Using the VPN Client for DB1 in Query Designer

  1. If you will be working with the DB1 environment in Query Designer, it will require you to use the VPN Client in order to connect. The VPN Client must be installed by your computer support or zone area. VPN is not necessary for PB1 or QB1. DB1,QB1 and PB1 are different environments, so the available queries and results returned will not necessarily be the same, however you will always execute to a portal view.

Connecting to the VPN

  1. Once installed, the VPN Client can be found on your computer by clicking on the Start button, selecting Programs, selecting Cisco Systems VPN Client, then selecting VPN Client. Or, if you have a shortcut on your desktop, you can double-click on the VPN Client icon.


  1. The following window will appear:

  1. On the Connection Entries tab, select OnePurdue, then click the Connect button.

  1. The VPN Client User Authentication for “OnePurdue” window will appear:
  1. Type in your Username (career account) and Password, then click OK.
  1. The icon in the lower right corner of your screen should change from an open lock to a closed lock, to show that you are connected:

From this: To this:

Note: If you forget to connect to the VPN Client before you logon to DB1 in Query Designer, you will receive the following message:

Logging into DB1 in Query Designer

  1. You can now connect to Query Designer using DB1. Double click on your Query Designer Icon on your desktop, or select the Start button, Programs, Business Explorer, and then Query Designer.


  1. The SAP Logon window will appear:

  1. If you are on the OnePurdue Domain, select DB1 - (Kerberos) BW 7.0 Development. If you are not on the OnePurdue Domain, select DB1 - BW 7.0 Development. Then, click OK.
  1. If you are on the OnePurdue Domain, you will have the following window appear:

If this is your first time to logon to DB1, you may need to enter the Client 001 and your User (career account). The password should be populated. Click OK.

If you are not on the OnePurdue Domain, you will have the following window appear:

If this is your first time to logon to DB1, you may need to enter the Client 001 and your User (career account). You will always need to enter the password. Click OK.

  1. Query Designer should open, and look like the following window:

Note: You will know which environment you are working in by looking in the lower right corner of the Query Designer window. The picture above shows DB1.

  1. You can now work with the queries and InfoProviders in Query Designer, in the DB1 environment.

Disconnecting from the VPN Client

  1. When you are done working in DB1, it is important to disconnect from the VPN Client, as the number of VPN Client connections is limited. To disconnect from the VPN Client, click on the Start button, select Programs, Cisco Systems VPN Client, and then VPN Client. Or, if you have a shortcut on your desktop, you can double-click on the VPN Client icon.


  1. The following window will appear:
  1. On the Connection Entries tab, select OnePurdue, then click the Disconnect button.
  1. The icon in the lower right corner of your screen should change from a closed lock to an open lock, to show that you are disconnected:

From this: To this:

  1. The status on the VPN Client window will also change from Connected to Disconnected.
  1. You have completed the VPN Client Disconnect process.

Y:\Staff\WAI\SAP\User Group\Super Users\VPN Instructions.docPage 1