OCCG Weekly Bulletin
Wednesday 1 February 2017
Included in this bulletin:
  • GP Helplines – Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUHT)
  • NHS GP Health Service
  • Developing Dementia Friendly Practices – Application Deadline 17 February 2017:
  • Reception Training
  • Valve Disease Detection (CPOD) FREEEducational Sessions for General Practice

Information for Practices
GP Helplines – Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUHT):
Details attached hereabout the dedicated GP practice helplines available at Oxford University Hospitals Trust including:
  • GP queries about appointments 01865 572696
  • E Referral Service helpline 01865 743399
  • Clinical pathway management (for gerontology and acute medicine) JR - 01865 227591, HGH 01295 229561
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NHS GP Health Service:
A world-first nationally funded service for GPs and GP trainees suffering mental ill-health and addiction is now available. The NHS GP Health Service provides free, confidential specialist mental health support for a range of conditions including:
·Common and more complex mental health conditions
·Mental health conditions relating to physical health
·Substance misuse including support for community detoxification
·Rehabilitation and support to return to work after a period of mental ill-health.
GPs and GP trainees can self-refer through a regional network of experienced clinicians and therapists across 13 areas in England.
This service was a commitment from NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens and in the General Practice Forward View.
More information including how to access the service is available at:
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Developing Dementia Friendly Practices – Application Deadline 17 February 2017:
Thames Valley Strategic Clinical Network is inviting bids to be an Exemplar Dementia Friendly Surgery. Each successful practice will be awarded £5,000 and the Clinical Lead for each of the practices will access training and peer support to develop their dementia and leadership skills, and in turn share that learning and skill across their CCG.
Please click hereto view the application process and a resource pack to help practices develop their bids:
  • Dementia Friendly letter to Practices
  • Dementia Friendly Application Guidance
  • Dementia Friendly Resources
  • TVSCN Dementia Friendly Surgery Action Plan
  • Dementia Friendly Practices in Thames Valley – Learning and Opportunities
If you require any further information please contact Sian Roberts: or Sylvie Thorn: . Applications should be sent to Sylvie Thorn, TVSCN Quality Improvement Lead for Dementia:
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Reception Training:
Reception and Administration staff training is coming your way; more details will follow shortly in future bulletins. Save time in the practice by having your staff trained to actively signpost to other local services and to safely manage incoming correspondence. Funded by OCCG through the GP Forward View, read more here
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Valve Disease Detection (CPD) FREE Educational Sessions for General Practice:
Educational sessions in Oxford for general practice clinicians providing them with hand-on training (CPD) in Valve Disease Detection. Richard Bazneh, British Heart Valve Society, Dr Jim Newton (Consultant Cardiologist OUHT) and Dr Yassir Javaid (GPwSI and Clinical Lead) are working in partnership to offer these three FREE sessions to GPs and Nurses on the evenings of:
  • 2nd March
  • 16th March
  • 22 March.
Venue: Heart Centre Outpatients, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
Time: 19.00 to 21.30
  1. Detection and screening – auscultation and who to target.
  2. Auscultation quiz (electronic voting)
  3. Presentations of valve disease
  4. Aetiology, progression and surveillance
  5. Indications for intervention – the role of TAVI
  6. Differentiating pathological for physiological echo findings
  7. Infective endocarditis
  8. Case studies with audience participation
To book a place on the training please contact Richard Bazneh or telephone 07792 339843.
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To give us your feedback please email: