Area IV Report

VASWCD Quarterly Board Meeting

September 22, 2016

Clinch Valley SWCD

Conservation on the Ground


·  One SL-6 has been completed

·  One SL-6 is underway, with fencing and well

·  Four SL-6’s have been approved and funded


·  Pipeline – 6,245’

·  Total Fencing – 8,974’

·  Stream Crossing – 742 ft2

·  Trough Installations –7

·  Reservoirs – 2

·  Pumping Plants – 2


·  $ 78,046.29

Note: this is approximate as we are waiting for final receipts from customers

Education, Outreach and Other

·  We were very lucky to have two interns for the summer of 2016, Steven Hall and Seth Ratliff. Both of these young men worked very hard with us and we accomplished all of our goals for the summer. Steven took over the summer Environmental Education for Siobhan. During the month of June Steven worked with 22 6-7th grade students at the Russell County Vocational School. In July, Steven worked with 120 Pre-K and 1st grade students at the Lebanon Primary School. Steven taught various lessons from our Conservation Capsule catalog. Steven was certified on using the Enviroscape, and he was able to create a few more Conservation Capsules for us to use in the future! We wish him luck in his studies at Virginia Tech!

·  Seth worked with Brandon and Andrew on the BMP projects. With Seth’s help, we were able to complete 15 Client Folders from out SL-6 backlog, as well as monitor and evaluate the progress on the summer’s BMP projects. Seth was able to take online Arc GIS courses and get real field experience with our Survey GPS unit. Seth even updated our website and added lots of cool and useful features. Check it out!

·  Clinch Valley SWCD is also going to be present at the 2016 Russell County Fair. We have been working diligently on our display so we can show the county what we are all about! We are planning on having a few giveaways, info about the programs we offer, invasive species education, Best Management Practices and much more. It will be a fun time and hopefully get the District’s name out there and generate even more interest in Conservation. Heck, even some of the District employees might even get on stage and pick a tune or two!

Evergreen SWCD

·  7/11/2016 and 7/13/2016: Participated in the Hungry Mother State Park Jr. Naturalists Program – we taught on “bees”.

·  8/23-25/2016: Evergreen staff participated in the training sessions at Graves Mountain Lodge.

Tazewell SWCD

·  Through the Tazewell SWCD Education Programs, the farmers have been busy making hay, conducting Trash to Treasure workshops, Completing Suitcases for 5th grade watershed studies and sponsoring a Kid-E-O at the Tazewell County Fair.

Big Sandy SWCD

·  We will be having Kids in the Woods for 4th graders on September 14 and 15, 2016 at Breaks Interstate Park. Groundwater Festival is scheduled for six graders from Buchanan and Dickenson County on October 4-7, 2016 at Breaks Interstate Park

Big Walker SWCD

·  Hosted the Annual Picnic for Directors, Support personnel and Staff and their families.

·  Attended a meetingwith the local Chamber of Commerce Ag. Task Force Committee.

·  Completed annual Ag. BMP spot-checks.

New River SWCD

·  The New River SWCD hosted 11 field days at New River Hill Farm

·  Participated in the Grayson County Field Day event with approximately 340 area elementary students

·  Participated in the Carroll County Field Day event with approximately 470 area elementary students

·  Participated in Carroll County Agriculture Fair