Adapted by Joyce Taylor from Lifeway’s model.
Joyce Taylor
562 Highway 5 and 240
Fayette, MO 65248
(660) 248-3559 (home) (660) 728-2280 (cell)
Purpose Statement
This two-hour teaching plan is designed to train and equip VBS directors and pastors to conduct Lifeway’s 2018 Game On!™VBS
Needed Resources
*VBS 2018 Administrative Guide
*VBS 2018 Jump Start Kit
*VBS 2018 Preschool Starter Kit
*VBS 2018 Kids Starter Kit
*Leading a Child to Christ
*VBS 2018 Kids Gospel Guide ( 1 per conferee)
*The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me
*Game On! Devotions: 100 Devotions to Gear Up for Life’s Big Game
*VBS 2018 Parent Guide
*5 bags or drawstring type backpacks
*5 Pom-Poms – Place one inside each bag
*VBS 2018 Visual Pack
*VBS 2018 Table Cloths
*5 Megaphones - Create 5 labels, 1 for each megaphone. On two labels, print Gear UP! On two labels print Get Ready! And on one label print Game On! Attach one label to each megaphone (1 megaphone per team)
*Three small sports balls – Print one of the following purpose statements on three separate balls
*Vacation Bible School is a ministry designed to reach people of all ages, leading them to know and respond to Jesus Christ as led by the Holy Spirit.
*Vacation Bible School is a fun-filled, spiritual adventure that provides concentrated Bible Study and encourages real-life application.
*The purpose of VBS is accomplished based on time-tested and church-proven principles.
*VBS 2018 Worship Rally DVD
*Item 1: “Game On Pennant” – Photo copy on 5 different colors enough copies for each conferee to have one. Cut apart and print the following on each pennant. Write down the names of each Athletic Director in your group and the dates of their VBS. Used in Welcome
*Item 2 “Helmet Pattern” – Used in Step 1. Photocopy 5 copies, cut out and print The Point, Bible Story Title Bible Story Reference and Activity on each one. These will be used as the group reviews the five sessions using curriculum activities. Preschool; Kindergarten, Children, Student and Adult.
*Items 3-7 “Drum” –Print out and tape to the wall or use decorative sack to pass around to each group or five individuals. These are to review various pages in the guide (calendar, budget, schedule, format and curriculum). Used in Step 2.
*Print out these statements: Bible Content and Overview Training; Training Leaders to Continue the Connection; VBS Follow-up and Discipleship Training, Transition from VBS to Sunday School. Use to discuss information in Step 3 of the outline. Create your own idea on how to use – as a small poster on the wall, etc. I used on sports theme paper plates.
*5 Frisbees (or your choice of another item to be used for the following review) Used in Step 3 Add these statements to what you plan to use.
CHURCH PROMOTION: Discuss ways to promote VBS inside the church found on page 42 of the Guide. Be ready to share with the group
COMMUNITY PROMOTION: Discuss way to promote VBS outside the walks of the church found
On page 42 of the Guide. Be ready to share with the group.
PROMOTION CALENDAR: Discuss promotion steps to take 4-6 months before, 3-4 months before and 2-3 months before (found on page 43 of the guide) Be ready to share with the group.
PROMOTION CALENDAR: Discuss promotion steps to take 1 month before, 2 weeks before and 1 week before (round on page 43 of the Guide) Be ready to share with the group.
PROMOTION IDEAS: Review promotion ideas found on page 44 of the guide. Be ready to share with the group.
Room Setup
Arrange chairs in semi-circle to establish five distinct groups. Mark each one with a color of the penants you have distributed. Please a megaphone and a gift bag or drawstrip backpack in the center of each semi circle. Display the items you have available throughout the room (suggest to keep separate areas if available room) ie: Salvation resources, decorating ideas, curriculum, etc. Then as you discuss these items conferees can move to those areas or you can just refer to that area of the room.
Teaching Steps
Welcome (10 minutes)
*Play the theme song “Game On!” from the Music Rotation CD as Athletic Directors (conferees) arrive.
*Give each one a pennant as he/she enters and explain they are being drafted by a particular team (color) and ask him/her to be seated in the area with the same color megaphone as pennant.
*Lead conferees to complete the ‘warm up’ activity on their pennant.
*Introduce yourself and comment on this year’s VBS planning conference. Encourage conferees to introduce themselves to the other member of their All-Star team.
*Explain that a VBS Director is the person who oversees all aspects of the program and creates the ‘game plan’ for VBS. Today we are going to focus on six plays or steps of a successful Athletic Director.
1. Playbook Step 1: Knowing your Purpose, Theme, and Bible Content (40 minutes)
*Toss three sports balls to three different volunteers. Ask each one to read what is written on their ball to share the Purpose of VBS with the group.
1. Vacation Bible School is a ministry designed to reach people of all ages, leading them to know and respond to Jesus Christ as led by the Holy Spirit.
2. VBS is a fun-filled, spiritual adventure that provides concentrated Bible Study and encourages real-life application.
3. The purpose of VBS is accomplished based on time-tested and church-proven principles.
*Explain that it is essential that the entire team understand the purpose of FBS.
*Give a quick overview of the 5 Principles of VBS (guide page 5).
*A good Athletic Director goes into a season knowing what he wants to do and how he wants to do it. Guide conferees to share with their teams what they want to see God do this year through Game On! After a couple of minutes, allow each team to share one thing they would like to see happen.
*Introduce the theme for VBS 2018. Explain that through this theme, kids will realize that God has given them everything they need. He’s given themHimself, His Son, His Holy Spirit, and His Word – theultimate playbook! God want them to join His team, train hard, celebrate salvation and encourage one another.
*Lead conferees to learn the Game On! Motto
Instruct each team to find the pom-pom inside the bag and the megaphone with a portion of the motto on it. Select a cheerleader to lead them in shouting their portion of the motto.
Lead Teams 1 and 2 to cheer the first part Gear Up! Then Teams 3 and 4 the second part “Get Ready! And team 5 to cheer Game On!.
*Call attention to the VBS Bible verse and lead the group to read the verse together.
Each day the kids will gear up at the Pep Rally (Worship Rally) and then go to their Field House for age-appropriate Bible Study.
Lead the group to select one day form the area where you have displayed the 5 days of curriculum information and follow the instructions on the ‘helmet’ cut out for that particular day. The “Activity” should be something they select to share from the Learner’s Guide or the Leader’s Guide for PreSchool; Kindergarten; Children, Student and Adult.
After each group has shared – remind conferees that VBS is intentionally evangelistic. Each day provides an opportunity to share the gospel. VBS Directors must have an intentional plan to share the gospel.
Resources available to help your team be ready are:
VBS 2018 Kids Gospel Guide (Review the 5 steps for presenting the gospel)
Gospel God’s Plan for Me
Leading a Child to Christ
Game On! Devotions: 100 devotions to gear up for life’s big game.
Suggest that ALL LEADERSbe trained how to spend time counseling and praying with children individually and to sense when a child is not ready or ready to respond.
PLAYBOOK Step 2: (20 Minutes)
The second pay for the Athletic Director is to start planning.
Using the ‘drum’ cut out (item 3) use 5 volunteers with their team to complete the assignments.
*PLANNING CALENDAR – a calendar helps us know where we are and what is ahead. These pages are designed to help se t a steady pace as we prepare for Game On!. Some days of FBS are busier than others. One of the busiest if first day.
*VBS BUDGET– This may not be the most fun but crucial. Check with previous directors or use your form from last year as a guide to eliminate a lot of work. There is an electronic version on the CD ROM that will do the math as you fill it in. This information should be “last year, this year, next year” information for easy planning.
*CHOOSE YOUR FORMAT –Determining the format helps put other details in place. Call attention to the NOTE at the bottom of Step 1 (Children) page 16. Remind conferees that LifeWay’s curriculum is written for specific age groups and because VBS is a summer time event, the curriculum assumes kids will have already completed the grade mentioned in the title. For example, Kindergarten resources are designed for children who have completed kindergarten, not children who are going into kindergarten.
*SET YOUR SCHEDULE - Explain that his session addresses scheduling. Many factors go into determining the best schedules for VBS. Discuss some of the group’s suggestions.
*ORDER YOUR CURRICULUM – Point out pages 24-25 of the Guide to cover what is available. Pay attention to the NOTE at the bottom of page 28. What does it say about adapting the teaching plans?
*Comment: “The Third Play is to enlist and train your leaders” Every successful team has a roster of team members committed to the game. There are six steps to putting together an “all-star” team.
Prayer – God knows who you need on your team and he will provide for all your needs.
Plan–Encourage Directors to begin enlistment 4-6 months before VBS. Know how many team members you need and dates and times you will need them to serve. Refer to page 30 of the guide to determine the staffing needs . Allow conferees to share the information. Emphasize the Other Leadership Needs list too.
Share – Explain that VBS Directors must explain the qualifications and requirements for leaders – share your church goals and purpose of VBS.
Ask – Ask and guide them to think about areas they would be willing to serve – specific responsibilities are included on the CD ROM and can be printed out for possible leaders to review before they commit.
Train – Athletes don’t just show up at game time. They spend hours and hours training for the game. VBS Directors must equip and train volunteers for success. Training is essential for teams to be ready to get in the game.
Bible Content and Overview Training – page 32-33
Training Leaders to Continue the Connection – page 37
VBS Follow up and Discipleship Training – page 38-39
Transition from VBS to Sunday School – page 40
Appreciate – show support and appreciation to volunteers. The CD ROM has several suggestions and display a few favorites.
PLAYBOOK STEP 4: Promote and Publicize (20 minutes)
*The “fourth play” is to Promote and Publicize - Guide a volunteer to locate the frisbee inside their bag and complete the assignment. Allow teams to work and report back to the group.
PLAYBOOK STEP 5: Registration (15 minutes)
*The “Fifth Play in your playbook is registration. An important part – staff your registration area all week –
*Pre-Enrollment – easy to make plans for curriculum needs and staffing.
*Registration – emphasize adult to enroll their child – provides better and more accurate information.
Follow Up begins with Good Registration.
*KidEvent Pro – Lifeway’s software to use – (especially for larger churches)
*Kick Off events –See page 48 of the guidefor suggestions – others to share from the group.
PLAYBOOK STEP 6: Continue the Connection (15 minutes)
*Explain that the sixth play in the Athletic Director’s Playbook is to continue the connection. Before VBS even begins, there should be a game plan for what will happen after VBS.
*Challenge Directors to plan ahead and begin to think about how they can help kids and families connect and get plugged into the church every week of the year, not just the week of VBS.
*Ask conferees to share what ‘connected’ means to him/her.
*Call attention to page 50 of the guide. Use these steps to help start planning to make connections with families.
*Not about copying what another church does – It is about looking closely at where you are as a church and whom God has placed in your path.
*Look over page 52-53 – maybe one of these will be suited for your church or can be adapted for your church to use.
*Does it mean you want to see the families and kids who joined you for VBS in the pews/chairs on Sunday morning, or does it mean you really want to see them involved in the work and ministry of your church?
Closing (5 minutes)
At the beginning of the session you wrote down the names of your team members along with the dates of their VBS. Please commit to praying for your team. Nothing happens outside of prayer. Challenge Directors to ask their entire church to be part of the Prayer Team. There is a prayer calendar on page 56 of the guide. Encourage everyone to participate in National Day of Prayer on May 20, 2018.
Item 1. Game On! Pennant
Item 2. Helmet Pattern
Turn to pp.12–13 in the Administrative Guide.
Look over the “During VBS” part of the checklist. How many of these items could you delegate to others so the Pastor and Athletic Director can be easily available to handle unexpected parts of the game?
Item 3. Drum
Turn to pp. 14–15 in the Administrative Guide. Answer the following & be ready to discuss your answers:
1.What 3 categories should be covered by thebudget?
2.How could the Budget Form on p.15 behelpful?
3.List at least 5 things you can do to make your budget go further.
Item 4. Drum
Turn to pp. 17–22 in the Administrative Guide. Complete the following as a group:
- How many have a daytime VBS?
- How many have nighttime VBS?
- How many have a 2-hour VBS? A 2½-hour? A 3-hour VBS?
- What are the 3 greatest factors in setting aschedule?
Item 5: Drum
Turn to p. 16 in the Administrative Guide. Look together at Step 1.
Talk about the age groups offered by your churches and fill in how many offer each of the following:
Item 6: Drum
Turn to pp. 24–25 in the Administrative Guide. Look over the pages and answer the following:
- What materials areavailable?
- When are starter kitsuseful?
- When should you consider ordering individualresources instead of a starterkit?
Item 7. Drum