Van Alstyne Middle School Beginning Band Handbook


Sydney Cooper, Director

Tim Fulton, Director

John Apodaca, Director



Welcome to another exciting year in the award –winning VAMS band program! We are very excited for you to be a part of our program. The VAMS band is a student driven organization that teaches the concepts of teamwork, goal setting, and self-discipline through the medium of music. Everyone in the band is an important member of our team and we couldn’t have success without the contribution of EVERYONE involved. We have many exciting things planned this year, and we look forward to watching you grow as a musician and young adult.

Beginning Band Requirements

The only requirement of students enrolled in beginning band is that you want to learn to play an instrument!! Beginning Band is a full year class. Students have the choice to continue or discontinue band at the end of each school year. Except for extreme situations, students will not be removed from band class at any other time.

Grading Policy

Daily 50% Students will receive 20 daily participation points with a possible 100 points per week. Students will also be required to turn in practice sheets. These practice sheets are due every Monday at the beginning of class. Students will receive a new practice sheet on Monday every week.

5 days: 100%

4 days: 85%

3 days: 70%

2 days: 55%

1 day: 40%

Practice sheets will be due every Monday at the beginning of class. Students may turn them in on Tuesday with 11 points deducted. They will not be accepted after Tuesday unless a student has been absent.

Tests/Performances 50% Students will have tests on a regular basis. These tests will include but are not limited to the following: scales, music excerpts, rhythm counting, and basic music theory. Students may retake any performance test within the six weeks until they get the grade they desire.

Every performance and extra rehearsal of the VAMS band is required and will be graded. Students will receive 100 points for attending a performance. Unexcused absences from any performance will result in a zero.

Students’ participation in formal and informal concerts is required in the Instrumental Music TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) grades 6-8. This requirement makes band performances an extension of the band classroom, therefore subject to the classroom grading policy.

Classroom Guidelines

  1. Be on time.
  2. Be prepared.
  3. Be respectful.
  4. Be an active listener, not an active speaker.
  5. Follow all directions given by an adult.

Disciplinary Actions

  1. Student will be given a verbal warning.

2. Further disciplinary actions include but are not limited to:

  1. Discipline essay to be started in class and due the next school day with a parent signature.
  2. Lunch detention
  3. 30 minute teacher’s detention after school.
  4. A principal detention.
  5. Office referral.

Disciplinary actions will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Failure to complete an assigned disciplinary action will result in further consequences


Students need to be in the band hall when the tardy bell rings and in their chairs with all materials three minutes after the tardy bell rings. If a student is tardy, the district tardy policy will be enforced. Attendance at all middle school band performances and extra rehearsals is required. Each performance and/or extra rehearsal is required and worth a test grade. An unexcused absence from a performance or an extra rehearsal will result in a zero test grade. Any absence needs to be brought to the director’s attention as soon as possible. Do not anticipate any absence being excused. Excusing absences is at the sole discretion of the band directors.


There are some supplies that students need to bring to class everyday. Students need to bring the following items to class: their instrument, any music they are given, all method books, a pencil, and their planner. Not being prepared for class will negatively affect your grade!

School Instruments

Students using a school instrument will be charged an instrument usage fee of $50 per year. This fee covers annual maintenance on the instrument. Students will be responsible for any damage done beyond normal wear and tear whether it is accidental or intentional. This fee is due by September 1, 2015.

No Pass No Play

Band falls under the UIL no pass-no play rule. If a student is not passing all of their classes, they will not be eligible to perform with the band. If a student is not eligible to play in a performance, they will have an alternate assignment to make up that grade. Please make every effort to pass all of your classes so that you may reap the rewards of your hard work.

Remind 101, Google Classroom, and Band Website

We are doing our best to go paperless from this point forward. We will be heavily utilizing remind 101 and google classroom this year as well as the band website through

Parents and students: Remind 101 code for Beginning Band is: @95fb3

1st Period Beginning Band Students: Google Classroom Code is: 4cq02pk

4th Period Beginning Band Students: Google Classroom Code is: 8255od

Band Website:

Please check these regularly!!!!!

Band Handbook Acknowledgement

______has read the beginning band handbook with a parent/guardian and understands the contents of this handbook.


Parent Signature Date


Student Signature Date

**Please sign and return to Mrs. Cooper by Monday August 31, 2015