2015 Unit 2English


P.O.V. ORAL Guidelines

Outcome 3

TASK: Research an issue and prepare a 4-5 minute speech in which you present a reasoned and sustained point of view, supported by evidence (facts, statistics and expert opinion). In other words, you need to pick something you believe in (or can convince us you believe in!) then promote an idea, argue an opinion and inspire your audience to share your point of view. Your speech must be persuasive and you will need to use the tools of persuasion to argue your point convincingly.

The range of topics you can draw from is endless. Here are some suggestions:

  • Reforms to gun laws
  • Modelling- how young is too young?
  • Compulsory de-sexing of pets
  • Children’s beauty pageants
  • Facebook and online privacy
  • Surrogacy law in Australia
  • Legalising euthanasia
  • Access to abortion
  • Lowering the legal driving age
  • Banning of compulsory school uniforms
  • Outlawing the smacking children
  • Capital punishment
  • Graffiti or Art?
  • Harsher penalties for sports cheats

Timeline for the completion of this SAC:

Week 10, T3 / Week 1, T4 / Assessment - Week 3, T4
Guidelines and criteria for oral presentation SAC distributed.
You are to plan/draft/practise this assessment on the Term 3 holidays. Your teacher will nominate a due date for drafts to be submitted for feedback, sometime in Week 1 Term 4. / Draft of point of view speech due. / You will be booked in to deliver your Oral Presentation during one of your timetabled English periods. This appointment is not negotiable and will not be changed (see ‘Absences’).

Time Limit

  • 4-5 minutes.
  • Your teacher will indicate if you have reached the 4 minute mark.
  • If you exceed the 5 minute mark, you will be asked to stop speaking.

Allowable Materials

  • Cue cards.
  • Copy of your speech (for your teacher’s assessment records).


  • Students who miss their appointed assessment time due to illness will need to provide a medical certificate immediately upon returning to school, and will present their oral at a time nominated by their teacher.
  • Failure to produce a medical certificate will mean you are provided another opportunity to deliver your oral but will be awarded a score of zero.
  • Failure to deliver an oral presentation will mean you receive an N for this Outcome and an N for Unit 2 English.

Assessment of SAC

  • There are 20 possible marks for this SAC. Use the marking rubric provided to ensure your responses demonstrate the key knowledge and skills of this Outcome.

Year 11 English Teachers