Use this checklist to evaluate the assessment tool/s and process/es in terms of validity, reliability, flexibility and fairness. If validating a series of instruments/tools, please use the “comments” section to identify any specific component requiring attention.
Unit of competency:
Assessor/RTO details:
Validator:Date of validation:
1. VALIDITY / Yes/No / Commentsa. The assessment task/s are based on realistic workplace activities and contexts.
b.The evidence relates directly to the units of competence, or learning outcomes, being assessed.
c. The instrument/s will assess the candidate’s ability to meet the level of performance required by the unit(s) of competency.
d. The assessment task/s have been designed to support holistic and integrated assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
e. More than one task and source of evidence is used as the basis for judgement, with evidence drawn from a variety of performances over time where practical.
f. Different sources of evidence of knowledge and skills that underpin the unit of competency will be considered in the assessment.
g. The purpose, boundaries and limitations of the interpretations of evidence have been clearly identified.
h. The method/s and instrument/s selected are appropriate for the assessment system specified by industry (where relevant).
i. Where practical, the method/s and process/es for assessment have been validated by another person with expertise in the competency/ies being assessed.
General comments on validity:
2. RELIABILITY / Yes/No / Commentsa. Critical elements have been identified and sampling used to ensure that the most important aspects are assessed.
b. Assessment exemplars and checklists have been prepared for use by assessors.
c. Guides for observing and recording evidence are based on units of competence and evidence requirements.
d. Clear guidelines are available to ensure that assessors make consistent decisions over time and with different candidates.
e. Where multiple assessors are involved in conducting parallel assessment events, the strategies and approach are consistent.
f. Consistent instructions to candidate/s and procedures for undertaking the assessment are available to all assessors.
g. Where work samples are to be used as evidence, assessors have specific guidelines on requirements including information about ensuring authenticity and currency of the evidence.
h. Where a unit or units of competency are to be assessed in different situations, they are comparable.
i. The assessment instrument/s and tool/s is current and aligned to AQTF standards and requirements for competency based assessment.
j. The RTO (and/or individual assessor/s) take part in moderation process/es.
General comments on reliability:
3. FLEXIBILITY / Yes/No / Commentsa. The assessment approach can be adapted to meet the needs of all candidates, workplaces and/or stakeholders.
b. Wherever practical and appropriate, assessment is negotiated and agreed between the assessor and the candidate.
c. The assessment process allows for candidates to have their existing skills, knowledge and abilities recognised towards demonstration of competency.
d. The assessment strategy adequately covers both on and off the job components of the training.
e. The assessment strategy is suitable for use in a range of delivery contexts including face-to-face and distance assessment, and online/remote. OR…
f. The assessment strategy is able to be modified for use in a range of delivery contexts as per (e) above.
g. The assessor/s provides appropriate and relevant information to the candidate/s to assist him/her with the assessment process.
h. The RTO has policies, procedures, guidelines and standards in place to ensure that the assessment process is fair and equitable to all candidates.
i. The RTO has policies, procedures, guidelines and standards in place to support assessors in the consistent application of reasonable adjustment/s where required.
General comments on flexibility:
4. FAIRNESS / Yes/No / Commentsa. Candidates are given clear and timely information on assessment and what is required.
b. Information provided to candidate/s covers:
- the assessment method/s,
- assessment procedure/s,
- the criteria against which they are being assessed,
- when and how they will receive feedback, and
- the appeals process.
c. The candidate/s is included in discussion/s on the choice of assessment method/s and timing.
d. The candidate/s is made aware of the responsibilities with regard to assessment.
e. The assessment strategy chosen caters for and supports the language, literacy and numeracy needs of all candidates.
f. The assessment strategy, where possible, supports and provides for a variety of learning styles.
g. Special needs (eg geographical, financial, social) of the candidate/s have been considered in the development and conduct of the assessment strategy.
h. Reasonable adjustment can be made to the assessment strategy to ensure equity for the candidate/s, while maintaining the integrity of the outcomes.
i. Opportunities for feedback and review of all aspects will be provided to candidates.
j. The RTO has a clearly documented appeals process that is provided to the candidate/s prior to assessment.
General comments about fairness:
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