P4. Introduction, Submission of Applications and the Validation Process

P5. How to Use This Guide

P6. Application for Planning Permission for Relevant Demolition on an Unlisted Building in a Conservation Area

P7. Application for Outline Planning Permission with All/Some Matters Reserved

P8. Application for Advertisement Consent

P9. Application for Consent for Alterations, Extension or Demolition of a Listed Building

P10. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing Use or Operation or Activity Including Those in Breach of a Planning Condition

P11. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Use or Development

P12. Application for Prior Notification – Proposed Works

P13. Application for Non Material Amendment Following a Grant of Planning Permission

P14. Application for the Approval of Reserved Matters Following an Outline Approval

P15. Application for Removal or Variation of a Condition Following a Grant of Planning Permission

P16. Application for Approval of Details Reserved by a Condition

P17. Application for Hedgerow Removal Notice

P18. Application for Tree Works: Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order or Notification of Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Areas

P19. Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a Listed Building

P20. Check List – Application for Planning Permission and Conservation Area Consent for Demolition in a Conservation Area

P21. Check List - Application for Outline Planning Permission with All/Some Matters Reserved

P22. Check List - Application for Advertisement Consent

P23. Check List - Application for Consent for Alterations, Extension or Demolition of a Listed Building

P24. Check List - Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing Use or Operation or Activity Including Those in Breach of a Planning Condition

P25. Check List - Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Use or Development

P26. Check List - Application for Prior Notification – Proposed Works

P27. Check List - Application for Non Material Amendment Following a Grant of Planning Permission

P28. Check List - Application for the Approval of Reserved Matters Following an Outline Approval

P29. Check List - Application for Removal or Variation of a Condition Following a Grant of Planning Permission

P30. Check List - Application for Approval of Details Reserved by a Condition

P31. Check List - Application for Hedgerow Removal Notice

P32. Check List - Application for Tree Works: Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order or Notification of Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Areas

P33. Checklist – Application for Certificate of Proposed Works to a Listed Building

P34. Article 4 Direction in a Conservation Area

P36. Ownership Certificate Definitions

P37. Glossary


This document sets out the information required by Ashfield District Council for the validation of planning submissions. This comprises of National Requirements which are mandatory that are set nationally, and Local requirements which are set by local authorities.


Applications can be submitted via the Planning Portal (a government run website providing information onplanning) at Should you wish to submit hard copies, application forms can be obtained directly from the Planning Portal.


Thevalidationofplanningapplicationsisessentiallyanadministrativeprocesstocheckthatthe correctdocumentsandfee(whereapplicable) have been submitted.

Wewillonlyaskyouforinformationwhichweconsiderreasonableandproportionatetothecircumstancesofyourapplicationtoprovidea balanced package of information that addresses the impacts of the proposal on the economy, community andenvironment.

Wewouldaskyoutobearinmindthatwecanmakeanapplication‘invalid’ifthesubmittedapplicationisnotinaccordancewitheitherthe national or local requirements e.g. Where there are clear inaccuracies (for example the plans and elevations are inconsistent) or ifan application is missing a Heritage Statement but the proposal could impact on a listed building. The Council may, in certain circumstances,also invalidate an application if a document is submitted but has not covered the very basic information that it needs to, for example if a Designand Access Statement has not considered the sites context or accessmatters.

If this is the case we will try to help you to remedy the inaccuracies or deficiencies in your application in a timely way. We will normallycontact youbyemail or post inthefirstinstance,sothatyoucanaddresstheinaccuraciesordeficiencies.

Whereanapplicationisinvalid,wewillnormallydeclaretheapplication“invalid”andnotproceedtoprocessituntiltheextrainformationor inconsistencies are addressed. We believe that this is the most efficient way of processing the application overall and will ensure that all ofthe stakeholders and members of the community who are consulted or interested in the application can find all of the relevant planninginformation at the same time. This will help avoid abortive dialogue and delay where relevant information is absent or inaccuracies are present. Webelieve that this also safeguards transparency and the principle of “no surprises” either way through the life of anapplication.


If you are submitting a planning application to the Council, please use the contents list to find the relevant list of documents required for validation purposes.

There are checklists for individual types of application to ensure you have submitted the correct documents. These can be submitted with your application to ensure you have the correct documents or for you to advise us if you have reason to believe that you do not need a particular document.

A detailed description of the document types and useful links are in the glossary.

Application for Planning Permission for Relevant Demolition of an Unlisted Building in a Conservation Area

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • Ownership Certificate/notice – see below for definition of certificates
  • A Site Location Plan- outline the site area in red and any other land owned in blue. To scale 1:250 or 1:12500
  • Block Plan
  • Existing and Proposed elevations, floorplans, site sections, finished floor and site levels, proposed layout and roof plans to scale 1:50 or 1:100 with measurements in metric
  • Design and Access Statement
  • Relevant fee
  • Where Ownership Certificates B, C or D have been completed, notice(s) must be given and/or published
  • Agricultural Holdings Certificate
  • Demolition Statement– for any structure/outbuilding over 50m3 proposed for demolition

Local Requirements– see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • All plans/drawings - must have critical dimensions marked on the plan
  • Coal Risk Assessment – if the site is within a Coal Mining referral area
  • Environmental Impact Assessment–for any development that falls within Schedule 1 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2015, and for some projects that are specified under Schedule 2
  • Flood Risk Assessment– for developments within Flood Zones 2 & 3 and for all developments over 1 hectare in Flood Zone 1
  • Arboricultural Survey / Arboricultural Implications Study – if trees within a conservation area or covered by a Tree Preservation Order will be affected, or if mature trees are present within the development site area
  • Heritage Statement– if not included as part of the Design and Access Statement
  • Protected Species Survey/Biodiversity Survey and Report – see the glossary
  • Foul Sewage and Utilities Assessment- for all major developments
  • Land Contamination Statement – for all new developments on former petrol filling stations, former landfill sites and former industrial sites
  • Structural Survey – when demolition is proposed on structural grounds
  • Viability Report – when demolition is proposed due to cost of repair
  • Details of any pre-application discussion with the Local Planning Authority and/or Historic England

Application for Outline Planning Permission with All/Some Matters Reserved

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • Ownership Certificate/notice – see below for definition of certificates
  • A Site Location Plan- outline the site area in red and any other land owned in blue. To scale 1:250 or 1:12500
  • Block Plan
  • Existing and Proposed elevations, floorplans, site sections, finished floor and site levels, proposed layout and roof plans to scale 1:50 or 1:100 with measurements in metric – if this is part of the application
  • Design and Access Statement –sites within designated areas (eg Conservation Areas, World Heritage sites) where there are 1 or more dwellings proposed or the floor area of the proposal is greater than 100m2
  • Relevant fee
  • Where Ownership Certificates B, C or D have been completed, notice(s) must be given and/or published
  • Agricultural Holdings Certificate
  • Demolition Statement– for any structure/outbuilding over 50m3 proposed for demolition

Local Requirements– see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Additional Plans – may be required depending on the nature and scale of the development to show the use, amount of development, scale parameters, access points and landscape plan depending on if any matters are to be reserved All plans/drawings - must have critical dimensions marked on the plan
  • Details/plans for all matters which are to be considered. Please see requirements outlined in the Full Application Submission.

Application for Advertisement Consent

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • A Site Location Plan- outline the site area in red and any other land owned in blue. To scale 1:250 or 1:12500
  • Block Plan
  • Existing and Proposed elevations, to scale 1:50 or 1:100 with measurements in metric
  • Advertisement Drawings to scale 1:50 or 1:100, showing advertisement size, siting , materials , colour, height above ground, extent of projection and details of the method and colour of illumination (if applicable)
  • Design and Access Statement – for major applications & sites within designated areas (eg Conservation Areas, World Heritage sites) where there are 1 or more dwellings proposed or the floor area of the proposal is greater than 100m2
  • Relevant fee

Local Requirements– see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • All plans/drawings - must have critical dimensions marked on the plan
  • Lighting Assessment – required for illuminated signs
  • Photographs – Required for retrospective applications
  • Photomontages – required for advertisements within the Town Centre boundaries as defined by the Ashfield Local Plan
  • Planning Statement – required for all advertisements justifying design and location of advert

Application for Consent for Alterations, Extension or Demolition of a Listed Building

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • Ownership Certificate/notice – see below for definition of certificates
  • A Site Location Plan- outline the site area in red and any other land owned in blue. To scale 1:250 or 1:12500
  • Block Plan
  • Existing and Proposed elevations, floorplans, site sections, finished floor and site levels, proposed layout and roof plans to scale 1:50 or 1:100 with measurements in metric – if this is part of the application
  • Plans to show all new doors, windows, shop fronts, paneling, fireplaces, plaster moulding and other decorative materials to a scale no less than 1:20
  • Design and Access Statement – the Design and Access Statement must demonstrate an understanding of the historic context of the site and its setting, this may be in the form of a Heritage Staement
  • Relevant fee
  • Where Ownership Certificates B, C or D have been completed, notice(s) must be given and/or published
  • Agricultural Holdings Certificate
  • Demolition Statement

Local Requirements– see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • All plans/drawings - must have critical dimensions marked on the plan
  • Heritage Statement - if not included as part of the Design and Access Statement
  • Protected Species Survey/Biodiversity Survey and Report – see the glossary for links to find out whether a survey may be required
  • Photographs
  • Structural Survey – when demolition or structural alterations are proposed
  • Details of any pre-application discussion with the Local Planning Authority and/or Historic England
  • Photomontages – when the proposed demolition affects the character of the streetscene

Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing Use or Operation or Activity Including Those in Breach of a Planning Condition

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • A Site Location Plan- outline the site area in red and any other land owned in blue. To scale 1:250 or 1:12500
  • Block Plan
  • Existing Elevations and Floor Plans to scale 1:50 or 1:100 with measurements in metric
  • Evidence – photographs and other historical evidence, Council tax and revenue invoices, letters from adjoining properties, signed legal affidavits and other formal legal documentation showing when the development first came into the use applied for.
  • Planning Statement
  • Relevant fee

Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Use or Development

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • A Site Location Plan- outline the site area in red and any other land owned in blue. To scale 1:250 or 1:12500
  • Block Plan
  • Existing and proposed Elevations and Floor Plans to scale 1:50 or 1:100 with measurements in metric
  • Planning Statement
  • Relevant fee

Application for Prior Notification – Proposed Works

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • A Site Location Plan- outline the site area in red and any other land owned in blue. To scale 1:250 or 1:12500
  • Block Plan
  • Relevant fee
  • Demolition Statement (if demolition is required)

Local Requirements– see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • All plans/drawings - must have critical dimensions marked on the plan
  • Biodiversity survey and report
  • Photographs
  • Photomontage
  • Planning Statement
  • Structural Survey
  • Coal Risk Assessment – if the site is within a Coal Mining referral area
  • Statement or Plan indicating or is relevant to the proposal

Application for Non Material Amendment Following a Grant of Planning Permission

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • Plan to show the scheme as previously approved, and the amendment to scale 1:50 or 1:100
  • Relevant fee

Application for the Approval of Reserved Matters Following an Outline Approval

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • Block Plan
  • Existing and Proposed elevations, floorplans, site sections, finished floor and site levels, proposed layout and roof plans to scale 1:50 or 1:100 with measurements in metric
  • Relevant fee
  • Additional Information – any further information as is necessary to deal with the matters reserved in the Outline Planning application. See full application guide for further details.

Local Requirements– see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • All plans/drawings - must have critical dimensions marked on the plan
  • Planning Statement
  • Environmental Assessment – if required
  • Landscape Scheme – for major developments
  • Site Waste management plan – for major developments

Application for Removal or Variation of a Condition Following a Grant of Planning Permission

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • Ownership Certificate/notice – see below for definition of certificates
  • Relevant fee

Local Requirements– see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • All plans/drawings - must have critical dimensions marked on the plan
  • Plans – to show the proposed removal/variation
  • Planning Statement – a statement to explain/justify the proposed removal/variation
  • Block Plan

Application for Approval of Details Reserved by a Condition

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • Relevant fee

Local Requirements– see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • All plans/drawings - must have critical dimensions marked on the plan
  • Plans – to show the details of the condition being discharged
  • Samples – sample of materials requested

Application for Hedgerow Removal Notice

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • A Plan – to clearly show the location and length of the hedgerow to be removed
  • Evidence – of the date of planting and justification for the removal of the hedge. Applicants must refer to the NPPF chapter 11 when providing evidence in support of the application

Local Requirements– see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • All plans/drawings - must have critical dimensions marked on the plan
  • Arboricultural Implications – a statement to justify the proposed works, including the arboricultural implications of such works and any mitigation measures that will be undertaken
  • Biodiversity Survey and Report – information will need to be provided on existing biodiversity interests and possible impacts upon them to allow full consideration

Application for Tree Works: Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order or Notification of Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Areas

Please note – although only 1 set of documents is required, we reserve the right to request additional copies to aid consultation

National Requirements – see glossary for detailed descriptions

  • Application form – completed in full
  • Sketch plan showing the location of all the trees
  • A full and clear specification of the works to be carried out
  • Evidence in support of the works
  • If felling is proposed – a report from an independent qualified Arboriculturist

Other useful information – see glossary for detailed descriptions