US History – HonorsMr. Stamcoff

Unit 7 (Ch. 20-23): Boom Times to Hard Times (1920-1938)

Total = 80 pts

Define the following terms – 1 pt each (Total = 43pts)



Harlem Renaissance







Teapot Dome scandal

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Installment plan

Gross National Product (GNP)

Assembly line

Welfare capitalism


Buying on margin

Dow Jones Industrial Average

Black Tuesday

Great Crash

Business cycle

Great Depression


Dust Bowl

Penny auction

Hawley-Smoot tariff

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

Bonus Army

New Deal

Hundred days

Public works program

Civilian Conservation Corps


Agricultural Adjustment

Administration (AAA)

TennesseeValley Authority


Second New Deal

Wagner Act

Closed shop

Social Security system




National debt


Study Questions – 2 pts each (Total = 32 pts)

Ch. 20

1)How did women’s roles change during the 1920s?

2)What was the Lost Generation? What trends in society did they find troubling?

3)What cultural conflicts did Prohibition highlight?

4)Describe the racial conflicts experienced in the 1920s.

Ch. 21

5)What events of 1919 caused the Red Scare? How did the government respond?

6)How did a decade of Republican government affect the economy?

7)Evaluate welfare capitalism from the point of view of (a) a factory worker, (b) a labor union leader, and (c) a factory owner.

8)Identify the domestic issues that led to passage of immigration legislation in the 1920s. Why were immigration quotas favored? What was the impact of the legislation?

Ch. 22

9)How did overspeculation in the stock market endanger the economy?

10)Why did the Great Depression in the United States affect countries worldwide?

11)Why were farm families hit particularly hard by the Depression?

12)Compare and contrast Hoover’s strategy for ending the Great Depression with Roosevelt’s?

Ch. 23

13)How did the National Recovery Act aim to help businesses?

14)Why did President Roosevelt attempt to “pack” the Supreme Court?

15)Do you think that the New Deal was a success or a failure? Explain, citing information from the chapter.

16)Compare the viewpoints of supporters and critics of the New Deal. Describe the beliefs and values that influenced the opinions of each side.