/ Truancy Sweeps - A targeted truancy sweep took place in Bulwell last week as part of Nottingham City Council’s continued work to improve school attendance. Teams of education welfare officers, supported by Nottinghamshire Police, spent three hours walking the streets and stopping any children of school-age who were not in lessons. A total of 17 youngsters, some with a parent present, were spoken to and had their details taken for checking. There are plans to extend the sweeps to other areas of the city later in the academic year.
Click here to read more about the truancy sweeps

Urgent and important stories...!

Schools Finance Support Update - The Schools Finance Support team would like to remind school business mangers that theSeptember REC1 supporting documents are due on Tuesday 10th October 2017. For more information please visit:

Important but not urgent stories...!

Cricket TrainingOpportunity for Nottingham City Children - The Marylebone Cricket Club Foundation (MCCF) would like to invite your school to take part inthe cricket-coaching programme for exceptional young athletes from state schools within the Nottingham City area. All coaching is provided free of charge to ensure that state-educated pupils are offered the same opportunities to play cricket to a high standard as their peers in independent schools. For more information and to apply please visit:
Children’s Commissioner launches E-Safety guide - The guide offers advice on helping children understand the importance of privacy settings on social media. To read the full article please visit:
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant Training -The Educational Psychology Service are pleased to announce that ELSA training will be running again this academic year andthe next course will be starting in the summer term.For more information please visit: To reserve a place please contact: .
Ofsted Newsletter - To read the most recent Ofsted newsletter, please visit:
DfE Update: Statistics for key stage 1 - Statistics on national curriculum assessments at key stage 1 and phonics screening checkresults. To read the information please visit:
Free sensory integration awareness training -Nottingham City Council sensory pilot occupational therapist will be providing somefree sensory integration awareness training. The training will look at basic sensory knowledge, the different types of sensory difficulties and how they can present and basic sensory techniques. The training will take place on Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th October 2017. For more information and to reserve a place please visit:
Grant opportunity: Local School Nature Grants Scheme - Learning through Landscapes has announced that the next deadline for schools to apply to the Local School Nature Grant Scheme is the 20th October 2017. The scheme offers schools the opportunity to apply for up to £500 worth of equipment from the product catalogue on the Learning through Landscapes website to help schools undertake environmental improvements. To apply, please visit:
DfE Update: Phonics screening checkand key stage 1 assessments - Provisional information on the 2017 phonics screening check and assessments at key stage 1, including breakdowns by pupilcharacteristics. To read the update, please visit:
NNSTCtraining partnership with Early Excellence - Nottingham Nursery School are working in partnership with Early Excellence to offer a series of Training Days this Autumn term. These workshops are designed for Heads and a range of practitioners across EYFS and KS1 and aredesigned to inspire, challenge and inform practice and provision and improve outcomes for children. For course overviews and booking information please visit: further details please visit:
FGM Training for Primary, Secondary and Special School Staff - Find out more about your professional responsibilities and the role of schools in working to help end FGM.This training course on the 9th of November is provided by the City PSHE Advisory Service in partnership with Mojatu and the CountyTackling Emerging Threats to Children Team. For more information please visit:
Teacher Training Information Events- Do you know somebody considering a career in teaching? Teach Notts are offering information events with staff on hand to offer helpful advice about applying, give an insight into the training programmes and the various sources of funding that are available. For dates and times please visit:
Flu Vaccinations for Staff- This year the Employee Wellbeing team are able to provide vouchers which can be exchanged for the flu vaccines at a number of pharmacies for £7.50or vaccinations to be administered at Loxley House for £8.00 – to apply please complete the form: it to: you have any queries, please contact the Employee Wellbeing Team on 0115 8762953.
Schools Grant Writing Service – Education Services Nottingham have partnered with School Business Partner to give Nottingham city schools and academies a discounted rate for bid writing and research to support you with your fundraising. For more information please visit:
Nottingham ASBM is now ABLE– Nottingham Association of School BusinessManagementhas rebranded as ABLE (Association of Business Leaders in Education) and is now accepting membership applications for the 2017/18 academic year. ABLE is open to all SBMs, Office Managers, Site Managers, HR and Finance staff in schools, academies or MATs.Formore informationplease visit: contact Frances Rowland:
ABLE Autumn Conference -Registration for the ABLE Autumn Conference is now open and free to members. This term’s theme is 'Squeezing the Pounds' which is in line with current budget pressures. Workshops include GDPR and Effective Risk Management in Education.Registration ends on 10th October 2017.To registerplease visit:
NSPCC Guidance: Preventing Domestic Abuse - Domestic abuse can seriously harm children and young people. Witnessing domestic abuse is child abuse, and teenagers can suffer domestic abuse in their relationships.NSPCCguidance on indicators and how toprotect childrencan be found here:
High Level Needs Funding Update - At this time of year school SENCo’s will beconsidering their HLN funding requests for the children with special educational needs for whom they require additional funding.A free information event to go through the new changes to the HLN process for children in the EYFS will be held on 19th October 2017.To accessHLN paperwork or to attend the event, please visit:
SMILE Musical Performances in Nottingham Libraries for 3-5 year olds–A delightful musical adventure for children and their families is coming to Nottingham Libraries this October. Told through magical, theatrical chamber music and performed by exceptional musicians, Smile takes the audience on a delightful musical adventure.To book tickets or for more information please visit:
School Admissions:guidance for schools - The school admissions team have provided an update for schools and parents regarding this year's application deadlines. To read the update please visit:
Book your Free RSPB Schools Outreach Session - Since the start of the RSPB’s Schools Outreach Project, 10,000 Nottingham pupils have benefitted fromfree hands-on RSPB Schools Outreach sessions in their school grounds, enabling them to explore habitats, connect with nature and learn about wildlife on their doorstep.If you would like to book a session for this school year, the RSPB’s Schools Outreach Officer, Rosalind Allen, would be pleased to hear from you. For more information please visit:
Free Diabetes Training- Training dates are available for staff to attend to gain awareness, knowledge and skills around managing Type 1 diabetes.The free training willhelp staff to ensure those with the conditionare managing their diabetes safely and effectively allowing them to achieve their full academic potential. For more information, please visit:
Nottingham City SEND Strategy:Consultation meeting for all schools - The date of this meeting has now been changed to Tuesday 14th November. All Schools are invited to send two representatives to a consultation meeting on Tuesday 14th November, to inform the development of the Nottingham City SEND Strategy. This session will update participants about the national and local context and provide an opportunity for senior leaders to contribute to the strategic decision making process. Further details about the event will be circulated in September.
Safer Recruitment Courses - From September 2017, the HR Advisory team will be running a half-day Safer Recruitment course. This course has been designed to meet the requirements of the School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 to ensure that at least one person on any appointment panel has undertaken safer recruitment training. It will cover your legal duties and vigilance to keep children safe at all stages of the recruitment process, warning signs, how to interview and test applicants, pre-employment checks and how to address concerns. To book please email delegate(s) name, job title, school, email and phone details and first and second preferred dates to:
Young Black Achievers' Awards 2017 - Nottingham City Council's Equality and Community Relations Team alongside IDEAL are organising the Young Black Achievers' Awards. Children/young people of African, African-Caribbean and Black Mixed Heritage between the ages of 5 and 18 years who live in Nottingham City or are studying in Nottingham City schools/academies are eligible for nomination. For more information on the awards please visit:

Stories you might find interesting...!

DfE Update: A level and other 16-18 results: 2016 to 2017 - Provisional A level and other results for 16- to 18-year olds at the end of their finalyear. To read the information, please visit:
DfE Update: Provisional GCSE and equivalent results in England: 2016 to 2017 - Provisional statistics on the achievements of young people at the end of key stage 4 inEngland. To read the information, please visit:
DfE Update: Provisional destinations: key stage 4 and 5 pupils, 2015 to 2016 - Provisional sustained education, employment and training destinations of key stage 4 and key stage 5 students in 2015 to2016. To read the information, please visit:
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