
A summary of the steps:
1. Open statusbar_theme.apk in VTS
2. Go into /res/drawable-hdpi and theme the icons Attention: Keep the names of the icons as they are, don’t add any new ones!
3. Open the AndroidManifest.xml. On line 2, where it says "venom.systemui.theme.venom", change the last word to your iconset name eg "venom.systemui.theme.icons"
4. Open strings.xml in /res/values, and insert your chosen statusbar name here
5. In Right click on the VTS project and select “Build all”
6. Look up the apk. In this tutorial located in in the folder C:\User\..\ Documents\Virtuous Ten Studio\Projects\statusbar\statusbar_theme\Binary
7. Change the name as you did in AndroidManifest.xml. Copy the apk to the sd card on your phone
8. Your theme is now ready to be installed on your HTC One running ViperOne Rom. Go into Tweaks-->Status Bar->Status bar icons theme and choose your installed theme.
Once you’re happy with it, post it up on the theme thread for others to share:
It may also make it into the Venom Hub.