Using SAS programs fromRosenkoetter’swebpage
Use the programs for Experiments 1, 2, 3, 4, and the final project.
The computer must have SAS installed in order to run the programs.
Go to Hill 311 or any other lab on campusexcept Hill 305C and 309.
The operating system that is installed on the PCs on the MSU campus computer labs is Windows 10 Education with Microsoft Office Suite 2016, which includes Word 2016. If you do not have this software installed, these directions might need to be altered.
1. Logon to a computer, open a web browser,such as Mozilla Firefox,and go to my webpage
2. In the PSY 302 section, click on the program you need.
3. Open the program with Microsoft Word (or your word-processing software).
4. After the program has downloaded to your computer,Save the file on the Desktop(or in some location where you can find it, such as, in your USB flash drive or in OneDrive) by clicking FileSave As This PCDesktop(or your favorite location)Save.
DO NOT save it to a Temp file.
5. Close () the file, web browser, and everything else.
6. Go to the Desktop (or where you saved the file) and click on the file.
7. Put your name on the top line. Do not erase the '; at the end of theline.
8. Put the data on the lines between the words datalinesor cardsand the ;
9. To save the file with the data in it, click File Save.
10. To make a SAS program file, click FileSave AsThis PC Desktop. Then, in the Save as type window, selectPlain Text (*.txt) . Click onSave.
(11. If you get a window that says, “The file . . . already exists.” You should click on Replace existing file.Then OK.)
12. When you get a window that says, “Warning: Saving as a text file will cause all . . . to be lost.” hit OK .
13. Close () the file.
14. Go to the Desktop (or where you saved the file) and open the plain text version by clicking on it.
15. Click on File Save As ….
16. Then in the File name: window, put a name for the file that ends in “.sas” by erasing the “.txt” and typing “.sas” at the end of the name that is already there, e.g., “Exp”.
17. Click on Save .
18. Close () the program.
19. Go to the Desktop (or the window that shows where you saved the SAS program files.
20. Highlight the SAS program (it should have a red dot on it) by placing the cursor on it—but do not left-click.
21. Right-click(click with the right button of the mouse) onthe SAS program.
22. Then click on Submit with SAS 9.4
23. Wait for the computer to start SAS and then for it to complete the work.
24. When the Results Viewer – SAS Output window arrives, look at it and then Print the Output with File Print Print .
25. When the Print Job Notification window appears, click Print
26. When you are finished, leave SAS with File Exit and OK.
Alternate Version Using SAS 9.4 (English)
Open SAS by clicking on a SAS icon.
If you use SAS 9.4 (English), you are using the full version of SAS. It will open with a small box that says SAS 9.4 and a Change Notice.
Close (X) the Change Notice.
Copy the program that you saved in Step 9. (The Word Document [*.docx] version.)
Paste the program into the Editor.
In the ribbon near the top, click on the running-man icon . It stands for submit or run. (Or you can click on Run Submit .)
When the Results Viewer – SAS Output window arrives, look at it and then Print the Output with File Print Print . (The results can also be printed by clicking on the printer icon .)
When you are finished, leave SAS with File Exit and OK.
When the question appears: “Do you want to save the changes to Editor – Untitled?” Click on No.
Alternate Version Using SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1
Open SAS by clicking on a SAS icon.
If you use SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1, you are using a smaller version of SAS. It will start with a small box that says Welcome to SAS Enterprise Guide.
In the Welcome box, click on New SAS Program.
Copy the program that you saved in Step 10. (The Plain Text [*.txt] version.)
Paste the program into the Program box.
Click on Run. (Or click on File Run Project.)
When the results window arrives, look at it and then Print the Output with File Print SAS Report OK . (The results can also be printed by clicking on the printer icon .)
When you are finished, leave SAS with File Exit .
When the question appears: “Do you want to save the changes to Project?” Click on No.
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