Use this template to create CIGNAUniversity documents.

Overview / A standard diploma template is available for all courses in the LMS. The diploma is attached at the domain level and available for all learners to generate.
In some cases, CIGNAUniversity may require a custom diploma for a course or a third party vendor providing the course may have a custom diploma to provide to learners. The LMS can accommodate a custom diploma at the course level. The learner will be able to generate and print the custom diploma via the LMS.
Development Process / If a custom diploma is needed, it should be requested as part of the HLS. The custom diploma will be created in HTML format as part of the development deliverables. When the new course is loaded into the LMS, the custom diploma is indicated on the New Course LMS Form Request.
Pat Colandrea will review and approval all custom diplomas created to ensure the diploma meets CIGNAUniversity’s standards and branding.
Note: CIGNAUniversity will be developing Diploma Templates in the later half of 2009 as part of the Template project.
Specifications / Custom diplomas need to be created in HTML format (only).
A diplomat template is an HTML file names “index.htm”, or a group of HTML files, image files, and style sheets referenced in a file named “index.html”. The necessary files should be included in a .zip file.
The diploma template can access activity details and user information by include any of these placeholders that will populate data from the LMS to the diploma:
The template should be formatted for optimal display when printed at standard 8.5 X 11 (letter size) paper in either landscape or portrait layout.
Caution: Be careful of the file size. Ensure that the graphics aren’t too rich/large.
When the new course is loaded into the LMS via the LMS Form Tool – New ILT/WBT Course, the CUSTOM DIPLOMA field is defaulted to NO. The requestor will need to change this field to YES.
Need help? Please contact the CIGNA University Help Desk at 1-866-228-1920 or if you need help or have questions about these activities.

Rev. 6/22/09 CIGNAUniversity
Confidential property of CIGNA. Do not duplicate or distribute. All examples and fact patterns used herein are fictitious.

©Copyright 2009 by CIGNA.