Vemanapuram, Kadapa-516003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Department of Botany
YVU/BOT/Chem Quot /2013-14 Date: 05-12-2013
From To
The Coordinator
Department of Botany
Yogi Vemana University P.T.O
Kadapa- 516003
Sub: - Yogi Vemana University College, Kadapa – Department of Botany – Purchase
Of Plant material – Call for Quotations – Request – Reg.
You are requested to send your lowest quotations and present discount given by your company in duplicate in the name of
Yogi Vemana University,
towards the supply of the following Plant materialalong with your terms& conditions so as to reach The Head, Department of Botany, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa – 516003, A.P on before22-12-2013 clearly mentioning the letter No. with date and last date to the submit the quotation.
Please mention the due date (last for submitting quotations) and reference number of the call letter on the envelope for further processing.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Enclosed the list of plant materials
NOTE: Please send your quotations via REGISTER POST ONLY
PLANT MATERIAL(Class work material)
- Acetabularia 17. Dictyosiphon 34. Pandorina
- Anabaena18. Drapanaldia35. Pediastrum
- Aulosira19. Ectocarpus36. Pleurococous
- Batrachospermum20. Edorina37. Porphyra
- Botridium21. Fritschiella38. Rivularia
- Bryopsis22. Fucus39. Scenedesmus
- Bulbochaete23. Gleocapsa40. Sphaerella
- Caulerpa sps24. Gleotrichia41. Spirulina
- Ceramium25. Heterosiphonia 42. Stigeoclonium
- Chaetophora26. Hydrodictyon43. Stigonema
- Chlamydomona27.Lyngbya 44. Tolypothrix
- Chlorella28.Lyngbya 45. Trentepholia
- Closterium29. Nitella46. Ulothrix
- Cosmarium30.Nostoc 47. Ulva
- Cylindrospermum31. Oedogonium cap cells 48. Vaucheria
- Desmids 32.Oedogonium hold fast49. Volvox daughter colonies
33. Oscillatoria50. Zonaria
51. Zygnema
- Albugo sexual 17. Plasmopora1. Clavaria
- Aspergillus Sporangium 18. Puccinia aecidialspores2.Lycoperdon (Mushroom)
- Aycyria incarsiate19. Puccinia teleutospores3. Podoxis
- Bremia 20. Puccinia uredospores4. Septoria
- Ceratiomyxa fruticosa21. Rhizopus zygospore
- Cystopus22. Rust on mahonia
- Erysiphe23. Saprolegnia
- Lycogala mysorensis24. Stennoties
- Macrophora 25. Phytopthora
- Morchalla26.Taphrina
- Penicillium condial 27. Ustilago
- Peronospora 28. Xylaria
- Peziza apothecium 29. Yeast
- Phyllachora
- Phythium
- Synchitrium on potato
- Andreaea 18. Porella
- Anthoceros 19. Reboulia
- Bauxamia 20. Riccardia
- Bryum 21. Riccia
- Calobryum22. Ruellea
- Cyathodium23. Sphaerocarpus
- Fimbriaria 24. Sphagnum
- Fossombronia25. Sphagnum veg. plant
- Frullania 26. Takakia
- Funaria
- 27. Targionia
- Lejeunea28. Dumartiera
- Lunularia29. Marchantia thallus
- Marchantia 30. Polydoichum
- Marchantia gemmae cups31. Casuarina stem
- Pellia32. Moss
- Plagiochasma
- Pogonatum
- Angiopteris13. Osmunda stem
- Azolla14. Ophioglossum root
- Botrychium rhizome15. Peteridum rhizome
- Botrychium sporophyll 16. Psilotum stem
- Calamitis17. Psilotum synangia
- Equisetum stem 18. Pteridium sporophyll
- Isoetes rhizome 19. Selaginella
- Selaginella stem20. Sphaerophyllum
- Adianstum 21. Lycopodium cercums
- Actiro pteris dichatoma 22. Pteris Rhizomc
- Lycopodium elavatim stem 23. Sealaginella Rhizopare
- Sealaginella ourpessteris 24. Pogonatum
- Abies 11. Juniperus
- Agathis12.Picea
- Cedrus13. Pinus
- Cupressus14. Podocarpus
- Ephedra15. Taxus
- Taxodium 16. Araucaria fid willi
- Cycos caralloai root 17. Junipous Viroinina steam
- Gnetum leef 18. Jamia leaf
- Gnetum stem 19. Jamia steam
- Karpura leaf 20. Zamia Rachis
- Brocon leaf rust of wheat 7. Fuso arium
- Colle totrichum 8. Sugar cane
- Cereospora 9. Powsery meldue
- Cephaleauros 10. Phytophthara colocasiae
- Curssu laria 11. Grand mut leaf
- Downy mildew of Bajoner 12. Sapota leaf spot.