14 April 2016

Vaccinations and tests required of incoming exchange students

Last (Family) name: ______

First name: ______

Date of birth: ______Gender:______Nationality:______


Instructions for laboratory tests and specimen collection together with additional information are to be found at the end of this form.

1.  MRSA

Specimen is taken from nose

Date of test: ______Result:______

(dd/mm/yy) (must be negative)

2.  VRE

Specimen is taken from stool


Date of test:______Result:______

(dd/mm/yy) (must be negative )

3.  Thorax X-ray

Date of X-ray:______Result:______

(Only from countries outside the EU and from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Bulgaria. Statement has to be less than 3 months old; findings must be normal, do not send X-ray images)

4.  Salmonella

Salmonella test results are required of (non-Scandinavian) students who will be completing practical training in delivery wards, maternity wards, neonatal wards for the newborn, maternity or prenatal clinics. A new test will be taken after arrival.

Date of test:______Result:______

5.  Vaccination and immunisation information

a)  Tetanus + Diphtheria vaccination Date of vaccination:______

(must be taken less than 10 years ago)

Or these vaccinations as separate:

Tetanus Date of vaccination: ______

(must be taken less than 10 years ago)

Diphtheria Date of vaccination: ______

(must be taken less than 10 years ago)

b)  Polio Date of vaccination:______

c)  MMR combination vaccination (measles-mumps-rubella)

= MPR combination vaccination (morbilli-parotitis-rubella)

Two vaccinations needed

Dates of vaccination ______and ______

d)  Chicken pox = Varicella

Have you had chicken pox? Yes No

Have you been vaccinated against chicken pox? Yes No

Date of vaccination:______

e)  Whooping cough (pertussis)

Minimum of three DTVP or DTAP vaccinations

Dates of vaccinations: 1)______2)______3)______

f)  Hepatitis B vaccination

Minimum of three vaccinations

Dates of vaccinations: 1)______2)______3)______

or alternatively

A+B hepatitis vaccination

Minimum of three vaccinations

Dates of vaccinations: 1)______2)______3)______

g) Influenza vaccination (mandatory for midwifery students)

Date of vaccination:______

NB! Students who will practice at wards with children and young people have to
provide a certificate from the national criminal record

Signature of the student: ______

Name of the student:______


Signature of the physician: ______

Name of the physician:______



Instructions for specimen collection and additional information

MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)

11056 MRSA-Vi, MRSA colonisation specimen from the nose

The MRSA specimen is taken from the nose using a sterile cotton swab dampened in saline solution and posited in a carbon agar transport tube (Stuart tube). Tests taken abroad will be repeated in Finland before the start of the supervised training period. International coordinators will give detailed instructions concerning repeat tests.

VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis / enterococcus faecium)

1788 VRE-Vi, VRE colonisation sample from the rectum or faeces (a cotton swab is dipped into the stool sample)

The VRE sample is taken from faeces or the rectum. The specimen is taken with a sterile cotton swab dampened in saline solution and posited in a carbon agar transport tube (Stuart tube). Tests taken abroad will be repeated in Finland before the start of the supervised training period. International coordinators will give detailed instructions concerning repeat tests.


Salmonella test results are required of students who will be completing practical training in delivery wards, maternity wards or neonatal wards for the newborn. Specimens will be taken from the stool sample. Salmonella tests will be repeated in Finland before the start of the supervised training period. International coordinators will give detailed instructions concerning repeat tests.