UUCSV Newsletter Policy

(Approved by the Board, 10-3-06)

The purpose of the monthly Church Newsletter is to keep the congregation informed of relevant Church activities and related issues in a timely and effective manner. To provide guidance to the congregation and the Newsletter editor in meeting this purpose, the Board has developed the following guidelines for Newsletter articles:

  • The newsletter will include articles from the Minister, the Board President, committee chairs, and other Church leaders and congregants that report information on Church-related activities. Announcements not directly related to Church activities should be dealt with in the weekly e-mail messages.
  • Because the content of articles should relate directly to the business of the Church or to activities and events of interest to a broad segment of the congregation, “Letters to the editor” expressing individual opinions are not encouraged.
  • Articles need to be sent to the Newsletter editor by e-mail at no later than the 20th of each month.
  • All articles should include a by-line that includes author’s name and contact information.
  • Every attempt should made to keep articles as brief as practical in order to enhance their readability and reduce the length of the Newsletter.
  • Whenever possible, the readers of the newsletter should access it on-line at the Church website. The Church administrator will notify readers when it is available on-line. Newsletters may be mailed to those readers without internet access, to visitors, and to those with other reasons for not being able to access it on-line.
  • All Church members will have access to the newsletter. Visitors should be sent copies of the newsletter for 3 months. All others desiring copies for the newsletter will pay a $25 fee annually.
  • The Newsletter editor has the authority to apply these guidelines and is encouraged to seek assistance from the Board President or Minister in cases where questions of appropriateness arise.

Advertising in the Newsletter - The UUCSV Board has approved inclusion ofinformation advertising in the Church Newsletterfor member-owned or operated businesses, starting in August, 2006. Examples are construction contracting,real estate sales,restaurants, catering, lawn service & landscaping, home-minding/pet-sitting, shops/boutiques, network marketing,etc.The costs of these ads are $5 per issue or $50 for 12 months andwill be used to defray the cost of the Newsletter. Initially,each ad will belimited to30words of text,giving the business name, general nature of the business, and address and/or contact numbers.As experience is gained, consideration may be given to allowingphotos,graphics, and additional text.Any member who wishes to participate in this business information exchange should contact the Church Administrator.