Paper BSO 3/2016
To: / BSO BoardFrom: / Director of Customer Care & Performance
Subject: / Corporate Balanced Scorecard
Status: / For Noting
Date of Meeting: / 28January 2016
The BSO Board approved, in September 2010, the approach and initial content of the Corporate Balanced Scorecard as the vehicle to present corporate performance information (Paper BSO 54/2010 refers).
Updates and Indicators RAG Rated Red
At the Board meeting in May 2014, it was agreed that a narrative should be included with regard to those indicators RAG-rated RED for the month under consideration.
Indicators RAG Rated Red for the month of November 2015
1P12–Accounts Receivable - % of Invoices raised “in month” before Close Down (target - <13%). RAG-rated RED at 20.4% for November 2015 and 1P13 – Accounts Receivable – Debt Excluding HSCNI - % of 90 Day /Total Balance (target - 31%). RAG –rated RED at 49.6% for November 2015.
Please see comment for December 2015.
Indicators RAG Rated Red for the month of December 2015
C6 - Available Legal Services Solicitor Time Used (Target 90% - Reported Quarterly) - RAG rated RED at 99.6% for December 2015. This is reflective of the demand for Legal Services which has been well documented and reported.
C7- Equality Consultancy Days delivered per person (target- 45 days per quarter)RAG- rated RED at 35.89 days for December 2015. This was due to a combination of a vacancy and planned and unforeseen absence within the department.
IP3- 185 chargeable audit days per Auditor (target- 15.5 days per month) RAG rated RED at 13.2 days for December 2015. This is below target due to annual leave taken by staff over the Christmas period.
IP9- % completed on Target Actions within Annual Business Plan (target 100%) As the target is 100%, this isRAG rated RED at 93.1%. At the end of the 3rd quarter of 2015/16, 91.4% of the actions within the Business Plan were reported as Blue/Green, 5.2% of actions were reported as Amber, 3.4% of actions were reported as Red. Further detail is available in the Summary Exception Report on Performance, Period Ending December 2015.
1P12 – Accounts Receivable - % of Invoices raised “in month” before Close Down (target - <13%). RAG-rated RED at 20.1% for December 2015 and 1P13 – Accounts Receivable – Debt Excluding HSCNI - % of 90 Day /Total Balance (target - 31%). RAG –rated RED at 41.5% for December 2015
Performance targets in for the quarter for BSO 2015 on 90 day debt, while not having been met in the month, should as forecasted, remain below target for year end. The main reason for the higher percentage is due to a higher ratio of 90 day debt when compared to overall debt. There has been a significant reduction in overall debt. While there has been slower progress in relation to 90 day debt, this is mostly due to one HSCNI customer who has been in discussion with BSO senior management regarding SLA issues. However the level of 90 day debt is currently at its lowest since the inception of Accounts Receivable Shared Services. This is borne out in the reducing invoice numbers (less current) being reported in the monthly volumetric.
Active progress through the Shared Services Accounts Receivable (SSAR) matrix is reducing the average debtor days and additional work/ investigation continues on outstanding invoices.
The Board is asked to note the information contained within the Corporate Balanced Scorecardfor the months of November and December2015.
Date:22 January 2016