Howard Louis




Western Zone VSSSA Annual Report 2009

V. S. S. S. A.




















Western Zone VSSSA Annual Report 2009


2009 has certainly been a year of dramatic change in relation to the organization of school sport across the Western Region and indeed, across Victoria. This year many Sports Coordinators, teachers and coaches have been pro-actively involved in discussions surrounding the merger of the VSSSA and the VPSSA. As a result, school sport will be managed by School Sport Victoria (SSV) who will continue to provide a very clear direction of school sport into the future, whilst managing and coordinating over 2300 schools and over 500, 000 students.

Many of you have given up your own personal time to be involved in district and zone meetings, in order to provide the necessary input into the organization of school sport across the Western Region. I wish to acknowledge the high level of commitment that I have seen from many Sports Coordinators, Coaches and Teachers in providing the necessary feedback relating to the 10 recommendations that were proposed by Ken Rogers in his discussion paper centered on the re-structuring of school sport across Victoria.

In 2009, I have recognized that many of you (Sports Coordinators, Teachers and Coaches) have been working extremely hard to provide the secondary students in the Western Metropolitan Region with increased opportunities to display their talents and encounter success in many different sports, as part of your schools inter-school sporting program. On my visits to the Western Zone Cross Country Championships, Western Zone Swimming Finals and the State Swimming and Athletics Finals, it was pleasing to see so many teachers providing the necessary support for students to obtain success in their chosen event.

I am also aware that as well as successfully undertaking your role as a Sport Coordinator and active teaching member of one or two KLA’s, many of you (as leaders within your own schools) have had to understand, design and implement many new educational initiatives (Literacy & Numeracy) associated with your individual School Strategic Plans and Annual Implementation Plans.

It is from this perspective that I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the students, to thank all those teachers across the region who have not only been involved in their schools own planning, but have also been able to find the energy, enthusiasm and commitment ‘from within’ to support their students in their sporting endeavors throughout the 2009 school year.

Clearly, without the support, commitment, enthusiasm, organisational skills and ENERGY of not only the Sports Co-ordinators, but also those teachers who have developed a passion for a particular sport and were willing to offer themselves as coaches of specific teams, Western Zone School Sport would not be able to achieve continued success across many different sports. On behalf of the Western Zone Executive Committee, I wish to thank all Sports Coordinators and Sport Teachers for their continued support within the ‘West’. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Furthermore, on behalf of all Sports Co-ordinators, coaches and students, I wish to thank the members of the Western Zone Executive Committee (Bill Bond, Carol Collins,Gerard Darcy, Rob Evans, Anthony Freeman, Don Nichols, John Robinson, Gerard Ryan, Steven Stewart, Darren Taylor, Antoinette Toet & Emma Vesey) for their tireless work and strategic planning throughout this year, in ensuring that school sport in the ‘West’ is organised for the students, teachers, parents and officials, in the best, professional way possible. On a personal level, I wish to thank you all for your support, good humour and professionalism throughout 2008. I have enjoyed working with you and look forward to 2010 with great enthusiasm.

Finally, I wish to thank Howard Louis for his outstanding leadership as School Sports Officer in the Western Zone. We are very privileged to have someone of Howard’s skills, knowledge and abilities leading the way in the coordination responsibilities associated with the smooth operation of a regional sporting calendar. I am sure you would all agree, Howard is always prepared to listen and consult with people at all levels and this, I believe, has enabled all teachers, students, parents and officials to feel comfortable with the organisation of major events across the region. On behalf of all teachers, students, parents and officials, I wish to thank Howard for once again successfully ‘leading the way’ in the proper, professional, efficient and effective management of the WesternZoneSchool Sporting Calendar in 2009. A job well done!!

Enjoy your Christmas holidays (you deserve it) and I look forward to seeing you all again in 2010.

Wayne Terrill




As I write my ninth annual report, it is heartening that sport is on the front page of the newspapers with the release of the Independent SportReport by David Crawford, which was released by the Federal Sport Minister, Kate Ellis on Tuesday, November 17th. In particular, the Crawford report has also focused on sport in schools saying sport in schools should be an "ongoing priority" for all governments to ensure that “physical education is a key area of the national curriculum & more should be done to prepare staff to teach sport”. The report argues that schools no longer consistently play their historical role of introducing children to sport. “After years of decline, it is time to once again make sport & physical education a priority in our education system”. It also said “that if changes were not made at both elite and community levels, Australia would face dire consequences. [And] the health and well-being agenda of our citizens will not be progressed to the extent it should and the general level of participation in sport and physical activity will continue its downward spiral."

Keeping those thoughts in mind, I would like to thank all schools, students & teachers who have continued to play their role in sport in schools by showing their support to the Western Zone (& State) Victorian Secondary Schools Sports Association. Sport Coordinators, sports teachers, school administrations & coaches continue to provide their students with the opportunity to compete in interschool sporting competitions. Credit must foremost be given to all Sports Coordinators and Team Coaches – staff & student - for their efforts in schools – at training and on the playing fields. As always, their efforts continue to foster the ideals of sport and an active & healthy lifestyle in their students.

Appreciation is extended to the following: Antoinette Toet (& Stephen Graham), John Robinson, Emma Vesey, Gerard Ryan, Darren Taylor, Carol Collins, Gerard Darcy, Don Nichols, Steven Stewart, Anthony Freeman and Bill Bond for their excellent organisation and administration of their respective Districts. The District Secretaries’ assistance at Zone Championships and also the work of Convenors of Western Zone Metropolitan and Country Finals is very much appreciated. Again, the annual thanks to all the Sport Coordinators for their continuous energy, dedication & efforts.

The association continues to rely on the support from all in schools & the community for the Western Zone (as well as the district & the state) VSSSA program to run successfully and smoothly. In particular, I must mention and thank Wayne Terrill (President) & Rob Evans (Vice President), Richie Almond (VSSSA Life Member), Bill Bond, Gerard Darcy, John Robinson and all the members of the Western Zone VSSSA Executive Committee for their time, support and input into Zone matters. The Western Zone is extremely fortunate to have excellent people, who continue to be involved in school sport in lots of capacities. Bill BondGerard Darcy continued to be excellent, committed & true representatives of the Western Zone at the VSSSA State Management Committee & sub-committee level and great sounding boards for me personally in making decisions that concern the Western Zone VSSSA.

The Western Zone continues to have a comprehensive & up-to-date website and now is the main mode of communication enabling information to be obtained quickly and electronically by students, teachers & parents. In 2010, the website will be the first point of call for any information, as too often emails bounce back with teachers’ in-boxes full! All questions will be answered by a quick glance towards the website. The Western Zone VSSSA program continues to offer all schools a wide range of sports and a progressive structure to the VSSSA State Championships, however change is imminent in 2011 as the state will be divided up into nine regions in line with the DEECD regions (replacing zones) & districts will become divisions. The new School Sport Victoria board will take effect in 2010 & the implementation of change for 2011 will commence. I know that the Western Zone VSSSA is extremely fortunate to have representatives who have the best interests of all involved in school sport who will have their say on the new board & committees to make the decisions on how school sport moves forward.

Personally, I was able to have second term off on long-service leave to “recharge the batteries” & the running of the Western Zone VSSSA sport calendar of events was left in the extremely capable hands of Garry Rydberg & John Robinson. I am indebted to their efforts & know that all events ran as “smoothly” as ever (well, that’s what I think happens when I am on deck!).

The Western Zone VSSSA Cross Country championships held at the University of Ballarat were once again a great success with large fields in each event held in very good conditions. Congratulations to all that competed & officiated – staff & students - on the day. It was certainly reported to me that again it was another memorable Ballarat Cross Country – sunshine & shirtsleeves for a change. I would especially extend my appreciation to Garry Rydberg, Mike KingstonMt. Clear SC students), Bill McLennan (Ballarat Regional Athletics Centre), Unisports Ballarat, the administration of the University of Ballarat and especially Roy Jacobs, John Robinson, Roch Prendergast, Richie Almond& Wayne Terrill for all their cooperation & contributions in running the event.

The Western Zone VSSSA Country & Zone Athletics and Zone Swimming were wonderful championships and I especially thank the efforts of all Country staff and students for their assistance, in particular Roy Jacobs , Lisa Jones & the Newcomb SC students, Daryl Hauenstein & Geelong HS students, John Robinson, Karen Garrard, Geoff Withers, Chris Sly, Doug & Wendy Byrt, Stuart Robley (John Landy Field Athletics Track Management), David Barfoot (Geelong Athletics Club), Joanne Woolford & the Strathmore SC students, Amanda Vrymoet & the Western Heights (Barton) students continued the wonderful tradition of providing magnificent assistance in the Western Zone Swimming & Athletics Championships, respectively.

Thank you to all the Metropolitan District Secretaries who convened the Metropolitan Sectional Swimming and Athletics championships that were very competitively participated in by all metropolitan schools. The continued assistance & cooperation of the Essendon Athletics Club (Arthur Witchell & Pauline Nippard), Adrian Wilson & Amanda Allen of the Moonee Valley Council & the Fawkner Leisure Centre / Oak Park Aquatic Centre is most appreciated.

Thanks must again go to Athletics Victoria (AV) & Swimming Victoria (SV) officials & the cooperation of Don Blyth (AV) & Bob Ness (SV) in the provision & allocation of their associations’ respective experts.

Thank you to Karen Garrard (Copperfield College) for your continuous efforts to promote, administer & support the disabled athletes in the Swimming, Athletics & Cross country events of the Western Zone & regions, primary & secondary, state & nationwide. Karen, your support is crucial & reflected by the trend of the continued increase number of disabled participants in the zone program of events.

Thank you again also to Roger Stephens (BallaratSC) & Lyne Toleman (NewcombSC) & Ron Rooney (Pascoe Vale GC), who convened the Country and Metropolitan Golf, respectively. Both days were great successes and thoroughly enjoyed by the students and the staff who attended. A special thank you to Richie Almond , John Robinson, Roy Jacobs, Garry RydbergDon Nichols for their continued enormous contribution to Western Zone VSSSA school sport & their personal, professional support of me.

Thanks also to our Western Zone VSSSA State Zone representatives, Gerard Darcy (Melton SC) & Bill Bond (Bayside C) passionately advocate, advise & continues to foster the sport in the Western Ranges & Western Bayside Districts respectively, the Western Zone, statewide & nationally.

Thank you also to Dawn Staggard Don Nicholsfor convening the respective Western Zone Country & Metropolitan Lawn Bowls championships at Geelong West Lawn Bowls Club & Altona Bowling Club.

The Western Zone VSSSA team sport finals are played at venues all around western metropolitan and country venues. A number of local councils, sporting associations and clubs provide venues and referees for these championships and all have been very helpful with their assistance and provision of excellent facilities.

This year for the first time through the memorandum of understanding with the Western Bulldogs Football Club, the finals of the Senior Girls & Intermediate Boys metropolitan Football (Australian Rules) were able to played on the quality ground at Whitten Oval, home of the Western Bulldogs Football club. The magnificent support of the Western Bulldogs & Australia Post in holding the inaugural Australia Post Lightning Premiership Cups for the Western Zone Metropolitan VSSSA Intermediate Boys and Senior Girls divisions - supported by the Western Bulldogs was most appreciated by all the participants on the day of the competing divisions. Credit of the success of the competition & the day must go to the hard work of Amy Henderson, Jenna Godley & all at the Western Bulldogs Football club & Terry Hearity at Australia Post for their continued community school sport in the metropolitan Western Zone. I truly hope that the relationship between the Western Zone & the Western Bulldogs continues to grow & prosper & can be replicated throughout the Western Zone, metropolitan & country.

All Zone Championships and Finals have produced excellent competition and outstanding performances. The positive feedback from students, teachers and parents is an indication of this. Convenors reports were testament of the cooperation amongst schools. Problems were few & far between..

The Zone was very well represented at the State finals, highlights included exceptional results at the Swimming & Cross Country championships, and teams winning State Champion honours in Year 7, Year 8, Intermediate and Senior Team Sports.All major championships ran smoothly and I must complement Sports Coordinators, staff & students for their fantastic assistance on the days. I also thank all officials, local sporting groups, volunteers, schools’ staff and students, who assisted at championships either acting as an official or a supervisor of an area or students.

Thank you to my colleagues at School Sport Victoria: Warren McKelvie, Angela Dynan, Robyn Miller, Sharon Myhre-Davis, Nick Mooney, Garry Rydberg, Liz Stafford, David Shaw, Stuart Millar and Tim Zwarfor their support at the State level; Michael Grant, Rick Thompson, Shenika Rule Ian Landy (fellow School Sport Zone Officers) in being available for advice and support for matters at a Zone level.

Thank you to Mary Wisbyin the School Sport Victoria office for her reporting & thorough and accurate production of the Western Zone financial reports all year for the Western Zone Executive and Annual General meetings and the management of the G.S.T component of items.

Congratulations to this year’s recipients of the five & ten year VSSSA Service Awards for their outstanding contributions to school sport –

5 years

Greg Schnerring - BrauerCollege – Sport Coordinator

Jason Kermeen - BrauerCollege – Sport Coordinator

Anthony Freeman – PascoeValeGirlsSecondaryCollege – District Secretary

Belinda Bothe – PortlandSecondaryCollege – Sport Coordinator