Together for Vanier

Working Group on Drugs and Prostitution

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008- 5:30 to 7:30 pm

City Church – 155 Carillon Street

1.  Welcome and Introductions

Nancy welcomed everyone and introductions were made of all participants.

Nancy presented Peggy Kampouris-Facilitator for the meeting

2.  Approval of past minutes

Minutes of November 29th meeting were approved by members

3.  Accomplishments So Far

·  Beautification Working Group

A lot of accomplishments since last year

o  Grafitti removal

o  Adoption of parks

o  Cleaning up the garbage

o  Nicolini site- possible ideas

·  Vanier Community Association

  First meeting was held on January 17th-Dynamic group

  Collective commitment to move forward

  Research and communication with other groups – tapping in other Association

  Continue to meet and invite others to join the group

  Broader community process

  Need Vanier Community Association to be Incorporated to help with community initiatives

·  Community Developer

  Eric Bourgault is the new Community Developer at the CSC Vanier-613-744-2892 ext. 1075 or at

·  Familiarize himself with Vanier by meeting residents and agencies

·  Meeting with community police officers and volunteers

·  Build a strong network

·  Role as a bridge and resources to others in the community

·  Bring neighbours together to help each other

·  Find key players in Vanier

·  Facilitator to coordinate things

·  Bring community members together

·  Neighbourhood Watch and Increased Policing

·  Marianne will be working with Tom Mosco (Rockliffe Community Police) on neighbourhood in Vanier

·  OPS to let the residents know when they have an event in Vanier

·  New Neighbourhood Watch on Émond Street in June 2007-doing good-Street party on Saturday-neighbours are communicating

·  New Neighbourhood Watch on St-Cecile street is in the works

·  Residents are noticing the foot patrol officers – they patrol on a regular basis-some in plain clothes and some in uniforms

·  Complaints of problem addresses are directed n the right direction

·  John sweep done last week, 13 girls

·  Shut down of a couple of problem addresses

·  Kudos to the Police and Bylaw for responding to calls

·  Contact Marianne at 613-236-1222 x5823 or Dana at 613-236-1222 x5631 for reporting problems in Vanier

·  Residents are asked to send e-mail/letter outlining how their lives have been effected by drug dealers in the Vanier Area. It does not have to be lengthy; just words to the effect of how they were impacted emotionally, financially, perhaps physically (fear etc).
The Crown Attorney is requesting the letters be included in the Crown Brief package for sentencing of the accused. This is a very important step in changing the drug sentences that have allowed street level crime to terrorize neighborhoods


Tom and Marianne are to send information on Neighbourhood watch to members or go on the OPS website for more information:

Street Crime Unit: Inspector Alain Bernard:

·  4 police officers oversee the central –east area since November 2007

·  Report back to Street Crime Unit

·  Residents are encouraged to keep reporting

·  Residents are to take ownership

  1. Set Working Group Priorities - Facilitator

Seniors Recruitment (Roy Anderson, Irene Franklin)

·  Integrate into community life

·  Role of seniors in community

·  Largest section of community

·  Need to use their experience

·  More available

·  Recruit seniors for committees ie: Neighbourhood Watch

·  Communication campaign

·  Seniors more isolated

·  Volunteer at Community Police Centre

·  Community Resource Centre will offer materials, meeting rooms, support…CRC doing outreach to seniors

·  Centre Pauline Charron on Jeanne Mance-francophone focus centre for seniors

·  Start a social networking group

·  Identify needs of seniors’ concerns about crime etc.

·  Identify barriers to seniors’ participation

Supportive Housing (Joyce McNeely)

·  Back door-supportive housing through Local Health Integrated Network-feds,CMHC have funds

·  Assessment –criteria

·  Developers can partner (i.e. Bill Teran) example: St-John’s Anglican Residence

·  Social workers to help with budgets

·  Mental health support

·  Proposal for housing, link with developers

·  City Hall-homelessness strategy

Lobbying for a Drug Addiction Centre in Ottawa (Irene Franklin)

·  Letters of support to federal/provincial government (Madeleine Meilleur, Jim Watson)

·  Political organizing to move forward – Irene Franklin

Problem Property Task Force (Kim Yull, Andrew Leuty, Tom Harrison, Debbie Harrison, Maurice Payer, Peter Hartgerink

·  Liaison to Councillor Bedard’s office group

·  Eyes and ears

·  Contact City with details

·  Take note and transfer info to task force

·  Could eventually be transferred to Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch Promotion (Roseanne Leonard, Joyce McNeely, Kim Yull

·  Possible link to Seniors’ Committee

Landlord Education (CPO to take the lead)

·  Target responsible and “problem” landlords

·  Organize and deliver presentations to landlords

Victim Impact Letters (Andrew Leuty, Eric Deschamps, Sadie Litchfield, Kim Yull, Irene Franklin)

·  Send to Dana Reynolds at Police

·  Describe personal experience with living near drug house, prostitution

·  What about a video? City Church can organize

Beautification Working Group

Adam MacKenzie, Irene Franklin, Kim Yull

Community Association

Michael Horne, Alain Bernard, Eric Deschamps, Franceska Gnarowski, Catherine Keir, Joyce McNeely, Stéphanie Plante, Marcel Tousignant, Kim Yull

5.  Meeting Evaluation - Facilitator

Went well

·  Lots of new people

·  Staying focussed and bigger picture

·  Good balance of idea generation and action

·  Beautification : ex. of successes

·  Good success stories

·  Food was great

·  Great facility for meetings

·  Touched by suggestions to be help addicted and needy people-bigger picture

·  Facilitator

·  Support from police

To Improve:

·  Suggest new people familiarize themselves with minutes of last meetings for projects to find participants

·  Time to hear back from smaller groups in this forum

·  More youth needed.

6.  Next Meeting

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008-5:30 to 7:30

City Church-155 Carillon St. at Durocher. There is parking at the back (on Ethel St) as well as along the side of the building, and on the street.

Working group for Drugs & Prostitution
Name/Nom / Telephone/telephone /




Allard, Julie / / Ö
Allen, Marianne / 744-8259
Anderson, Roy / 747-6064
Augstman, Ashley / 613-237-7427 ext. 204 /
Bealle, Fred / 613-842-3367 / / Ö
Bealle, Mireille / 613-842-3367 /
Bélanger, Mauril / 613-992-4766 /
Bernard, Alain / 613-236-1222 ext. 5232 / / Ö
Berthelet, Hélène / 613-580-2424 x28465 /
Bolduc, R. /
Bonenfant, Yvette / 842-4462
Boudreault, Jacques / 613-746-8247 /
Bourgault, Éric / 613-744-2892 ext. 1075 / / Ö
Branco, Jose / 741-1162 / / Ö
Chase, Carlie /
Coutu, Diane / 563-0456 / / Ö
Couture, Lise / 613-745-8044 /
Crépin, Jacqueline / 237-7427 ext. 206 /
Dagg, Zachary / 693-3620 / / Ö
Davis, Sarah / 613-262-6320 /
Demers, Annette / 745-2567
Demers, Francine / 580-2424 ext. 22454 /
Derry, Geoff / 613-748-1091 /
Deschamps, Angela / 740-0607 /
Deschamps, Éric / 740—0607 ext. 229 / / Ö
Desjardins, André / 747-3611 /
Devoy, Desmond / 613-688-1655 /
Diaz-Granados, Elvira Maria
Diotte, Isabelle / / Ö
Drolet, René / 748-5201
Dutrisac, Pierrette / 613-746-5127 / none
Dutrisac, Ronald / 993-3503
El Yacoubi, Kim / 613-741-0562 /
Éthier, Christine / 613-742-0686 / / Ö
Fay, Jaime / / Ö
Flight, Barbara / 590-0830 /
Foisy, Monique / 749-9198 /
Franklin, Irene / 613-746-9771 / / Ö
Gariepy, Lise / 744-4340 /
Gary / 321-7193
Gauld, Norma / 613-842-4668 / / Ö
Gazley, Anne / 819-827-2653 /
Gnarowski, Franceska / 580-2424 ext. 28881 / / Ö
Grandmaitre, Denis / 613-748-0726
613-286-8757 cell /
Gravelle, Pierrette / 613-741-0158 / none
Graves, Grace / 613-842-5395 /
Graves, Peter / 613-842-5395 /
Guillemette, Arnel / 613-742-0988 /
Hamlin, John
Harrison, Debbie / 740-0987 / / Ö
Harrison, Thomas / 740-0987 / / Ö
Hart, Marilyn / 842-4334 /
Hartgerink, Peter / 613-680-7416 / / Ö
Hefferman, Jamie /
Hocking, John / 746-5274 /
Horne, Michael / 613-744-1148 / / Ö
Hum, Jamie / 613-746-6227 /
Julie / 830-5181 /
Justinich, Justinich / 580-2424 ext. 24232 / / Ö
Kaulback, Deborah / / Ö
Keir, Catherine / 748-9778 /
Laberge, Jeannette / 749-8418
Larochelle, Superintendant Gilles / 236-1222 ext. 5310 /
Laver, Marianne / / Ö
Leduc, Mel / / Ö
Lemay, Philip / 819-923-7777 / / Ö
Lemire, Denise / 745-0141
Lemire, Kevin / 745-0141
Leonard, Rose Anne / 613-744-0173 / / Ö
Lesage-Boudreault, Constance / 613-746-8247 / Ö
Leuty, Andrew / 613-745-8026 / / Ö
Liew, Jamie /
Litchfield, Sadie / 613-237-7427 ext 301 / / Ö
Little, Nicholas / 238-5014 ext. 229 /
Lopez, Leticia / 328-5832 /
MacDonald, Sharon / 748-9778 /
MacKenzie, Adam / 613-747-2779 / / Ö
Maheu, Al / 745-2555 / Ö
Marcoux, Christian / 613-746-4339 / / Ö
McConville, Bruce / 613-748-7731 (w) /
McKinnon, James / / Ö
McNeely, Joyce / 613-680-3027 / / Ö
Meilleur, Madeleine / 613-744-4484 /
Minifie, Noreen / 749-8146 /
Morin, Christine / 613-762-6799 /
Morin, Vivianne / 745-7731 / Ö
O’Neil, Brooke / 795-3957 /
O’Reilly, Jill / 613-746-5999 /
Olumide, Ade / 421-1210 /
Payer, Maurice / 613-742-0686 / / Ö
Peltier, Dolores / 232-0016 /
Plante, Stéphanie and David / 842-9152 /
Poole, Father Bob / 744-8974 / / Ö
Poulin, Bruce /
Proulx, Eloi / 613-746-4003 / none / Ö
Reynolds, Dana / 236-1222 ext. 5631 / / Ö
Rheaume, Andrew / 744-2892 poste 1091 / / Ö
Robertson, Leslie / 613203-1979 / / Ö
Rodas-Wright, Jina / 613-237-7427 ext. 301 /
Samuel / 878-2477
Sarah Davis / 262-6320 /
Silver, Bill / 749-9752 /
Smyth, Samantha /
Soikie, Evan / 613-745-0405 /
Stethem, Diane / 613-741-7851 / none
Stethem, Richard / 613-741-7851 / none
Toole, Grant / 613-741-6036 /
Tousignant, Marcel / 744-0040 /
Woodill, Joanne / tel: 613-239-1455
fax: 613-239-1120 /
Woods, Jennifer /
Worsfold, Nancy / 613-580-2424 ext. 28518 / / Ö
Yull, Kim / 565-6709 / / Ö
Zakaib, Régine / 748-5201 /