Smart Notebook Lessons

Using Smart Notebook selectPrograms/Smart Board Software/ Smart Notebook.

A new Notebook file will open. Each new Notebook file contains a work area that can be filled with objects, handwritten notes, typed text, graphics, screen shots, clip art and Flash files. You can add as many page as you would like.

Notebook Software Toolbar

Smartboard Notebook Ribbon

Side Tabs

There are four side tabs on the side of the Notebook. The double-ended horizontal arrow allows you to move the tabs to the right or left side of the viewing area.

Full Screen Toolbar

Modifying or Moving Objects

You can select and drag any object from the gallery to the Notebook page. Use the green handle to rotate the object and the white one to make the object smaller or wider. The gray drop-down menu is located in the top right corner of the object.

Drop-Down Menu

You can access the objects properties from this from the drop-down menu by clicking the gray down arrow.

Locking Objects

Locking will allow you to place an object and the properties of the object cannot be changed. You can choose the type of lock on an object.

Lock in Place-This does not allow the object to move or change in anyway.

Allow Move-This allows the object to move but not be resized or rotated.

Allow Move and Rotate-This allows the object to move and rotate, but it cannot be resized.

Unlock- This allows the object to be moved, rotated and resized.

Grouping Objects

Click and press the select tool from the toolbar. Click and drag a “box” around the items you want to group. From the drop-down menu click Grouping/Group.

Flip Object

Click the Flip from the drop-down menu to move an object left/right or up/down.

Ordering Objects

To change the order of objects, select Order from the drop-down menu and choose Bring Forward, Send Backward (one layer at a time) or Bring to the Front, and Send to the Back(places the object to the top layer or bottom layer).

Infinite Cloner

The Infinite Cloner from the drop-down menu will allow you to copy an object an unlimited number of times. You can use this for many different applications, including math when you need to count or add additional numbers.

To infinitely clone press and drag the object. Repeat as many times as desired. To turn off the infinite clone, select the infinity symbol and select Infinite Clone.

Adding Links to Objects

You can add a link to a Web Page, Page in this File, File on this Computer and Current Attachments.

Adding Sound to Objects

You can add a sound file to any object.Select Sound from the drop-down menu to launch the Sound dialog box. Press the Browse button and search for the file, and then attach it. You will then see a sound symbol on the object.


You can change the properties of many objects. From the drop-down menu choose properties. This will display the items you can change such as color, lines, fill effects, and object animation.

Object Animation

An object animation allows the object to Fly in, Fade In, Rotate, Shrink and Grow, etc. You can specify the speed and direction in which the objects appear and how it will begin on the page.

Page Recording

Page Recording is found on the properties tab. Click Start Recordingto record what is happening on the Smartboard. Click the properties tab again and Stop Recording. You will see a start/stop/pause button at th bottom of the screen.

Handwriting Recognition

Writing with the pen tool will give you the option of recognizing and converting writing to text. To convert a handwritten word to text, select the object drop-down menu and choose your word from the list.

Screen Capture Toolbar

The screen capture will allow you to capture an image from a webpage or document to your Notebook file. You can capture anything on the internet or an application.

Press and drag to outline the rectangular area you want to capture.

Press in the window you want to capture.

Navigate to the screen you want to capture and press the button to capture the entire screen.

Press and drag to create a freehand shape around the area you want to capture.