Spring 2014
January 9, 2014 – April 17, 2014
Bi-Weekly*Thursdays from 10:00am - 2:00 pm
Thank you for your interest in participating as a vendor during the Green Market@ FAU. The market will be held every other Thursday, unless otherwise noted, from 10:00am– 2:00pm on theBreezewaylocated in the center of the Boca Raton campus. This semester we will have back to back Green Markets on March 27 & April 3, 2014. Actual Market Dates: January 9th, January 23rd, February 6th, February 20th, March 13th, March 27th, April 3rd, and April 17th.
This application is for review purposes only and indicates vendors interest to participate in the Green Market @ FAU. The completed application does not guarantee a space at the market. Please complete this application and email the form to . You will be notified as soon as possible of your status.
Fees to participate in the Green Market @ FAU $20(plus tax=$21.20)for each date.Payments must be made prior to the Green Market date in order to confirm tables. Payment can be made online via credit card, or with a check or money order. Make checks payable to Florida Atlantic University. No refunds will be given unless the market is officially cancelled by the FAU Student Union for potentially dangerous weather or other life safety concerns.
Please print clearly
NAME(S): ______
CITY: ______STATE: ______ZIP ______
PHONE: ______CELL:______
WEBSITE: ______
CATEGORY: ______
Terms and Conditions
As consideration for your participation in the Green Market @ FAU, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
The Vendor does forever discharge, release, hold harmless and indemnify FAU, and all other agents from anyand all manner of actions, suits, damages of claims whatsoever arising from any lossof damage to the person or property while in the possession or supervision of theGreen Market @ FAU and hereby consents to the enforcement of allrules of the Market as set out in this application and agreement. Vendor furtheracknowledges full responsibility for all its activities and actions while at the Marketand for those employed or assisting vendor. I agree to defend, hold harmless and indemnify FAU from any liability, cost damage or expense which arise from my, myemployee’s or my agent’s involvement in the green market or use of the vendor’s space.
Vendors will be pre-assigned stall space and will be provided a window during which time setup is to be scheduled.Vendors may set-up no sooner than 9:00a.m. on the day of the market. Vehicles used for transporting or storage of products may not be stationed next to setup area. All vendors are to park in pre-designated vendor parking area.
Vendors must be set-up and ready to open promptly by 9:45a.m. for customers. Break down may begin prior to or at 2:00 p.m. Set up and break-down are the responsibility of the vendor.
It is the vendor’s responsibility to supply all equipment and supplies required to do business at the Green Market @ FAU sites, included but not limited to: tents (tent weights mandatory – minimum of four 20 lb. weights. You will not be allowed to setup without weights), tables, tarp coveringfor pavers, scales, display materials, at least one garbage can, garbage liners, brooms, cash floats, etc.
NO water access for booths.
Clean-up: Every item you bring must be removed by you. Please stay at your booth until your employees have completed all clean-up. Nodebris, boxes, flower trimmings, or other material left behind, even by customers, shall be left at your booth. Vendors are responsible to cover thebottom of their area to avoid any soil or damage to the sidewalk, pavers or pavement. Pressure cleaning charges will be charged back to the vendor.
All vendors must dispose and remove their trash at the end of the market. Violators will be subject to a trash removal fee. Failure to comply with proper clean‐up will result in cleaning
I have read and understand terms and conditions described on this application andcontract and acknowledge and agree to abide by all market rules andguidelines.
The undersigned further certifies that he/she is the responsible person referred to in this application and that he/she is authorized:
- To execute on behalf of the business, and
- To execute legal process on behalf of the business
I certify that I have fully read and understand the contents of this application and that I fully agree to all of itsterms and conditions.
Signature: ______
Applicant’s Name (Print): ______
Business Name: ______
Date: ______
Please list all products you will be offering at the Market: