Vedecké práce včasopisoch evidovaných vCurrent Contents
- HILLER, K. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Diffraction at HERA. In Acta Physica Polonica B. Vol.35, no.1 (2004), p.447-464.
- GLASMAN, C. for ZEUS and H1 Collaboration (-…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Jet production at HERA. 34th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sonoma County, California, USA, July 26-August 1, 2004. In Acta Physica Polonica B. Vol.36, no.2 (2005), p.441-449.
- VÁZQUEZ, M. for ZEUS, H1, HERMES and HERA-B Collaborations (BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Exotic Hadronic States at HERA. HS 2004: Proceedings of the International Conference on Hadron Structure 2004, 30 Aug – 3 Sep 2004, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia. In Acta Physica Slovaca. Vol.55, no.1 (2005), p.109-118. hep-ex/0411045.
- H1 Collaboration (AKTAS, A. -...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Measurement of Prompt Photon Cross Sections in Photoproduction at HERA. Preprint DESY-04-118. In European Physical Journal C. Vol.38, no.4 (2005), p.437-445. hep-ex/0407018.
- H1 Collaboration (AKTAS, A. -...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Inclusive production of D+, D0, D+(S) and D*+ mesons in deep inelasticscattering at HERA. Preprint DESY-04-156. In European Physical Journal C. Vol.38, no.4 (2005), p.447-459. hep-ex/0408149.
- H1 Collaboration (AKTAS, A. -...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...– MURÍN, P. -...-) Measurement of Fcc2 and Fbb2 at high Q2 using the H1 vertex detector at HERA. Preprint DESY-04-209. In European Physical Journal C. Vol.40, no.3 (2005), p.349-359. hep-ex/0411046.
- H1 Collaboration (-...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) A Direct Search for Stable Magnetic Monopoles Produced in Positron-Proton Collisions at HERA. In Preprint DESY 04-240. In European Physical Journal C. Vol.41, no.2 (2005), p.133-141. hep-ex/0501039.
- H1 Collaboration (AKTAS, A. -...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Measurement of dijet cross sections in ep interactions with a leading neutron in HERA. In European Physical Journal C. Vol.41, no.3 (2005), p.273-286.
- VALKÁROVÁ, A. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Photon structure as revealed in ep collisions. PHOTON 2003: International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon and 15th International Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions, 7-11 Apr 2003, Frascati, Italy. In Nuclear Physics B – ProceedingsSupplements. Vol.126 (2005), p.22-27.
- MASTROBERARDINO, A. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Inclusive diffraction in ep collisions. . PHOTON 2003: International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon and 15th International Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions, 7-11 Apr 2003, Frascati, Italy. In Nuclear Physics B – ProceedingsSupplements. Vol.126 (2005), p.65-70.
- LEISSNER, B. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Multi-Lepton Production in ep Collisions at HERA. PHOTON 2003: International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon and 15th International Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions, 7-11 Apr 2003, Frascati, Italy. In Nuclear Physics B – ProceedingsSupplements. Vol.126 (2005), p.152-157.
- KARSHON, U. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Open charm production at HERA. PHOTON 2003: International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon and 15th International Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions, 7-11 Apr 2003, Frascati, Italy. In Nuclear Physics B – ProceedingsSupplements. Vol.126 (2005), p.179-184.
- KROSEBERG, J. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Beauty in ep collisions. PHOTON 2003: International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon and 15th International Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions, 7-11 Apr 2003, Frascati, Italy. In Nuclear Physics B – ProceedingsSupplements. Vol.126 (2005), p.191-196.
- BARBI, M. for for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Vector meson production and inclusive (KsKsO)-K-O final state at HERA. PHOTON 2003: International Conference on the Structure and Interactions of the Photon and 15th International Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions, 7-11 Apr 2003, Frascati, Italy. In Nuclear Physics B – ProceedingsSupplements. Vol.126 (2005), p.237-242.
- LONGHIN, A. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Heavy flavour production in ep collisions. Proceedings of the 10th High-Energy International Conference on Quantum ChromoDynamics, Montpellier, France, 02-09 July 2003. In Nuclear Physics B – Proccedings Supplements. Vol.133 (2005), p.144-149.
- H1 Collaboration (-...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Search for Light Gravitinos in Events with Photons and Missing Transverse Momentum at HERA. In Preprint DESY 04-227. hep-ex/0501030. Submitted to Phys.Lett.B.
- H1 Collaboration (AKTAS, A.-...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Measurement of Dijet Cross Sections in ep Interactions with a Leading Neutron at HERA. In Preprint DESY-04-247. hep-ex/0501074. Submitted to Eur.Phys.J.
- H1 Collaboration (AKTAS, A.-...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Measurement of Beauty Production at HERA Using Events with Muons and Jets.In Preprint DESY-05-004. hep-ex/0502010. Submitted to Eur.Phys.J.C
- H1 Collaboration (AKTAS, A. -…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Measurement of Charm and BeautyPhotoproduction at HERA using D* mu Correlations. In Preprint DESY-05-040. hep-ex/0503038. Submitted to Phys.Lett.B.
- H1 Collaboration (AKTAS, A.-...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at HERA. In Preprint DESY-05-065. hep-ex/0505061. Submittted to Eur.Phys.J.C.
- KLUGE, T. for H1, OPAL and ZEUS Collaboration (-...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Prompt Photon Production at HERA and LEP. In ICHEP 04: Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on High-Energy Physics, Beijing, China, 16-22 August, 2004. hep-ex/0504007.
- DIRNER, A. - DOMARACKÝ, M. - KANÁSZ, R. - MURÍN, P. - FRANKO, F. - DOMARACKÝ, M. Exploitation of the streaming and the archive technologies in education. In 14. konferencia slovenských fyzikov, 11.-15.10.2004, Kongresové centrum SAV vSmoleniciach. Zborník príspevkov. Ed. M. Reiffers. Bratislava: SFS, 2005. ISBN 80-969124-1-0. p.61-62.
- OZEROV, D. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Spectroscopy in epcollisions at HERA.In Baryons 04 Conference, October 25-29, 2004, Palaiseau, France. hep-ex/0502018. To be published with the conference proceedings in Nuclear Physics A.
- SCHWANENBERGER, C. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Searches for New Physics in ep Collisions at HERA. In 40th Rencontres De Moriond On Electroweak Interactions andUnified Theories, 5-12 Mar 2005, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy. Talk given. hep-ex/0505094.
- BLOCH, I. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN,P. -...-) Studies of Beauty at H1 and ZEUS. In Proceedings of the 40 th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, La Thuile, Italy, March 12-19, 2005. hep-ex/0506006.
- SCHÄTZEL, S. for H1 and ZEUS Collaboration (-…- BRUNCKO, D. -…- FERENCEI, J. -…- MURÍN, P. -…-) Measurements of the Structure of Diffraction at HERA. In Proceedings of the 40th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and Hadronic Interactions, La Thuile, Italy, March 12-19, 2005. hep-ex/0505087.
- WAGNER, J. for ZEUS and H1 Collaboration (-...- BRUNCKO, D. -...- FERENCEI, J. -...- MURÍN, P. -...-) Charm production in ep – collisions. In Proceedings of the 40th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and Hadronic Interactions, La Thuile, Italy, March 12-19, 2005. hep-ex/0505078.