Upper School Newsletter 1
Academic Year 2014-2015
Welcome back to the new academic year!! We hope you have all had an enjoyable and restful holiday and are ready to particpate fully in our busy and exciting year.....
Below are our aims for your children and a few reminders for all parents to ensure the smooth running of our school:-
1. For your children to progress and learn in a caring, stimulating and challenging environment.
2. Your children will be encouraged to explore and develop their abilities and talents in a full range of subjects and extra-curricular activities.
3. To develop a partnership between our families and school which is essential to promote learning, good behaviour and discipline.
4.To increase your child’s independence and confidence in all areas of school life.
1.School hours – are 8am until 3.30pm, please don’t bring your children in late or take them home early as this can cause your children to stress and worry.
2.Contacting the school – if your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please contact the school office on 0392 650 2220 Ext 1407 and Miss Serif will let your child’s class teacher know. On return to school, please send in a letter addressed to your child’s class teacher explaining the absence. If your child is off school for 3 days or more, you will need to obtain a sick note from your doctor.
3.Uniform – this an essential part of school life as it ensures all students are equal, it also gives them a sense of belonging and security.
Girls – red lacoste shirt, shorts/skirt with short white ankle socks & black shoes or trainers (summer) – navy or white tights (winter)
Boys – red lacoste shirt, navy blue trousers (navy blue tailored shorts may be worn in the summer months), black shoes or trainers
PE Kit is only for PE – students will change at the appropriate time during school in preparation for their lesson. Their PE kit should remain in school from Monday – Friday in case a change of clothes is needed. Please ensure there are a spare pair of knickers/pants in their PE bag for students in Reception and Year 1.
School bags – please do not send your children to school with wheely bags as they do not fit on our pegs and please ensure everything is labelled.
4.Diaries – will be sent home on a daily basis. Homework, letters and information from the class teacher will be recorded in the diaries. Please check the diary each night and sign it so we know you have received the information.
Please use the diary to pass on important information to your child’s class teacher e.g. not to go on service or they are going with a friend’s mother
5.Phonics workshop for Parents – in order to ensure that we can all work together in fully supporting our children, we will be offering a phonics workshop for our parents. This will take place on Thursday 25th September at 4pm, please let your child’s class teacher know via the diary if you would like to take part.
6.Homework Club – this will commence from Monday 22nd September and will run from 3.30-4pm every day (there is no charge for this club). Please inform your child’s class teacher via the diary which days your child will be attending
7.Clubs – these will commence from Tuesday 7th October and a clubs list will be issued during the first week of school, these will then be distributed at the end of each month. Please ensure that the form and money are sent in an envelope and handed to your child’s class teacher.
8.Snacks and drinks – please provide your child with a drinking bottle which they can re-fill at school during the day.
8.Concerns or issues – any concern you may have regarding your child’s education, social or behavioural issues should always in the first instance be discussed with your child’s class teacher. Following this you should contact Lynda Garton (Upper School Leader) for further advice or assistance. Finally, of course, via an appointment with the school secretary I am always very happy to meet with any parent who has concerns or worries.
In order to ensure that we are all working together to fully support and develop your children, we ask that you read and sign the document below and return it to your child’s class teacher by Monday 22nd September where they will be kept in your child’s portfolio.
As a parent I shall.....
- Ensure that my child attends school regularly, on time and in the correct uniform with all their necessary equipment
- İnform the school of any concerns or problems that may affect my child’s work or behaviour
- Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress
- Support my child with their home learning and encourage their participation in after-school clubs
As a pupil I shall......
- Bring all the equipment I need
- Treat other people’s property with care
- Wear my school uniform
- Respect everyone
- Do the best I can at all times
- Follow the class rules
As a school we shall......
- Create a happy,secure and caring environment for your child
- Provide a broad and balanced currciulum
- Aim to achieve high standards of work and behaviour
- Keep you informed of your child’s progress
- Be welcoming and offer open communication at all times
Signature(s)______Mrs. P. A. Branch – Principal.