User guideline for eSchedule – Students 11

User Guide

·  Objective : Students

eSchedule is a web application that is developed for helping students and schools in registering subjects. This tool not only supports the registration process, but also helps student track their study, view their result of complete subject and study process.

1.  Login

You can log in eSchedule by log in Iuportal

Figure 1 :Log in

-  Enter Your Student ID and your secret password into ID and Password field and click button “Enter”.

-  If you type wrong password, screen will appear sentence “Login Failed. Please remember that passwords are case sensitive!”, Please reenter your correct student ID and password – Remember check CapsLock button and turn off Vietnamese typing tool for sure.

-  After logging in IUportal success you must change to Vietnamese language.

Figure 2: Change interface

-  Click “Sinh vien hien tai”, myIU and “Dang ki mon hoc” and start register

Figure 3: How to go eSchedule

-  In the case you forgot password please click “forgot password” and do follow all instruction at myIU to get the password back

2.  Curriculum

This section shows the curriculum corresponding with your major.

Figure 4 ; Curriculum

3.  Completed subject

This section shows all your complete subjects within results. Subjects which have credits in ( ) are not be calculated in GPA.

Figure 5 : Complete course

·  Last Semester Score

This section shows all your subjects at newest semester within results.

4.  Not completed course

“NOT-COMPLETED COURSE REPORT” can show you the way to choose subject in coming semester.

Recommended field: X means eSchedule recommend you register in coming semester. All Courses recommended should be taking first. Number in (), number of courses which depend on this course. You should take the course with higher number in order to speed up degree’s requirement.

-  Course Field: If blue, it is offered in coming semester.

Not-senior Field: If is X, it means you are not senior. Your credits must be enough to take these courses.

-  Not_quatified: If is X, it means you are not qualified because you have not completed some prerequisite course. You must take these prerequisite courses before taking this course. See curriculum for detail.

Tip: According to this table, which subject has blue color and high number in recommended field is subject you should register in coming semester. Drag your mouse point in header of each column, the instruction will show.

Figure 6 : Incomplete course

5.  Registration

In the session field, there are two tables: Available and Registered. The Available table shows which subjects are opened in the coming semester; their schedules and seats remain for each group of subjects. The Registered table is list subject is selected. You can register subjects if you can (under max credit, according with personnel schedules, other subject …)

Figure 7: All open subjects in coming semester

a)  Structure of subject in eSchedule

Ø  Subject without lab

Figure 8: Structure of subject without lab

“Number of credit” of each subject will automatically count to Total Credits until this number get to max credit (in our school, normal semester is 24, summer semester is 12). When other students register on subject, “Seat remain” will count down until 0. In Figure 7 show that there are 50 seats remain on “Fundamental of Financial Management “class of Group 01, so in this situation student still can register. But if this number gets zero, students cannot register this class.

Figure 9: Total Credit

“Notation of time”: It can describe as notation of periods, 1 means Morning – starting at period 1, 2 mean Afternoon – starting at period 5. In Figure 9, 2-2 means this class study on Monday Afternoon

Start and end week: This notation represents for Start time and End time of this class.

Ø  Subject with lab

Figure 10: Structure of subject with lab

With some subjects including Theory and Lab, you will got the difference in their structures. In one theory class, it can be broken into more than 1 group of Lab because of the size of Lab rooms or the seat requirement corresponding with the subject.

For these reasons, the notation of Group is divided into 2 parts. The former is number which represent for Theory Class, the latter is Lab Class.

So the times of this class include two spells: one for theory, one for lab. In figure 5 theory of “Net-Centric Programming” class, group 01 study at Wednesday Afternoon and group 2 lab of this class study at Friday Morning.

Notation of Start and end week also become 2 of theory and lab, respective.

b)  How to register subjects


According to your curriculum, you can select any subjects that you want to study in coming semester.

When you choose a subject, Click to select it and click to drag it into your registered table. In available list, these subjects that match schedules with student’s registered table will be inactive (become dimmer when you use “Mozilla Firefox” or “Internet explore” newest version). If you use “Internet explores” in version 6 or 7, these subjects will not dimmer but a message box will show that “Schedule conflict” when you choose one of them and throw it to registration table.

If you want to remove selected subject, select it and click.

When your registered table reaches to 24 credits, all available subjects will be inactive.

Figure 11: Registration

After choosing and arranging your schedule, if you just want to save but still want to edit this schedule, Click “Save” Button. So you change your mind, log in again and edit your schedule until you feel conformtable.

The confusion in Registered table can be solved by visualize schedule, you can see your schedule in kind of Table time without any notation and very easy to understand your schedule.

Figure 12 : Time table

When you satisfy your registartion and do not want to change any more, click “Submit” button, your schedule is sent your advisor desk and editting the schedule is imposible. If you still want change your schedule, come to your advisor for help.

End of preriod of registration if you have not clicked “Submit” button, you registration will be empty.

Please check carefully your schedule before submit. A message box will show to warning you before submitting.

After registration phase

Following the Schedule registration progress, after you register, after one or two day your advisor will check your schedule, give you a note, approve… So, you must log in again to make sure that your schedule is approved or not (You advisor can reject, add subjects and take note for your schedule). Click”Print” button to print out your registration as evidence. See Figure “Proof” below.

Figure 13: Your temporary schedule

6.  Registration progress

Figure 14: Schedule for Registration progress schedule in 1 and 2 semester

Figure 15: Registration progress in summer semester

Release dates : 19/08/2011