Using the Template

  • Pick the PSA(s) below that best suits your program and community.
  • Fill in the bracketed areas with your local information.
  • Call local radio stations, and ask to speak with someone in the News department, Promotions/Marketing department or Public Affairs department, respectively (whichever is applicable to that station).
  • Request to submit an on-air PSA(s). (You may want to ask what the station’s rotation schedule is for PSAs just so you know when to listen for it to ensure the content is correct.)
  • Supply them with the following script as a guideline for featuring your Walk to School event.
  • You could also suggest the station feature a link on their web site to
  • If your radio station tends to work particularly closely with your town/city happenings and causes, talk with your contact about the possibility of an on-air personality promoting the event during peak hours (drive times, etc.)

PSA 1: General promotion

Join the [city, county, area] community in celebrating International Walk to School Day, Wednesday, October sixth.

Take some time this week to promote health, safety and the environment by walking with your child to school – or just simply taking a walk.

For more information, please contact [name] at [number] or visit

Celebrate Walk to School Day and help improve your child’s health and safety – as well as your own.

PSA 2: Health benefits

Looking for a healthy way to start the day? Jump-start it by walking with your child to school!

Join the [city, county, area, school] community in celebrating International Walk to School Day, Wednesday, October sixth.

Walk for fitness and walk for fun!

For more information, please contact [name] at [number] or visit

PSA 3: Safety promotion
Walking your child to school is a great opportunity to help your child learn and practice safe walking skills.

Join the [city, county, area] community in celebrating International Walk to School Day, Wednesday, October sixth.

To learn more about upcoming International Walk to School events, please contact [name] at [number] or visit

PSA 4: Live too far from school to walk

Walking to school with your child is a great way to start the day!

Join the [city, county, area] community in celebrating International Walk to School Day, Wednesday, October sixth.

If you live too far from your child’s school to walk, here’s what you can do: Drive part of the distance, then park and walk the rest!

To learn more about upcoming International Walk to School events, please contact [name] at [number] or visit

PSA 5: Recruiting new walkers

If you’ve ever considered walking to school with your child, now’s the time!

Join the [city, county, area] community in celebrating International Walk to School Day, Wednesday, October sixth.

Walking to school is a way to promote health, identify safer routes for walking, and improve air quality.

To learn more about upcoming International Walk to School events, please contact [name] at [number] or visit

PSA 6: Join children and adults around the world

Join children and adults around the world in celebrating International Walk to School Day, Wednesday, October sixth.

Walking to school is a great way to be a part of a global event and to promote health, identify safer routes for walking, and to improve air quality.

To learn more about International Walk to School events, please contact [name] at [number] or visit