VCAMS Portal Frequently Asked Questions
General questions
Technical issues and support
Data queries
Using the portal
1.General questions
What is the VCAMS portal designed to do?
The VCAMS portal provides public access to data to see how Victorian children are progressing against key children’s health, wellbeing, safety, learning and development outcomes detailed in the VCAMS Framework.
Who is able to use the data on the portal?
The information on the portal is publically available data drawn from over 40 state and Commonwealth departments and agencies.
What if I cannot use the VCAMSportal but want access to the data?
The portal is designed to be accessible to users who can support Tableau data software.
If this is not possible, web accessible data spread sheets are available at:
2.Technical issues and support
Who can assist with technical issues?
For assistance with technical issues please contact the DEECD IT Service Desk on:
1800 641 943 or (03) 9637 3333
How do I stop an error message from appearing which says the session has been ended by the server?
/ If you get a message saying the server session has ended, click on the yes box to reset the view.This will return you to the homepage.
I frequently get error messages when I try to select an option within a drop down menu, why is this occurring?
Your browser may need to be updated to ensure it can handle all of Tableau’s features. If the problem is still occurring, contact the DEECD IT Service Desk.
3.Data queries
How do I reference and use the indicator data?
If you would like assistance with data, please consult the Metadata Document, or email:
Where is the data on the VCAMSportal sourced from?
The data on the VCAMS portal is drawn from over 40 data sources from various state and Commonwealth departments and agencies.
Why are there no indicators available for the Community category?
No data is currently available in this category for the Phase One data release. More data will be added in 2014.
Why are there no heat maps available for Indicators 16.1 and 31.1b?
Heat maps are not available for Indicators 16.1 and 31.1b as data for these indicators are not available at the LGA level. Further details about the data made available for these indicators are available in the Metadata Document.
How can I change years on a heat map?
To change the year of the heat map, click on the drop down menu under the heading Heat Map Year and select which year you would like to view. Once you have made a selection the heat map will change.
Note: For some indicators you can also choose other time periodsto access heat map data. For example for Indicator 2.1 Proportion of Infants breastfed, you can select to view the map for children who are 3 months of age or for children who are 6 months of age. This is also available forIndicators 3.1, 10.3, 10.6, 11.1 and 11.2.
Why are there blanks in the charts and tables?
Blanks appear in the charts and tables if data have been hidden for confidentiality reasons due to a small number of records. In the data spreadsheets, this is indicated with the letters “NDP”.
4.Using the portal
How do I finish viewing an indicator and start viewing another?
To view another indicator within the same category (child, family, community or supports/services), use the “Return to previous” button – this will take you back to the list of indicators (for that category). If you want to choose an indicator from a different category, use the “Return to start” button.
What happens when I click on the “revert all” symbol?
When you click on “revert all”, the filters that you have selected for the entire dashboard will be removed. The removal of your filters will take you back to the state settings for the indicator that you selected.
Why can I not use the backward and forward arrows on my browser to navigate?
When using the VCAMS portal you will not be able to use the forward and back arrows on your web browser. Please use the “return to start” and “return to previous” buttons instead. This is because the VCAMS portal is not hosted on a web platform but is run via Tableau Software.