Upton Warren Sailing Club
Annual General Meeting Tuesday 1st March 2016
17 Members were welcomed by the Commodore,
1] Apologies for Absence were received from:
Mary Starkey, David Scrivens, Penny Vere, Dave Giles and Edward Rose..
2] Minutes of the AGM of 3rd March 2015 had been circulated prior to the Meeting and were approved by the Members present.
3] No Matters arising from these Minutes:
4]Officers' Reports:
i] Commodore:
2015 Was a great year for Sailing, we’ve seen lots of changes here with Aztec investing in facilities and equipment. We’ve had good winds and have had some good racing. The turnout for the regatta was particularly encouraging, great to see lots of boats out and some close friendly competition.
The Sailing Club was originally set up as pool of instructors for the sailing centre– looking through the membership list we have a good proportion of our membership with Instructor or Assistant instructor qualifications, a good healthy resource that Aztec can call on. Testament to this we’ve had a successful co-operation and have provided a lot of assistance throughout the year. The summer disability groups during the week and Friday evenings have been particularly successful, thanks to all those involved in that who made that possible.
As a club we’ve got a lot of people who put their time in to make everything happen. I’d like to again mention, Pete Webby, he’s received RYA recognition for his services to sailing over many years. He’s continued to attend committee meetings to support us all, a very deserving winner of the services to the club award this year. Looking along the committee, including those who are unable to attend this evening, there are many, many years of service here. I’d like to give my personal thanks as a member, for all that they do.
We’ve spent a significant amount of our time as a committee this year thinking about our Club development plan, which we’ll go through later – further to that, both Mary and John have attended RYA club development event and seminars in the region. A lot of the content is about getting the best return from the club’s Push the Boat out day, this being a great opportunity to market ourselves. This year we’ve also held a Club open day, following on from the Court Leet stall we had in Bromsgrove High Street. It was great to meet people and enthuse about sailing to try to drum up some interest.
I’m immensely proud of our club, I have very much enjoyed the challenge this first year as Commodore, and look forward to some of the plans we’ve talked about coming into fruition.
i)Vice Commodore,s Report.
The year went well with the Duty bookings without any major hitches. Thanks go to the staff of Aztec who covered the Friday evening duties and made life a little easier for the members.
And thanks go to all those who volunteered to help out on the Friday evenings with the "extra needs sailing", it was much appreciated by Debbie and James. I will be standing down as Vice Commodore for next season so I wish whoever takes it over, good luck. I will be available to help with the transition. Happy sailing for the next season.
iii)Treasurer’s Report
A solid year financially. Increased revenues in the year, mainly in Boat Park and membership fees. The boat park revenues we pass straight to Aztec, so we’ve added more to their coffers this year than last.
We have again made a small loss, I’ve taken out the effect of the benches purchased as the £495 spent on those is investment for years to come. So with that taken into account we’ve improved £200 on last year.
On the balance sheet the bank account is down at the end of this year compared to last, this is due to the Aztec cheque having cleared out of the account this year, where it was an unpresented item at 2014 year end.
iv)Social Secretaries report for year 2015/16.
There have been a number of events held throughout the passing year.
As the club’s membership numbers have shrunk, so too, this has reflected with lesser members attending events. Being aware that people will have their own reasons for not attending.
As most of you know the main purpose of social events held at the Centre during winter months,
is for the purpose too keep in contact with the fellow members of the Sailing Club.
With just a low turnout of members and friends attending Socials, it gives me the feeling of
“Is it worth the effort”.
With low membership numbers, it is unaffordable to pay Guest speakers fees.
The purpose of holding a raffle “0ne pound per ticket, per person” is to cover the cost of a
“Gift of appreciation” by those attending.
I have frequently asked for speakers from the membership. We have all had rich and varied lives with interests that we could share. Wishing to thank those who do so.
Events held through year 2015/16.
May, was Push the boat out day. Making a good club activity, event.
May to September.
The Friday evening sessions are enjoyed by many, not being seen as just another duty to be done.
October. No event.
November. Event cancelled.
The Christmas party held at the home of Mary and Roy Starkey, which was enjoyed very much by those who attended.
The buffet, with good tasty foods prepared by members, was enjoyed.
With drinks to lubricate the mind.
The quiz with much thought and design, put together by Roy.
With brain teasers, was challenging, though much fun.
Greatly appreciated by attending members. With thanks to both Roy and Mary for their shared hospitality.
Some of you are missing out on a good party.
January, heralding in 2016.
A Skittles evening with Supper, was held at the Legion pub, Droitwich.
A very well attended occasion, being greatly enjoyed by all, even though it was a chilly room.
It encourages me to book the event again, January 2017.
Sailing Tack Ticks. Presented by Alistair of Aztec.
A fascinating lecture and demonstration, all good points to be taken on board.
Only eleven members attending.
Thanks to all members who looked after Social Activities during my absence, Many members buy milk etc., produce a receipt and I will refund you.
May I also ask members to keep Classroom 2 tidy during our sessions, keep centre tables and chairs clear of kit and bags.
I have also provided vermin proof boxes for our supplies and 4 insulated mugs for Officers.
Please clean and put away after use. And could Duty Officers ask their Assistants to make sure the kitchen is tidy and our supplied put away at the end of a session. Thank you all.
v)Membership Secretary Report 2016
Missing the AGM is becoming a habit; I just hope I am enjoying blue skies and crisp snow in Aviemore when this is read out.
We have been pleased to welcome some new members this year including 3 adults and 2 juniors who joined in the last two months and who have yet to sail with us. As ever we have also had to say goodbye to past friends and as of today our membership is 46 adults and 24 juniors (this compares to 41 adults and 27 juniors at the end of last year).
The boat park remains undersubscribed so now is a good time to apply for a space for that second boat.
Once again we have had some members support the Centre by contributing to far more sessions than the 4 required whilst a few other members are well short in their Centre duties. This costs the Centre, as our time usually saves staffing costs. Several of us have learnt to sail the cruisers and met some wonderfully enthusiastic youngsters, who just enjoy being out there on the water, messing about in boats.
Thank you to all members who have already sent in their membership forms for the coming season.
vi)Sailing Secretary
Towards the end of the year it became apparent that there were some programmatical issues with the race recording software. Sailwave is the free issue default alternative used by many clubs but there was a prevailing opinion that it would not work for the UW way of operating. However, after some research and trialling, the author of Sailwave, Mick Quickfall and I all agree that it is capable of fulfilling our needs. While it is possible we’ll find a pitfall, the current thought is it can be operated in much the same way as we are used to. The Winter Sailing programme has been done on Sailwave and is on the website.
I propose we adopt Sailwave
If the attendees agree then there will obviously be a period of training until all Race Officers are proficient but during this ramp up I will be happy to do the entries. Please just make sure all results are clearly recorded, annotated where necessary and filed in the correct draw in the club cupboard.
It was unanimously agreed that the club should use Sailwave, and that an evening session to introduce it to members would be arranged.
vii) Dave Scrivens
Not many enquiries over the year from new members. Most enquiries were for sailing courses which I told them they should contact Alistair for.
There may be some interest in sailing from Parkinson people but I am waiting for more information from Alistair.
viii)John Bowen – Child protection
To our younger Members and their parents
Here at Upton Warren Sailing Club we feel strongly that our younger Members are our future and that, as a Club, we do everything to ensure that they can take a full part in all our activities in a safe and comfortable environment.
I am pleased to report that I have no problems to report this year, but please do not think we as a club are being complacent – the subject of child protection is as important as ever – remember, our younger members are our future. The understanding of child protection and safeguarding requirements is now an integral part of the RYA's training schemes and over the past year the RYA has introduced further training in child protection for Instructors and club Child Protection Officers.
To this end, I would ask any of our younger Members who feels uncomfortable about any aspect at all of their Club activity to come and have a word with me – I can’t guarantee confidentiality [as I am duty bound to report serious matters to the Centre Child Protection Officer or other appropriate person within Worcestershire County Council] but I can offer you the certainty that you will be taken seriously and your concerns addressed in a proper manner.
For parents, the RYA has produced an excellent ‘Guide to Child Welfare’ which is available on the RYA website and in the Committee Cupboard.
ix) Dave Holt – Bosun
Have not been necessary to do many repairs to Club Boats this year as they have not been used very much.
5)Head of Centre's Report:
Alistair presented his report verbally as follows:
Aztec Upton Warren Report
We are now coming towards the end of the second year as Aztec Adventure Ltd. The business is continuing to evolve, adding activities to the range, this year a create stack and stand up paddle boarding. We have also offered new services in the form of the surf shack hire centre, where you can hire basic craft to take out on the lake, or undertake an induction to take out equipment that requires more skill, or an induction to launch your own craft.
The work on the site has continued with the refurbishment on the main building continuing, both inside and out. There is still a little bit to do, but we are now a lot further along. The bunk house has received a new lick of pink paint and classroom one has almost been completely refurbished, with only the floor to go. We are also trying to come up with new names for classroom 1 & 2 that sound less classroomy.
The staff at the centre have been changing too, with James and Debz leaving to work at Riversides School and John due to retire at the end of this month. We are busily working to try and put a new staff team in place.
Over the winter we have also been working on new publicity for the coming season and have put new events into our programme, starting with the Easter Egg Hunt taking place over the Easter Holidays, then the open day that will include Push The Boat Out Day on 14th May. We also have a Halloween event and a Christmas Fair scheduled. We have learnt from last year with Push The Boat Out Day and scheduled some taster sessions to follow as well as Start Sailing Courses.
The success which was the Friday evening with disability sailing and UWSC combining is set to be repeated this year, and hope fully we will again have the funding from Sports Partnership Hereford & Worcester to run the special needs schools disability sailing during the summer term culminating in the Schools Games. We are also applying to get funding from Wychavon District Council to run a Start Sailing Course and a Basic Skills Sailing Course. We will be looking for volunteers to help us with these.
Another event to put into you diary is the National Schools Sailing Association Topper Team Racing Event which is taking place here on 8th & 9th October
We wish you all a good season and look forward to working with you.
6] Election of Officers and Committee;
Nominations and Secondings were received for the posts as follows:
Position Name Nominated by Seconded by
Commodore Ian Chapman Marian Lines John Bowen
Vice Commodore no nominations
Hon Secretary Marian Lines Mary Starkey John Bowen
Treasurer Ian Chapman Marian Lines John Bowen
Membership Sec Mary Starkey Marian Lines John Bowen
Sailing Secretary Guy Pearson IanChapman Geoff Briscoe
Bo'sun Dave Holt – unofficially
Social Secretary Geof Briscoe Freda Bowen John Bowen
Committee Member Dave Scrivens Mary Starkey John Bowen
Committee Member John Bowen Marian Lines Ian Chapman
Junior Representative Edward Rose Elliot Rose Geoff Briscoe
Junior Representative Joe Cairns Elliot Rose Steve Loudon
There being no other candidates, it was proposed [Jack Francis] and Seconded [Maurice Troman] that the new Committee be elected enbloc, This was unanimously approved by the Meeting. .
7] Election of Auditor:
Gill Ansfield was proposed by Marian Lines, Seconded by Jack Francis, and unanimously approved by the Meeting.
8]New Membership Category as set out in the Development Plan was approved unanimously.
Members were also informed that children under 12 could be considered individually by the Committee for membership if their ability was Stage3 Junior. We also still have “Family Membership” status, but would confirm this with the membership Secretary./
9] Any Other Business: Pete Webby asked if the club was interested in purchasing a “Race Timer”, cost about £100-200, this would help with the starting and finishing of races. Pete asked to look into it and report back.
Date of next AGM: 7th March 2017
Date of next Committee Meeting: Tues 5h April 2016, after the racing..
Signed:...... Commodore. Date......
The meeting was followed by partaking of Cheese and Wine supplied by Geoff Briscoe, which was very much appreciated and enjoyed.
John Bowen and Ian Chapman, went through the Development Plan with everyone to explain what was involved and how it should be a tool used by the Committee and include members as well.