Letter No. 1554 / TENDER NOTICE /11-12 Date: 23.02.12

Index - Page No. 1 to 3

Details of Contents - Page No. 1 to 30

Guidelines/Performa for Factory inspection - Page No. 1 to 6



Tender Document


General Guidelines and Instructions




Tender document for: Annual Rate Contract for Supply of Alumino Ferric, Grade-II in the form of naked loose slabs each weighing 20 k.g. +/- 5 k.g. as per confirming to IS specification: 299-1989 with latest amendments for purification of water.

Purpose of Tender:- Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan is maintaining various water supply schemes in Uttarakhand State. The water sources of these schemes are Springs, Gadheras and Rivers. For purification of raw water from these sources before supply, Alumino Ferric, Grade-II as per confirming to IS specification: 299-1989 is being used by the department. So the tender for supply of Alumino Ferric, Grade-II as per confirming to IS specification: 299-1989 is invited on the basis of annual rate contract.

Cost of tender document : Rs. 300.00 + 41.00

Earnest money to be deposited with the tender : Rs. 2,00,000.00

in the shape of (FDR/CDR/NSC/BG)

Last Date of Sale/Downloading of tender document : 28.03.12

Date of opening tender : 29.03.12 at 4:00 p.m.

Tender document issued to :

M/s ......



Executive Engineer

Note: - 1. Tender document can be purchased on cash payment mentioned above, from office of the Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun.

2. If, the tender document is required by post in India, cost of tender document mentioned above and additional sum of `100/- (` One Hundred Only), postal charges, in the shape of demand draft issued by Nationalized Bank in the name of Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun, payable at Dehradun shall be enclosed with the request. Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan will not be responsible for postal delay.

3. Downloaded tender document through website, duly filled in and signed by tenderer should be submitted along with cost of tender document mentioned above has to be enclosed with the tender document at the time of submission, in the form of demand draft issued by nationalized bank in the name of Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun, payable at Dehradun and earnest money in due date and time positively, in the office of the Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun with the technical bid otherwise opening of the commercial bid shall not be considered.

4. This tender document (in original) issued by the Executive Engineer, Central Store, Dehradun duly filled in and signed by tenderer should be submitted with the technical bid otherwise opening of the commercial bid shall not be considered.


No. / Description / Page No.
Tender Notice. / 1-2
Terms and Conditions for Tenderers, Technical Bid, Specifications and Commercial Bid. / 3-10
Declaration Part – I / 11
Declaration Part – II / 12
Memorandum / 13
Form of Experience / 14
1. /


/ 15
2. /


/ 16
3. /

Security Clause

/ 16
4. /

Encash of a Bank Guarantee

/ 16
5. /

Mode of Submitting Tender

/ 16-17
6. /

Submission of Documents

/ 17
7. /

Signing of Tender

/ 17-18
8. /

Important Notes

/ 18
9. /

Vague Offer

/ 18
10. /

Import License

/ 18
11. /

Period for which Offer shall be Valid

/ 18
12. /

Expiry of Validity of Documents

/ 19
13. /


/ 19
14. /


/ 19
15. /

Papers Relating to Sales/Trade Tax

/ 19
16. /

Cancellation of Tender

/ 19
17. /

Withdraw of Tender

/ 19
18. /

Rejection of Defective Material

/ 20
19. /


/ 21-21
20. /

Date of Completion of Supply

/ 21
21. /


/ 21
22. /

Price Variation

/ 22
23. /

Mode of Transportation

/ 22
24. /

Transit Insurance

/ 22
25. /

Octroi Charges

/ 22
26. /

Bank Charges

/ 22
27. /

Guaranteed Quantity

/ 22
28. /

Force Majeure

/ 22
29. /


/ 23
30. /

Cancellation of Supply

/ 23
31. /

Transfer of Agreement

/ 23
32. /


/ 23
33. /

Liquidated Damages etc.

/ 23-24
34. /

Parallel Contract

/ 24
35. /

Arbitration Clause

/ 24
36. /

Applicable Law

/ 24
37. /

Specification General

/ 25
38. /


/ 25
39. /

Third Party Inspection

/ 25
40. /

Departmental Inspection and Test Certificates

/ 26
41. /

Test Certificate to be submitted by the Firm

/ 26
42. /

Address of the Tenderer Firm

/ 26

Schedule 'A': Rates

/ 27

Annexure-1: Undertaking

/ 28

Performa for B.G. Bond

/ 29-30

Annexure-2 - Guidelines/Performa for Factory inspection

/ 1-6


Office of the Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan,

Jal Bhawan, 'B' Block, Nehru Colony, Dehradun.

Letter No. 1554 / Tender Notice /2011-12 Date: 23.02.12

Tender Notice

For and on behalf of Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, invites sealed tenders in two bid system i.e. Technical Bid & Commercial Bid for procurement of materials detailed below.

Tender No. / EMD in Rs. / Cost of tender + VAT @ 13.50% in Rs. / Last date of Sale/Downloading of tender / Tender receiving upto 3:00 pm and opening at 4:00 pm on same date
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5)
Annual Rate Contract for the procurement of following materials:-
4 / ISI marked, Malleable galvanized iron fittings & specials conforming to IS: 1879:1987 with amendments 1 to 8 for water works purpose.
1,20,000.00 / 300.00 + 41.00 / 24.03.2012 / 26.03.2012
5 / ISI marked Pipe Wrenches Heavy-Duty conforming to I.S: 4003/1986 (Part-II) and General Purpose conforming to I.S: 4003/1978 (Part-I).
50,000.00 / 300.00 + 41.00 / 24.03.2012 / 26.03.2012
6 / ISI marked C.I. Sluice Valves conforming to IS: 14846/2000 and C.I. Swing Check Valves conforming to IS: 5312 (Part-1)/1984 (Reaffirmed 1995) for water works purpose.
50,000.00 / 300.00 + 41.00 / 26.03.2012 / 27.03.2012
23 / ISI marked Pre-cast concrete Manhole Covers conforming to IS: 12592:2002 with M.S. Frame of suitable size, quality and load bearing, for placing of M.H. Covers.
50,000.00 / 300.00 + 41.00 / 26.03.2012 / 27.03.2012
Basic Eligibility:- Only those manufacturers having BIS license for ISI marking are allowed to take part in the above tender no. 4, 5, 6 and 23. Without ISI certification, the tender will not be issued/considered by the department in any case.
10 / Three Core Copper Conductor Flat Cable for Submersible Motor-Pump generally conforming to IS: 694:1990 (Reaffirmed 1995).
50,000.00 / 300.00 + 41.00 / 27.03.2012 / 28.03.2012
Basic Eligibility:- Only manufacturers or agency authorised by manufacturers having ISO certificate are allowed to take part in the above tender no. 10. Without ISO certification, the tender will not be issued/considered by the department in any case.
12 / Tools – Ratchet Pipe Threader, Hexa Frame and Hexa Blade.
50,000.00 / 300.00 + 41.00 / 27.03.2012 / 28.03.2012
Basic Eligibility:- Only manufacturers having ISO certificate are allowed to take part in the above tender no. 12. Without ISO certification, the tender will not be issued/considered by the department in any case.
27 / Pre-cast Concrete Plateform 1.2 meter dia. with chowki (standing base) 0.6 x 0.6 meter and Pre-cast Concrete Drain 1.0 meter length as per departmental drawing and design.
50,000.00 / 300.00 + 41.00 / 28.03.2012 / 29.03.2012
Basic Eligibility:- Only manufacturers are allowed to take part in the above tender no. 27.
30 / Alumino Ferric, Grade-II in the form of naked loose slabs each weighing 20 k.g. +/- 5 k.g. as per confirming to IS specification: 299-1989 with latest amendments for purification of water.
2,00,000.00 / 300.00 + 41.00 / 28.03.2012 / 29.03.2012
Basic Eligibility:- Only manufacturers or agency authorised by manufacturers are allowed to take part in the above tender no. 30. Without authorization of principal manufacturer (in case of agency), the tender will not be issued/considered by the department in any case.

Terms and Conditions: 1. For full & further details kindly visit our website Tender document can be downloaded from our website. Cost of downloaded tender document mentioned in column (3) has to be enclosed with the tender document at the time of submission, in the form of demand draft issued by nationalized bank in the name of Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun, payable at Dehradun.

2. Tender document can also be purchased on cash payment mentioned in column (3) above, from office of the Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun.

3. If, the tender document is required by post in India, cost of tender document mentioned in column (3) and additional sum of `100/- (` One Hundred Only), postal charges, in the shape of demand draft issued by Nationalized Bank in the name of Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun, payable at Dehradun shall be enclosed with the request. Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan will not be responsible for postal delay.

4. The undersigned shall have authority to accept or reject any or all the tenders without giving any reasons thereof.

5. For confirmation of product according to BIS/ISO norms, the member(s) of Departmental Technical Committee or officer authorised by the department will visit the factory of the tenderer/manufacturer, before finalizing the technical bid submitted by the tenderer/manufacturer.

6. Other terms and conditions shall be according to the tender document.

7. Conditional/Telegraphic/ Telephonic/Fax/E-mail offer shall not be entertained. Sd/-

Executive Engineer


Not for Publication.

Letter No. 1554 / Tender Notice /2011-12 Date: 23.02.12

Copy to the following for information and necessary action:

1.  Chief General Manager, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun.

2.  General Manager, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun/Pauri/Nainital.

3.  All Superintending Engineer, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, ......

4.  All Executive Engineer, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, ......

5.  Notice Board.

Copy to the following with this request to publish this tender notice at the Govt. Rates on dated 26th or 27th February, 2012. The payment shall not be made for misprinting or indistinctly printed or published after due date. The approved copy of DAVP/Govt. rates, R.O. and original copy of News Paper(s) published shall be submitted with the bill at the time of payment.

6.  M/s FM Advertising, Shiv Kripa Complex (Near Kamla Place Hotel), GMS Road, Dehradun (Telefax: 0135-2652539, 2521953, Mobile: 9897212130-Mr. Manoj Kumar) to publish this tender notice in Hindustan (Hindi), Delhi Edition once in 260 space.

7.  M/s Aryan Advertising Pvt. Ltd., 67, Teg Bahadur Road, Lane Number-4, Dehradun (Tel: 0135-2679863, Mobile: 9458900597-Mr. Arun Vijay Sati) to publish this tender notice in Indian Express (English), Delhi Edition once in 260 space.


Executive Engineer



For and on behalf of Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, invites sealed tenders in two bid system i.e. Technical Bid & Commercial Bid for procurement of materials detailed below.

Tender No. / EMD in Rs. / Cost of tender + VAT @ 13.50% in Rs. / Last date of Sale/Downloading of tender / Tender receiving upto 3:00 pm and opening at 4:00 pm on same date
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5)
Annual Rate Contract for the procurement of following materials:-
30 / Alumino Ferric, Grade-II in the form of naked loose slabs each weighing 20 k.g. +/- 5 k.g. as per confirming to IS specification: 299-1989 with latest amendments for purification of water.
2,00,000.00 / 300.00 + 41.00 / 28.03.2012 / 29.03.2012

Submission of Tender:

1.  Only manufacturers or agency authorised by manufacturers are allowed to take part in the tender but the preference will be given to the manufacturer. No joint ventures or dealers are allowed. Authorization letter shall not be older than one month.

2.  For confirmation of product according to norms, the member(s) of Departmental Technical Committee or officer authorised by the department will visit the factory of the manufacturer, before finalizing the technical bid submitted by the tenderer/manufacturer.

3.  The tender should be submitted on the basis of two bid system, subscribed envelope 'A' "Technical Bid" and envelope 'B' "Commercial Bid" and envelope ‘C’ “Earnest Money”, all these three envelopes shall be put in a single envelope subscribed "Tender Notice No., Date of Opening and Name of Article.

4.  The last date for the submission of the “Tender" 29.03.12, in the official Tender document (in original) issued by the Executive Engineer, Central Store, Dehradun or downloaded through website shall be duly filled in and signed by a duly authorized person and to be submitted to the office of the Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun. The cost of downloaded tender document to be paid in the form of demand draft issued from nationalized bank payable at Dehradun in the name of Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun at the time of submission shall be attached with the tender document.

5.  The tenders without earnest money and concurrence to deposit security amount in the event of acceptance will not be entertained.

6.  Earnest money in the following forms should invariably be put in a separate envelope along with separate envelopes of technical bid and commercial bid. All these three envelopes shall be put in a single envelope subscribed "Tender Notice No., Date of opening and Name of Article. It should be valid for 06 months from the date of opening of the tender. A photocopy of EMD can be retained by the tenderer for claiming the refund of the EMD after the entire procedure is completed. EMD of Rs. 2,00,000.00 in the form of F.D.R/ C.D.R/ N.S.C/B.G., issued from any Nationalised/ Scheduled Bank/ Post Office in India, duly pledged in the name of Executive Engineer, Central Store, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Dehradun shall be attached.

7.  The tenderer shall ensure that the tender is positively received in the office of the Executive Engineer, Central Store before or on the date and upto the time of receipt or tenders as per schedule given in the tender notice. However, if any tender is received by post upto the scheduled date and time of opening of tender, the same shall also be considered. Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan will not be responsible for late receipt of tender in the office of Executive Engineer, Central Store on account of postal delay etc. and such tender(s) shall not be entertained. Document what-so-ever submitted after the schedule time of receipt of tender on the date of opening of the tender shall not be considered. All papers must invariably be submitted with the tender.